It’s been just over two years since Capcom launched Monster Hunter World, and already the cosplay community is taking to the streets to prove who can pull off the better design. Of course, with Monster Hunter World, or any in the series for that matter, the possibilities are almost endless when it comes down to shifting armor and weapons. That’s why hundreds of thousands of artists across the globe have taken to the franchise in an attempt to explore the bulky catalog of attires.

Thanks to the beauty of character creation, cosplayers are left with the freedom to dress as they please and still represent the game. But, for many ambitious goers, it’s the wild and wonderful featured characters that make the challenge something worth taking. And it’s these specific artists who we’d like to appreciate for a moment.

Here are ten amazing Monster Hunter World cosplays.

10 Rathian Armor

Starting off overwhelmingly strong with the Rathian Armor beautifully presented by Lighting Cosplay, photographer “eaoAndy” captures the essence of the outlandish warrior with ease. But, it isn’t just the ability to frame the posture of the character, but the monstrous task of crafting the armor itself.

Monster Hunter World has never been shy to flaunt its mammoth-sized weapons. But for many daring cosplayers, of course, the bigger the sword, the better the reaction. And for Lighting Cosplay, it’s almost impossible to ignore the elephant in the room. That elephant, of course, being the enormous Rathian sword resting gently beside her commanding presence.

9 Odogaron Armor

The sunburst kiss that radiates off of the Odogaron Armor is a perfect addition to the woodland setting here. Thanks to Sayuri, the incredibly talented cosplayer who has tackled far more than the average Monster Hunter World fan, we’re able to immerse with the warrior herself.

From the fascinating attention to detail of the sword to the feathers and spikes of the armor, Sayuri breathes large amounts of life into the iconic and extremely intricate design that many have struggled to replicate. The Odogaron set is considered to be one of the toughest to pull off in any respect, but Sayuri proves countless doubters otherwise.

8 Nergigante Armor

Over the course of three long months, cosplayer Kamui crafted the picture-perfect portrait of the Nergigante armor set from Monster Hunter World. That’s three months of ironing over a thousand scales, sculpting more than eight-hundred spikes, and shaping the legendary Nergigante Dual blades. Of course, anybody would be quick to applaud the devotion invested in a project so delicate.

Kamui has shared her fantastic cosplay work with fans for many years, each time outdoing herself by jaw-dropping lengths. But, for Monster Hunter World, a new high has been established. Now, as a new year unfolds for the artist, the challenge of raising the bar has been set, and we’re all intrigued to see what emerges from the studio.

7 Radobaan

If there’s anyone who deserves a cabinet filled to the brim with cosplay trophies – it’s Zachary Weitzel. To be fair, it would be an insult not to reward the inspiring amounts of effort put into the creation of the gigantic Brute Wyvern. The attention to detail is one thing. But, it’s the colossal task of waltzing about in the bulky armor that’s making us smile.

Again, the giant monster from the series is not exactly the easiest to copy and bring to life. Radobaan is armed with more unique nooks and crannies that many seem to miss on the first encounter. But, thanks to Zachary Weitzel’s intense research into the monster, we’re able to see each touch with ease.

6 Rathalos Armor

Believe it or not – this is entirely real. Ellothin Cosplay truly managed to knock it out of the park with this almost unbelievable Rathalos armor, that’s for sure.

Built from an endless amount of EVA foam, cosplayer Ellothin was able to craft the most realistic version of “The King of the Skies” we’ve ever seen. Plus, by using an LED strip 5050 12V, Ellothin was also able to build a light-up sword that echoes fire and embers. Now that’s something that any cosplayer can seriously take notes from. Now all this Ellothin has to do is learn how to breathe fire.

5 Kulve Taroth Armor

Moving on to one of the rarer sets of armor from Monster Hunter World, Ellie Amber represents the sparkling pieces found only from the mystical Kulve Taroth deep within the Caverns of El Dorado. Of course, with the more ambitious boss battles, the more wondrous and shiny the armor, the better. With the collective pieces taken from the shards of the Elder Dragon, however, players are able to bring elegance to the outfit and still be the fiercest creature in the room.

Ellie Amber combines loose platinum locks with dazzling gold armor, both of which compliment the other tremendously in order to create the Beta version every artist wants. Plus, with the dual blades equipped, the Kulve Taroth set is most definitely complete and immediately a showstopper at any cosplay event.

4 Rathalos Beta Armor

One cosplayer certainly isn’t enough to truly showcase the might of the King of the Skies, Rathalos, so this time, however, cosplayer Kaiju Yeager shows off the Beta version of the stunning set.

With hours stacked upon hours, a keen artist and all-round creative Kaiju Yeager manages to string together one of the most inspirational editions of the great Wyvern we’ve ever seen. With just as many sculpted extras and carefully planted touches, the heroic aura of the Rathalos radiates effortlessly. Plus, the Charge Blade alone is enough to win awards, for sure.

3 Kirin Armor

Captured wondrously over a series of woodland backdrops, Narga is pictured as the flexible and enchanting warrior strapped in the tribal Kirin armor.

Everything about the round of shots beckons Monster Hunter World and rebellion – even the scenery. That’s why it’s made our number three spot, Hunter fans.

Narga does a fantastic job and bringing a new edge to the loved set. With her fierce and narrowed brows and exaggerated hairstyle, the true colors of the hero breakthrough and stand strong in the foreground of the battlefield. Well presented, Narga.

2 Barioth Armor

Even with the overflow of gold-plated Barioth armor, it’s the eyes of the elegant artist and model Sayuri that hypnotizes the viewer. Then, of course, we can’t help but notice the bells and whistles of the Iceborne outfit on the side. There’s undoubtedly that appealing part to it that that makes it flourish beside the orange spit of the blade. Together, the two mix to create a Barioth beauty fit for the hunt.

Sayuri has been dabbling in the Monster Hunter World cosplay for a long time. With the likes of the Odogaron armor making a striking show in the previous entry, it’s clear Sayuri is fit for taking the cosplay challenge to a whole new level.

1 Tigrex Armor

Capping off our list with the queen of Capcom cosplay, Mayotee serves up the insanely detailed Tigrex set in a captivating session shot by A.Z Productions.

Her ability to send your eye soaring from piece to piece is truly outstanding talent in itself. But, it’s the moment we stop and process the great level of detail that makes our jaws swing.

Mayotee was able to craft the perfect combination of weapons and armor and retain a level of realism in each strike. From the shading of the oversized arrow to the grooves and unique patterns of the bow – everything about the amazing Tigrex armor defines epic.

NEXT: 10 Amazing Video Game Couples Cosplays | Game Rant