The Nintendo Switch has a slew of games on its platform. Nintendo has leaned in completely to third-party support for its portable console. Publishers like Bethesda and Ubisoft have released numerous titles on the platform and will continue to do so moving forward. Indie developers have also hopped on because the system is perfect for such titles.

Unfortunately, the Switch has a hole that needs to be filled. Since launch, it has only garnered two applications: Hulu and YouTube. The Nintendo Switch should obtain more applications to improve the system’s quality of life. So, here are the ten applications fans want on the system.

10 Facebook

Some may argue the last thing they want on the Switch is Facebook, but this application only makes logical sense. The Switch allows users to connect to their Facebook account and add friends from there. So, players should be able to browse their Facebook feed right on the Switch.

Additionally, Nintendo allows players to post their screenshots on Facebook and other social media accounts from the Switch. It isn’t much of a far fetch for this application to appear on the portable console.

9 Twitter

The Facebook argument can be made for Twitter. The Switch allows players to connect to Twitter to add friends and post screenshots from their games. An app would fit perfectly on the system alongside the other social media leader. Jumping from a video game into social media sounds like an excellent way to share your game experiences directly.

Other consoles do not have Twitter or Facebook, but they do feature internet browsers. Social media applications do a better job of getting the user to the content faster, and there is no awkward cursor movement. Of course, Switch users can take advantage of the touchscreen.

8 Crunchyroll

Crunchyroll is the best application for all things anime. The streaming platform holds the license to all kinds of popular anime series. It has more than 900 different shows for users to watch. Also, the platform has at least 200 million subscribers, which is a massive audience.

Crunchyroll is also free for basic users. They can watch older anime episodes with advertisements for free. This isn’t a bad business model as it allows anyone to hop onto the application and start watching instantly. Above all, Crunchyroll would give the Switch some much-needed television entertainment.

7 Twitch

Twitch would make a big splash on the Nintendo Switch. The only way to stream on the platform right now is by using a capture card. The Twitch application could implement wireless streaming and increase the number of Switch streamers on the app. Furthermore, it is the largest game streaming platform.

Twitch is the closest application on this list to an actual video game. Plus, it seems odd that Twitch isn’t on every gaming platform. It would let players simply switch over to watching their favorite streamer after a long session of gaming.

6 Spotify

Spotify is one of the largest music streaming platforms available. The fact that its free and offers a massive library of music makes it popular. Xbox One, PS4, and PC have the Spotify application and allow players to keep it open to play games.

Nintendo would need to create a special circumstance for this application to listen to music and play games. Spotify would be a great option for those playing a party game and want to jam out. Or, players could simply put on the application as they work on something else around the house.

5 Instagram

Social media is prevalent on any device. Instagram would complete the social media triad with versions of Facebook and Twitter already present on the Switch. Those platforms also rely on text more than Instagram, which would be more of a perfect fit because players could simply post a screenshot from one of their games.

Instagram accounts of all kinds would benefit from this addition. The seamless posting system would be great to generate content on their accounts and share gaming experiences. Even though all these social media applications might make the console feel like a phone, it would provide even more attention.

4 Google Chrome

Internet browsers were mentioned earlier, but the best of the best would make for an excellent addition to the Switch. Google Chrome would allow players to access virtually anything on the internet. Honestly, if Chrome were to land on the Switch, then all the other applications wouldn’t even be needed.

That said, applications would be more streamlined than a browser. Microsft and Sony both have their own browsers for their respective platforms. These applications are not the best, but the Switch would be more successful with the touch screen capability. Users wouldn’t have to use the annoying cursor when browsing the web on their Switch.

3 Discord

Nintendo has an online voice chat application, but it’s only on the phone! Discord would open up many more capabilities for online players. Discord would have to run in the background in order to allow players to party up and chat. PC is the only current platform to have it, but Microsoft enables players to connect their accounts on the Xbox.

Nintendo’s online players base would benefit from the Discord application. It would help players communicate without the addition of another device. The need for a phone to speak with other players is an unnecessary hassle.

2 Disney Plus

Crunchyroll is not the only streaming platform the Switch needs. The recent launch of Disney+ has made the platform a great place to watch franchises in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Wars, Pixar, and more. Disney Plus has no rated R content, which would make it the perfect family-friendly app for Nintendo.

Historically, Nintendo has always been a family-friendly company when it comes to content. The company still holds that crown, and Disney+ would only help that image. Disney already owns Hulu, so Disney + would only compliment the streaming app.

1 Netflix

Netflix is the largest streaming application right now and would compete well against Hulu and Disney+. Netflix has millions of subscribers, so an app would be a huge success. Netflix continues to pump out original content and add all sorts of movies and television series.

Recently, it has even begun to experiment with the kind of entertainment it offers, such as choose your own adventure shows or movies. Netflix is missing a big opportunity on the Nintendo Switch. The application in on all sorts of devices, including Tesla vehicles, so the Switch should be the next stop.

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