Game fandoms are large and passionate for a reason, as playing these titles for so long has the effect of making the player a loyal fan. The Assassin’s Creed series has easily gotten gamers in the palm of its hand, with every release being a bigger success than the previous one. 

With the series now having a set formula and occasional changes along the way, fans are aware of the stylistic techniques that come with the games. Fans also know what others’ and their own perceptions around the series are, and, if you do consider yourself a loyal Assassin’s Creed gamer, then you’ll instantly understand what these 10 hilarious memes from Odyssey mean.

10 Old Is Gold

Gamers are the last bunch you want to lecture about moving on, as these are the people who still use games two decades ago as examples of how a modern game should be like. Assassin’s Creed gamers find it even more difficult to move on.

Those who have only just started playing the series from Odyssey are always perplexed over why longtime fans don’t concede that the latest entry is the best one. That would be a combination of them refusing to move on and the fact that earlier games really were quite unique.

9 Mixing Fandoms

Assassin’s Creed Origins started the trend of the series being one of the best open-world games out there, with Odyssey being an even better world to immerse yourself in. There were so many locations for you to visit that you can play out moments from other fandoms here.

Star Wars fans can’t have enough of the jokes poking fun at the prequel trilogy movies, and the person behind this one made use of the diverse locations in Odyssey to play out the scene between Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker. We’ve all been there with this game, although the fandom in question varies.

8 Spartan History Mastery

Those who have played every game in the series will probably be better versed in history than those who teach this subject in school. After all, we’ve covered over two thousand years worth of history by now, and now Sparta and ancient Greece has been added to the list.

Once you’re done playing Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and traveled across the open-world, there’s no doubt going to be a level of familiarity with this time period. Some fans like to consider themselves honorary Spartans for fighting for these guys for hundreds of hours.

7 Stealth Level Over 9000

The first couple Assassin’s Creed games had tried to give a more realistic fighting style to the series by making it very difficult to fight people two at a time. The following games made this much easier, to the point that Odyssey’s combat is so easy that you can kill off armies on your own.

It doesn’t even have to be fighting based on one-on-one encounters, with stealth being so prevalent that sneaking around camps can eventually lead to you killing everyone there all by yourself. Looks like all that training for those armies was for nothing.

6 Dare To Fight

The vocabulary of the person that made this meme might be awful, but we do get the gist of what they meant. It’s for sure true, as fighting the leader before the soldiers would entail you sauntering right in the camp and then attempting to win.

As players know, this strategy would mean everybody would be aware of your infiltration and will engage you altogether. The leader himself is a pretty strong fighter, so going through with the strategy of this meme makes the person one daring player, as they’ll have the whole army to contend with, even if it’s not the hardest thing to do.

5 What Everyone Wanted To Do

The moment it was announced that Leonidas would be part of the game, fans were excited in wait for the chance to kick someone off a cliff as shown in the film 300. Although we didn’t get to use Leonidas much, we did get the chance to do that cliff kick. 

Some took to repeating this in order to have the perfect moment, with players sharing these sequences with others and asking if the “This is Sparta!” scene was accurately portrayed. This meme has the entire idea put together as a question.

4 Seems About Right

One of the reasons why we preferred Kassandra over Alexios was because the latter just seemed like too much of a brute rather than a layered protagonist. He was also far too large, making him resemble the Great Khali from WWE on occasion when encountering shorter characters.

Alexios’ manner of speaking didn’t make it appear as if he had a grasp of too many words, which is what the Great Khali character was also known for. All things considered, people won’t be very surprised if Khali really does portray Alexios in live-action.

3 Thought You Could Fool Us

There were too many similarities between Origins and Odyssey to ignore, as the template set by the former was clearly used for the latter. Both these games gave us superb protagonists, large worlds to explore, and a storyline with generally the same outline.

If you’ve played Origins, then you’ve effectively played Odyssey, too, with the main difference being that the follow-up game has a much larger map. Those who weren’t willing to pay once again for the same experience must have been the ones to make this meme.

2 Them Feels

Continuing on from our point about paying for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, here’s a meme that references those who didn’t want to spend their money on the game. It’s inevitable that a pirated version of the game will appear somewhere, and there’s a large market of people who purchase, or even get it for free. 

That doesn’t mean it isn’t a heartbreaking wait, seeing as a large amount of people will have already played it by the time the people who get the pirated copy can have a chance. For this reason, we feel the pain of that kid.

1 Why Not Both?

Since the majority of the games have become open-world offerings by now, fandoms have taken to considering the others as their rivals. Red Dead Redemption 2 has emerged as one of the rivals for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, as both these games take place in the past and in the wilderness. 

However, who says you have to pick just the one side? It’s far better to purchase both games and have the time of your life by checking out the different styles that are present. Those who do have both games will agree it does feel like you’re living both lives at the same time as seen in this meme.

NEXT: Assassins Creed: 10 Wisest Altair Quotes