Respawn’s popular free-to-play battle royale title Apex Legends released in February 2019 and quickly gained a large number of players. During convention season a number of these fans chose to cosplay as their favorite King’s Canyon Legends. Some of these have been in the game since the beginning, while others were added later on. No matter their length of service, each one is unique in both style and looks.

There are 11 Legends in total at the point of writing but sadly very few people appear to have attempted to pull off a full Pathfinder cosplay outfit so the lovable robot is absent from this list. For the others, we’ve trawled Instagram to find the very best cosplay outfits which make their wearers look just like the characters.

10 Bangalore

This Bangalore cosplay is stunning to look at. While the armor may be simpler than some, it is no less effective at letting us see at a glance which character this is.

Her hair is perfect and the detail on the weapon is a great addition to the overall outfit, creating a more realistic portrayal of the warrior woman. Bangalore may not be the first choice of many players but in this cosplay, she truly shines.

9 Bloodhound

This stunning cosplay of non-binary Legend Bloodhound looks like it could have been taken straight from Respawn’s promotional material. We wouldn’t be surprised if this was an official representation of the technological tracker.

Every single detail is absolutely spot on and truly accurate. From the dirty on the costume to the intricacies of their face mask, each tiny part of what makes up Bloodhound is here. The whole package is also complemented by the suitably worn looking replica weapon.

8 Caustic

Everyone’s favorite toxic boy Caustic is shown here with gas canisters in hand. The outfit comprises not only his armor but also his unique weaponry. We love the fact that he’s holding his signature toxic gas, alongside a more traditional weapon.

Extra points must go to the cosplayer who says in the comments that he’s been wearing most of the outfit while streaming the game. Now that’s dedication.

7 Crypto

Crypto may well look like one of the simpler characters to pull off but the attention to detail on this cosplay is much greater than it may first appear.

If you check out the facemask and jewelry closely you’ll notice that both have been replicated absolutely perfectly. The facemask is made to fit precisely, especially around the ear, and the coat is even the exact right level of vibrancy. Care and attention to detail truly shine through in this outfit.

6 Gibraltar

This Gibraltar cosplay is another which appears as if on some promotional material. Pulling off the stance and presence of the big softy is difficult but this cosplayer even looks like the Legend.

The shield is to scale and carefully detailed while the armor is also so realistic that it appears Gibraltar stepped right out of the game. Don’t even get us started on the perfectly formed weaponry. This is the full package.

5 Lifeline

This cosplay of everyone’s favorite support character, Lifeline the medic, is spot on. She has a lot of fiddly small items on her costume and tiny little details. We can see every single one replicated here. She’d fit right in on the battle field with her medic kit in her hand.

Not only are the large items such as the rucksack and gloves present but you can even see her signature bloodstained and battle-worn clothing that lets you know this woman isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. The only thing I’d love to have seen would be the medical drone. Now that would be a detailed cosplay.

4 Mirage

This Mirage cosplay is another which benefits hugely from its wearer resembling the Legend. We’d believe it if we were told that this guy was the actual inspiration for the trickster character.

Every inch of the bright outfit is perfectly executed and his hairstyle and even his goggles precisely resemble the in-game character. If you saw this Mirage walking towards you surely you’d think it was a Mirage, either that or you’d somehow ended up in the game.

3 Octane

Adrenaline junkie Octane isn’t an easy Legend to recreate outside of computer graphics but this cosplayer has executed the outfit and the stance perfectly. The facemask is our favorite part, with the detail on it being exquisite. Octane is truly quirky and that really comes across in this image.

However, it doesn’t stop there. Every inch of this cosplay is lovingly detailed, down to the surprisingly realistic-looking enhancements that give Octane his bounce. We’d not even flinch if we saw this cosplayer take off into the skies.

2 Wattson

This cosplayer suggests they’ve not even fully finished this stunning outfit, yet already it’s head and shoulders above many others we’ve seen.

Wattson is a complex and newer character but yet this feels likes the cosplayer has already nailed everything there is to know about the Legend who grew up in King’s Canyon.

From the detailed jacket to the 3D printed electrical turret this is so clearly Wattson already that we can’t even begin to imagine how good it will be once the final details are added. She already looks like she just stepped out of the arena.

1 Wraith

Wraith is an inter-dimensional skirmisher and a tough role to pull off. Despite the cosplayer suggesting she gets mistaken for a One Punch Man character, we think this Wraith outfit is perfect.

The knife is a nice touch and a great nod to the character’s unique legacy. The addition of colored contacts is another tiny detail that makes a huge difference in bringing the character to life.

Wraith is about attitude, poise and grace and all three are present here in spades, creating a cosplay that truly stands out for fans of the character.

NEXT: Apex Legends: Every Legend Ranked From Worst To Best