While some people are apparently always going to insist that Fallout 76 is terrible and that nobody plays it, they will almost-assuredly always be wrong. There are tons of people who are really enjoying Bethesda’s take on the multiplayer survival-game genre and are going to plug away on it for a long time to come.

That being said, you might get tired of, or at least need a break from, the post-apocalypse of the Fallout world. Never fear! Fallout 76 has a lot of similarities with a wide variety of games, and regardless what your favorite part of Fallout 76 is, there’s something else out there that’s similar.


If you’re digging the world but maybe want a little bit more story, or just want an entirely single-player experience, then check out Fallout 4 if you haven’t already. This game has a very similar atmosphere to Fallout 76 and a ton of weapons that you’ll recognize. You can build much bigger settlements here, and there are quite a few NPCs that you’re going to grow pretty fond of. (And a few that you’ll probably hate.)


I know, I know, I’m just telling you about other Bethesda games, but I swear this is the last one. Skyrim, if you’ve somehow not played it already, is an astounding achievement. The way I describe it to people is usually to say that’s it’s not just a game; it’s like a world. There is so much going on in Skyrim, so many choices available to you, so many memorable characters to meet, and so many leveling options that it’s a place you can stay steeped in for thousands of hours. There’s quite a bit about the game and its mechanics that will be familiar to you from Fallout 76 as well since it’s still a Bethesda game.


Ark is a game that I’ve put in more than a few hours with, and still feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. It seems like every time I hear about the game, I watch a clip and I’m utterly dumbfounded by what I see. Building, leveling, and multiplayer will be familiar coming from Fallout 76, but there’s a lot about this game that’s going to be unfamiliar, too; like riding dinosaurs, for instance. There’s a lot of options when upgrading your character, and a pretty unique aesthetic style, too.


Conan Exiles has a lot in common with Ark, but it’s set in the world of Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian. Fans of Conan will recognize plenty of references and characters from the game, along with the creatures you’ll be fighting against. There’s an incredibly in-depth building system, a variety of options when leveling your character, and multiplayer options. Some of the enemies/allies in this game are absolutely massive, and there are plenty of moments in this game that you can’t get anywhere else.


Rust has been in development hell for a long, long time, but has maintained a fairly substantial fan-base the throughout. Rust is another open-world survival-game, but it doesn’t really have a story. In fact, there’s really only one thing to do in Rust; do everything in your power to gear up and ruin the day of everybody else. You can do this together with your friends, or ride completely solo. Be warned, the player-base is known for being so toxic that you’ll never look at humanity the same way again, but if that’s okay with you, then you can certainly have some fun with Rust.


7 Days to Die is another game that’s been through the development grinder, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been worth playing for nearly the whole time. There’s a lot to love about 7 Days To Die, from its harsh survival mechanics, to the very open-ended building, to the hordes that come for you every (you guessed it) 7 days. You can play on a server where other people pose a threat, you can work together with your friends, or hit the apocalypse entirely solo; the choice is yours.


One of the most unique games on this list, The Forest brings a horror vibe to the survival-game genre. There’s a story you can follow if you’d like, and some pretty unique building, as well. The enemies here can be truly terrifying; this game is certainly not for the faint of heart. That’s not to say there aren’t plenty of quiet, even beautiful moments; it’s the juxtaposition of these quiet moments with the horror and creeping tension that make this game truly special.


The Long Dark seems to have set out to be one of the most unforgiving and realistic survival games out there, and I’ve got to say that it succeeded not only in doing that, but it’s always a pretty good time, too. There’s a story mode to play here, but you can also just play in a free-mode to see how long you can survive, if you’d like. This game has atmosphere like no other, and despite the fact that you know the cold and snow is going to eventually kill you (if the wolves and bears don’t first), you can’t help but admire its beauty. I’ve never felt so peaceful when dying in a game, and that’s really quite the achievement.


Subnautica is one of my favorite games on this list; heck, it’s one of my favorite games ever made. An almost entirely underwater survival-game, Subnautica expertly combines a well-crafted story, survival mechanics, unique building, complete terror, and some of the greatest exploration ever. Every time you stumble into a new area or a new creature in this game it’s a jaw-dropping moment; I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed exploring in a game more than this one. Depending on your phobias, this game may be an occasionally terrifying experience, too. There are plenty of (almost) empty areas of the ocean where the floor drops out from under you; no game has made me sweat more than this one.


Don’t Starve is a survival game for the masochist. Set in a 2-D, hand-drawn world, Don’t Starve has some of the most charming graphics combined with perhaps the most unforgiving and brutal mechanics of any game on this list. This game explains almost nothing to you, and I’ve got to say it’s pretty refreshing. You’re going to die, like, a lot, but something about the game keeps pulling you in. Surviving to make your first winter feels like a true accomplishment; eventually surviving through winter is even better.