Destiny 2 has been a juggernaut in the RPG shooter genre for a while now and players have been happily grinding for higher levels and better loot. But with the release of Anthem, it’s apparent that Destiny 2 has a serious contender for customers with the free time and spare cash to play their game.

Though Destiny 2 has some advantages over the newcomer there are many things Anthem provides and does right that seem like an oversight for Destiny 2. If Destiny 2 wishes to keep it’s fanbase and even attract Anthem players over to their side there are at least ten changes they need to make to stay toe to toe with Anthem.

10 Make It Easier To Switch Playstyles

One of the biggest advantages Anthem has over Destiny 2 is the ability for players to try out different playstyles by simply putting on a new suit called a Javelin. One character has access to all classes and can switch back and forth for each mission.

In Destiny 2 once you pick a class, that’s it. If you want to try a different playstyle you have to build a new character. Considering the steep grind this game has for players to be relevant, many are unwilling to switch characters and even feel forced to play with one they aren’t having fun with. To solve this Destiny 2 needs to make it easier for players to switch playstyles, perhaps a level boost if it’s your second character or the ability to multi-class in some way.

9 Make New Story Content Free

Bioware has stated that any DLC featuring additional story content will be free, granted that doesn’t mean they won’t charge for new events or weapons, but for cash strapped gamers the storyline of the game won’t ever be locked behind a paywall.

For Destiny 2 if you want to follow the storyline, you have to pay for each new expansion. For frugal gamers, this can mean putting off the story indefinitely or having it spoiled before they can afford to access it. If they want to keep up with Anthem they need to find a way to make it free to experience the ever-growing story.

8 Ability To Fly

It’s odd in a futuristic world full of technological marvels and colossal constructs of alien design, individuals are still incapable of flying in Destiny 2. Granted there is the sword flying trick, but it’s a glitch and not an intended ability.

In Anthem flight is a given, every Javelin can do it and while it is cumbersome at times, it is much more liberating and makes the world feel more open. Understandably from a design aspect it would mean reworking quite a bit in Destiny 2, such as level design, raid mechanics, and PVP would be a nightmare, but it is something Destiny 2 needs to consider if they want to keep up with Anthem.

7 Crazier Weaponry

Destiny 2 has its fair share of weapons and it releases the occasional exotic in new expansions, but it’s very leery of getting experimental. The bow class was a major change, but only came out after the game had been around for a while. Part of this is because of the PVP elements of gameplay which require strict balancing and therefore handicaps trying new things with the weaponry.

Because Anthem possess no PVP elements it isn’t afraid to release crazy weaponry that has exotic abilities, quirky perks, and exciting effects. If Destiny 2 wants to retain players, they need to get faster at releasing new weapons and not be afraid to try new types of weapons.

6 Dialogue Trees

Considering Anthem is a product of Bioware it’s no surprise that it possesses a little more depth in conversations with characters by providing dialogue options. Admittedly it’s not as deep as their other games, but it does give it an extra layer of customization and roleplay that feels right for a game that’s inherently an RPG.

Destiny 2 is much more rigid in its conversations and players often feel like simple robots completing tasks with little input or say in how their character behaves or acts. Giving players options in conversation is a small step towards making the world feel more alive and immersive.

5 Ability To Swim

Similar to how strange it is that flying is absent in a futuristic world of alien technology, the ability to swim is something Anthem has an advantage over Destiny 2. In Destiny 2 the water is a perpetual hazard that can mean instant death for the player. In Anthem water I yet another area of exploration and is even necessary for cooling off jetpacks used in flight.

The ability to swim would open up possibilities for secret areas, hidden weapons, interesting puzzles in dungeons, and can have interesting effects in PVP with players surprising each other from the water. At the very least it seems odd that mankind has lost the ability to swim in the future as portrayed by Destiny 2.

4 Dynamic Environment

Anthem has proven to have a much more dynamic world that undergoes various changes. From massive storms that affect all players to frightening Titan spawns that makes once safe areas a hostile environment. There’s also talk of a creator tool that makes the world adaptive and random in ways that can seriously mess with players.

While Destiny 2 certainly has some dynamic elements of their own, if Bioware delivers on its promises of planet-shattering events then Destiny 2’s world is going to feel horribly static. To stay relevant with Anthem, Destiny 2 will have to focus on making their world a character of its own that undergoes its own changes and poses a potential threat to players.

3 Greater Rewards

Any good loot game knows the difficult balance it must walk of being rewarding enough that the player feels their efforts were worth it without spamming the player with good gear to the point that rewards become meaningless. In this case, rewards feel much more rewarding for Anthem players than it does Destiny 2 players.

In Anthem completing a quest or event nets anything from decent gear to valuable exotic items that can advance the player and give them serious firepower. In Destiny 2 you could slog for several hours in a raid trying to coordinate your teammates in a manner resembling the herding of cats only to be rewarded with a mediocre shader for your efforts. Not saying that Destiny 2 needs to shower players with loot, but successfully completing a difficult task should reward something more useful than a different color for your gun.

2 Mobile Base

Anthem offers players the ability to take their hubs with them which allows them to switch their loadouts, drop off loot, gather needed supplies and act as a good staging area for teamplay. This also has the added effect of minimizing other player contact as no one shares hubs and can significantly decrease loading times for a simple drop-off or supply run.

Destiny 2 by contrast forces players into painfully long loading screens to reach a hub and can be annoying when performing various activities. Creating some kind of a mobile base for operations or even a basic delivery system is going to be necessary for Destiny 2 to attract Anthem players who have been pampered by this feature.

1 Casual Friendly

Destiny 2 is definitely a game that caters to hardcore gamers willing to make the game a years-long pursuit and to be fair this is one of the main appeals for the game. But for gamers with less time on their hands or who like to bounce around between games, Destiny 2 can be intimidating if not annoying.

Anthem fills this void by providing shorter missions, less PVP, and less focus on maximizing a character’s level. It even gives players access to all classes simultaneously. If Destiny 2 wants to scoop up more casual gamers it needs to introduce elements of play that are shorter or simply cater to those with a busy schedule.