When you level a character in Classic World of Warcraft, you hear a lot about the arduous grind to 60, how long it takes and how boring it is, especially compared to some other games. Players tend to whine more when they get into their late 20s or early 30s. After you grind for a few decades, it does tend to get tedious, even for veterans.

However, fear not, as there are lots of different ways to level your character in Classic WoW, so when you get bored with questing or grinding mobs, grab a few friends and head to a dungeon. Here’s a list of the mid-level dungeons you can do, ranging from the late 20s to early 50s, to get past that hump.

10 Gnomeregan (levels 29 to 38)

The devastated city of Gnomeregan is at the bottom of this list for a number of reasons, the main one being that it’s deep in Alliance territory. Horde players have to jump through a few hoops to get there. That means completing a quest to get access to a portal in Booty Bay that takes you directly into the dungeon.

The lore and quests lean heavily towards the Alliance, since Gnomeregan would be an Alliance city if it wasn’t overrun by Troggs, but Horde players will appreciate the adventure of being so deep in enemy territory and the steampunk vibe. It’s also great for experience points no matter what side you’re on, and that’s what counts.

9 Razorfen Kraul (levels 30 to 40)

The look and location of this dungeon are slightly off-putting, as it’s not a castle on a hill like Shadowfang Keep or a lofty cathedral-like the Scarlet Monastery, but it still has some great lore and decent quests to complete to get your character through their 30s.

Essentially, it’s a big, thorny pigpen with little to look at as far as architecture goes and it’s a bit of a long walk to get there, which is why it’s lower on the list. If you have the patience to run through the vast Barrens or navigate Thousand Needles to get there it’s worth the trip for decent gear and experience points.

8 Maraudon: Wicked Grotto (levels 45 to 53)

Maraudon is one of the dungeons that you only do if you have a specific quest, a friend asked you, or you need ghost mushrooms. The Wicked Grotto, also known as the Purple Wing, is a good place to get started.

It’s not just the location that makes it inconvenient, it’s how big and confusing it is. Unlike other dungeons with multiple wings, like the Scarlet Monastery, Maraudon is a series of winding tunnels that all look the same. It’s tough just to find the entrance to the instance in this mess. The window is also more narrow than others, with a range that barely covers 8 measly levels. Still, the experience points, quests, and loot are more than decent.

7 Razorfen Downs (levels 40 to 50)

After you’re done leveling your way through Razorfen Kraul, cross the street and head to Razorfen Downs, which is essentially a higher-level extension of Razorfen Kraul.

This is the more interesting of the two dungeons and not only because it has tougher enemies and challenges, but because of the connection to the Scourge. This pigpen is overrun by the undead, so you get some recent Azerothian lore along with generous experience points and badass gear. This is the dungeon where you also have a chance to pick up the famous two-handed sword X’caliboar.

6 Maraudon: Foulspore Cavern (levels 45 to 53)

Once you’ve grown accustomed to Maraudon, you can venture into the orange wing, also known as Foulspore Cavern. As the name suggests, this is mostly where you find plants and elementals, so mind that Nature damage.

Noxxion and Razorlash are two of the main bosses in this dungeon, and both are famous for the variety of cloth and leather gear they drop, along with trinkets and weapons for spellcasters. That’s an improvement over the purple wing, which only has one major boss who drops only a couple of decent items.

5 Scarlet Monastery: Armory (levels 32 to 42)

The Scarlet Monastery is one of the most popular dungeons in Classic WoW, and with good reason. Although the dungeon is deep in Horde territory, Alliance players think nothing of the journey to reach the place as it’s well worth the trip.

The whole dungeon is a repository of Lorderon’s history and also involves the Scourge. This particular wing, the Armory, lives up to the dungeon’s reputation with great gear drops for plate-wearers and some impressive weapons as well. The final boss of this wing of the dungeon, Herod, drops several blue items such as the Ravager, a massive two-handed axe, and Herod’s Shoulder, a coveted item that’s been known to start more than a few fights.

4 Uldaman (levels 42 to 52)

A great place for lore, gear, and quests for both factions, Uldaman is a bit confusing to navigate but after a few visits, you get used to the winding tunnels and rows of pillars and hallways. It’s worth at least one visit, just to learn some of Azeroth’s most ancient lore.

The dungeon is actually an ancient Titan vault that has been excavated by Dwarves originally but was eventually taken over by evil Dark Irons and vicious Troggs. None of these groups have been able to penetrate the very heart of the complex and defeat the Tians to access the precious artifacts hidden there, and that’s where the player comes in. There are a lot of interesting quests and gear to collect here, making it one of the top dungeons in this bracket.

3 Scarlet Monastery: Library (levels 29 to 39)

The Library of the Scarlet Monastery is one of the first natural steps into higher level dungeons, being the only instance on this list, aside from the far less impressive Gnomeregan, that players below level 30 can enter.

It’s relatively small and easy to navigate, typical of a starter dungeon, but it’s not dull or boring. One of the bosses here is Arcanist Doan, who drops some really nice spellcaster gear. If nothing good drops from the bosses during your dungeon run, something good could turn up from random mob.

2 Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral (levels 35 to 45)

Sure, it’s one of the nicest looking dungeons, complete with gardens and fountains and of course the impressive Gothic cathedral spires, but it’s really all about the notorious High Inquisitor Whitemane and her champion, Scarlet Commander Mograine.

This wing of the dungeon is small, consisting mostly of wide-open spaces even within the Cathedral, so you have to know your CC to avoid aggroing every hostile patrolling outside the main building. Plus, Whitemane puts players to sleep and can resurrect her fallen champion. She’s one of the first bosses you’ll encounter with those kinds of abilities, but she won’t be the last. Spellcasters always wait for that chapeau to drop too, so good luck.

1 Zul’Farrak (levels 44 to 54)

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