The Witcher 3 is an incredibly popular fantasy roleplaying game by CD Projekt Red. In the game, you play as Geralt, a famed monster hunter. Your quest leads you across many places in the Continent and you meet multiple characters who are in need of assistance with a monster that may be troubling them.

These special quests are known as monster contracts and there are lots of them in the game. On this list we’ll be calling attention to some of the creepiest monster hunts you’ll be enlisted on. As the world of The Witcher is dark fantasy, there are plenty to choose from.

10 The Elusive Theif

It might be a bit of a stretch to call the Elusive Theif a creepy contract but then again, it depends on how you feel about doppelgangers. After seeing the movie Us by Jordan Peele, this contract may take on a distinctly more terrifying edge.

But in this quest, you have to hunt down an imp that has been robbing people in Novigrad. He’s a tricky guy to catch up with and the fight takes on a degree of difficulty when the trickster takes on the appearance of Geralt. Not only that, but he knows how to fight like you suddenly.

9 Dragon

There is a contract in Skellige to go after a mystical dragon. Geralt actually doesn’t believe in killing dragons as in this game, they should be protected and kept sacred. However, upon further exploration, Geralt realizes what the villagers saw was not a dragon at all but a forktail. Still, that doesn’t make the beast any less fearsome or terrifying.

It’s especially scary if you accidentally stumble upon its breeding ground by mistake and don’t realize you’re about to encounter a powerful creature such as the forktail. It makes your life much more difficult that way.

8 Doors Slamming Shut

This is a fun quest because it involves an old-school haunted house. If you enjoy scary movies or you like inspecting haunted places with supposed paranormal activity, then you’ll probably enjoy this creepy monster contract. It takes place in Novigrad and Geralt is instructed to investigate a manor that is being haunted by some kind of creature.

When you get there you discover that the beast scaring people off is actually disturbing earth elemental called Therazane. It’s not an easy kill, which is why the recommended level is above 20. But it’s definitely weird especially as the creature is dwelling beneath the house’s foundation.

7 Jenny O’ The Woods

This quest is pretty creepy because wraiths, in general, are terrifying. But in this encounter, you have to face off against a Nightwraith. The question actually says you can be a level twelve to encounter this contract but it is recommended you wait until you’re a few levels higher because defeating this particular monster can be tricky.

We find out that the Nightwraith is a woman named Zula who was murdered by a man upset that she didn’t want to be with him. Any quest that has to deliberately wait until nightfall will also add to the creep factor as this one does since it is the only time you can encounter the Nightwraith in question.

6 Wild At Heart

Wild at Heart has Geralt up against a werewolf. While werewolves aren’t exactly the most original, or even terrifying monsters in this game, this quest has some disturbing aspects to it that make it pretty dark. For starters, you find out that the werewolf murdered his own wife and all of it was because his wife’s sister was in love with him and orchestrated the attack.

It leads to a disturbing conclusion where you’re left having to decide whether to let the werewolf murder his wife’s sister out of revenge or to finish defeating the werewolf your self. Either way, the poor man does wind up dead.

5 The Phantom Of Eldberg

Skellige has some of the best monster contracts in the game if you’re looking for quests with a creepy atmosphere. While the wraith in this quest may not be terrifying alone, the Penitent becomes all the more fearsome when you find out the environment this quest takes place in.

You’ll have journeyed to a lighthouse swimming with a heavy layer of fog only to learn the area is haunted by a Penitent because someone did something terrible. It’ll be up to you to discover what misdeeds drew the monster to this place and there are more wraiths too, respawning indefinitely. It’s like wading through a monster-ridden graveyard.

4 Here Comes The Groom

Here Comes the Groom is one of the many monster contracts you can take on while you’re exploring the isles of Skellige. This quest is terrifying because you encounter an ancient creature that has been worshipped by cults over the centuries. Her name is Melusine and she is a very powerful ekhidna.

Defeating her is far from easy but it’s necessary considering she’s been flying around and swooping down to steal people away and murder them gruesomely in her dwelling of caves. What’s even creepier is that you can stumble upon this monster without your contract. If you happen to wander into her cave unaware, good luck.

3 Mysterious Tracks

A Howler beast is a rage-filled Chort that goes on a rampage. You will have to face a Howler in one of the contracts called Mysterious Tracks. What becomes even more terrifying about this particular contract is the fact you have to actually bait the Howler to come to you.

Your game controller will vibrate, you’ll feel the Howler arrive as it comes closer and closer. It’s a terrifying experience as the game expertly builds up a sense of suspense before you have to get entangled with the beast. Even scarier is finding that it killed a Fiend, a creature even bigger than a Howler.

2 Missing Son

There are a couple of Fiends you’ll come face to face within the game but this one, in particular, is pretty nasty. These beings somewhat resemble a deer but they’re ferocious, cruel, and the size of a small house. Not to mention the fact they have a third eye that they can use to hypnotize their opponents.

You’ll have to tussle with a Fiend on a contract where you’re attempting to hunt down a missing son. A kid named Olve wanders off and has yet to return. Sadly the poor boy is unable to escape the Fiend, by the time you find him he’s already dead.

1 In The Heart Of The Woods

In the Heart of the Woods is a monster contract that will have you hunting a great and powerful Leshen. These woodland spirits are pretty terrifying to look at. They are massively tall and their head is the skull of a full-grown stag. If you wind up in a fight with the creature, which you may or may not depending on the choice you make, just know it won’t be easy.

You’ll want to enter the fight fully prepared for what’s to come as the woodland spirit will be angered by anyone daring to take it on in battle. A Leshen is certainly not a creature I would ever want to meet in the dark.