From Software has created some of the greatest games this decade with the Dark Souls series, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. Their fanbase is typically very loyal due to the quality that the developers put in. The biggest draw to these games is generally always the insane difficulty that also pushes some players away.

This being the internet, there are countless memes and videos having fun with this notion that the games are just too hard. Then there are also the inside jokes that only true fans would understand. Here are some hilarious memes about Bloodborne and Dark Souls that you can easily relate to.

10 Wait, There’s More?

Gehrman, one of the greatest final bosses in gaming history. The music and arena are just pure catharsis, yet he’s insanely tough to beat and requires the player to utilize everything they’ve learned up until this point. Defeating him will bring up so much adrenaline due to the intensity of the fight.

Well, depending on what choices you make in the game, Gehrman may not be the end of it. The Moon Presence is there to be your true final boss. This is what you get for consuming three umbilical cords. You brought this on yourself.

9 Please Shut Up

From Software has made some of the most memorable and challenging boss fights that the medium has to offer. They require patience, skill, and will! Then there’s Micolash, who is basically just trolling you the entire fight. The only real challenge of this fight is actually trying to catch him as he just runs away and laughs the whole time.

Defeating is more relieving more than satisfying. Now every time you go back and replay Bloodborne, you’re just going to imagine Tom Cruise’s face instead of Micolash. You’re welcome!

8 Is This The Dark Souls Of _____?

It’s basically become a joke at this point. Almost every time a new game comes out that is known for its difficulty, the immediate response is to compare it to Dark Souls. To be fair, some games out there are blatantly inspired by Dark Souls based on the challenge and structure such as Nioh and The Surge. Still, not every game is like Dark Souls simply based on its challenge.

For example, Cuphead got a lot of comparisons despite having virtually nothing similar to Souls beside the actual frustration players get. 

7 Seriously, What’s So Funny?

From Software loves to be cryptic with its story and world-building. Well, apparently the NPCs do as well. Generally, Souls players know that you should ensure you hear every line of dialogue from an NPC just in case there’s a reward at the end. How do you know you’ve exhausted all of their dialogue?

Well, it can be they just keep repeating the same sentence over and over again. Mostly though, they just sit there and laugh creepily. Why are they laughing you may ask? The world may never know.

6 Look It Up!

Millions of players have experienced Dark Souls and Bloodborne but yet, more than half of them probably have no idea what was going on. Luckily, knowledge of the story isn’t necessarily required to enjoy the game but it definitely enhances it. That being said, for those who want to learn, you’ll want to visit VaatiVidya’s Youtube channel.

Nine times out of ten, if you want to learn about a specific thing regarding the lore, you’re bound to find a video where Vaati explains. From Software just needs to give him a job and let him write the Wiki pages.

5 Gotta Love Some Samurais And Ninjas

It will forever be an ongoing debate: is Bloodborne or Dark Souls the better game? Each title has its own unique traits that make them stand out. Then there’s Nioh, developed by Team Ninja, which did not hide its Dark Souls inspiration.

You may overhear the debate over and over again, yet you’re sitting there reminiscing on how Nioh allowed you to be a Samurai warrior. All in all, there’s room for all three games. Just because you prefer one over the other, doesn’t take away that you still enjoy them all.

4 Dark Souls vs Cooler Dark Souls

Let’s face it, Bloodborne is just a way cooler version of Dark Souls. The Souls series is filled with high-fantasy elements like Knights, kings, queens, and princesses. Your weapons are swords, maces, and hammers. Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

With Bloodborne, however, you look and feel like a complete badass (even if you’re constantly getting killed by everything that moves). You’re fast and agile. You’ve got these awesome weapons that can transform into even cooler ones. It’s just awesome! There’s no other way to put it.

3 Dark Souls With Guns

Not to take anything away from Remnant From The Ashes as it is a very good game. It is not, however, the first game to claim the title, “Dark Souls with guns.” That would be reserved for Bloodborne, which literally has a hunter holding a gun on the cover art.

Granted, the guns in Bloodborne aren’t used like most guns in games as they are reserved for parrying. The only real damage you’ll do with a gun is if you unlock the cannon. Sure, it isn’t a gun, but it is treated as such.

2 There’s No Shame In Asking For Help

Admit, there’s at least one or two bosses in the SoulsBorne series that you’ve had to swallow your pride and call in help. The only problem is, the servers may not always be the most reliable and you’ll get the dreaded “Summoning Failed” on your HUD. There’s no greater feeling of loneliness.

You’re then left with the realization that you just can’t defeat this boss on your own and no one is going to help you. You can either just suck it up and go in one last time or maybe turn off your console and come back tomorrow.

1 I Promise, I Love It!

From Software has made a name for itself with its difficult titles. Despite this, fans can’t get enough of these tough games. They’re well made and have a ton of lore secrets.

We just love these games even though they constantly kill us and make us start over back to an area that we just did and then we have to defeat those enemies all over again and if we don’t get back to the spot we died we will lose all the XP that we just earned.

NEXT: 5 Bloodborne Fan Theories That Could Be True (& 5 We Hope Aren’t)