Fire Emblem: Three Houses is absolutely jam-packed with around 300 hours worth of content, but… we want more. Like the greedy little gremlins we are, it’s only fair that we’d ask for even more content for the title. With a few waves of DLC already planned, it isn’t so much of a matter of if we get new content, it’s what we get. Today, we’ll be taking a look at ten different features we’d love to see added to Three Houses through DLC, both paid and free. Let’s jump into it.

10 Byleth Costumes

It came to a surprise by many that Byleth was a non-customizable avatar, as many of the recent Fire Emblem titles allowed for you to design your hero. While an in-depth character editor is not going to be something that will arrive as DLC, new costumes for the hero would be a welcomed addition. Let us dress Byleth up as the idiot they were meant to be. We already got a school outfit change for buying the expansion pack, so even more choices would be welcomed.

9 Student Costumes

On the topic of costumes, getting new clothing for the students to wear would also be fun. Considering that they’re all students, we don’t need any um… Fire Emblem: Heroes summer outfits. Just fun, different choices for the students to wear both on and off the battlefield.

A little change never hurts, just look at Caspar. The man literally wears a suit of armor 100% of the time. Just let him breathe, please.

8 New Units

New units, in the form of both students and staff members, would be another great way to spice up the game through DLC. Even adding one or two per house would be a great addition to the base game. However they decide to integrate these new students and staff is fine, but let’s hope that we get at least a few more transfer students in the vein of best girl Petra. Listening to her attempt to speak in Fódlandian is truly a magical experience.

7 New Support Options

While the new students added would obviously need new support conversations, new support conversations for existing students would be a great addition in DLC as well. There are plenty of pairings in Three Houses that can only reach support level B with one another. Adding new conversations that would allow these pairings to reach level A (besties!) would be a great addition to the game. While it might seem small, these character moments are a huge part of the DNA of Fire Emblem that makes the series what it is.

6 New Monastery Options

As your professor level increases and you get the ability to spend more activity points with every exploration day, the monastery can get to be a bit boring. There just aren’t enough activities in the monastery to be interesting. Adding new areas and activities to the monastery would be a great option for DLC content.

Maybe open up the sauna in a friendly and completely platonic way? Some new options to spend our points on would be a great addition to the game that would help to make things a little less monotonous.

5 A New Path

Sure, Three Houses already has spoilers four different paths to choose from, but let’s be completely greedy and ask for a fifth. What would this path be? Who knows! We aren’t the developers, just the fans demanding more. All four currently available routes are filled to the brim with content, so this might be a bit of an ask. However, fans wouldn’t mind paying a premium price for a premium piece of content. Trust, us we truly want to sync another 70 hours of time into this game, give us the ability to.

4 New Classes

Exciting new additional classes would be another great way to spice up the formula for Three Houses. An array of completely new in additional classes would be a great way to keep the gameplay feeling fresh on even repeat playthroughs. However, without a doubt, the most important class that needs to be added is a male dancer class. The fact that we don’t have one now is really just atrocious. We want to see those hips move Raphael, let’s get it going.

3 Story Missions

This one might also be a bit of an ask but we really haven’t been shy with that yet so why start now? additional story missions to lengthen this already lengthy game would be a great treat for fans as DLC. The tricky part about this one is figuring where these story missions would fit into, as the plotlines of each path in the game are already very fleshed out. Some sort of a prequel set of missions would definitely be possible. This could add some more context to certain areas of the central story that were left a bit more vague than others. Also, playable Rhea, absolutely yes.

2 More Cutscenes

The fully animated cutscenes of Three Houses are an absolute joy to watch, so more of them added in the form of DLC certainly wouldn’t be an issue. There are a few places that new scenes could be added retroactively, the new content that we’ve decided is going to be in the game will certainly have plenty of room for cutscenes. Let’s just hope that all of the new cutscenes are filled with groans of increasing discomfort. The only way to make a proper Fire Emblem cutscene.

1 New Difficulty Options

While Three Houses is mostly a fantastic game, one complaint that is often lobbed at the title is an apparent lack of difficulty even on hard mode. That can be fixed by adding a new difficulty level as DLC. An even harder difficulty would be something that would be easy to implement while giving fans a lot to play around with. Just please don’t make the Death Knight move. Yes, there’s absolutely no reason story-wise as to why he isn’t moving at all, but let’s keep that energy, please.

NEXT: 10 Improvements Fire Emblem: Three Houses Could Make