Hideo Kojima’s most recent game is the first AAA title he has put out in over a decade outside of the Metal Gear Solid franchise. Death Stranding is a massive open-world adventure game which tasks players with reconnecting a shattered world after the titular post-apocalyptic event.

The game designer’s prior works are chock full of easter eggs. Given the expanded scope of Death Stranding, it is filled with countless little nods and jokes only attentive gamers will catch. For this list, we’ll point out the ten most interesting of them. Some of them require a little digging, and others are hidden in plain sight, going over people’s heads if they don’t make the connection. Details about the ending won’t be given away, but if anybody is particularly sensitive to spoilers, they can look here for some spoiler-free reading on the game.

10 By NWR

Heartman’s physical appearance is taken from the Nicolas Winding Refn, visionary director of films like Valhalla Rising, Drive, Bronson, and Only God Forgives. His unique visual style polarizes audiences, with some unable to endure the long takes and sometimes gruesome imagery. When Sam finally meets the scientist, the camera pans the room and shows the back of his computer setup. On it is the phrase “by NWR” written in a stylish font. It is the logo for his free streaming site of the same name, which aims to uncover hidden gems from the history of cinema.

9 The Shape Of Water

Guillermo del Toro lent his likeness to the character of Deadman, but someone else did the voice over and motion capture. In an interview later in the game, the character brings up The Shape of Water, recommending it to the reader.

The 2017 film was directed by del Toro and went on to win the Best Picture and Best Director Oscar for the filmmaker. Since del Toro let Kojima use his image for a role in the game, it is only right for the artist to return the favor and plug one of his friend’s movies.

8 EE?

Later in the game, the term Extinction Entity comes into play.  When the characters speak of it, they often abbreviate it as “EE.” To longtime fans of Kojima this will ring a bell. Metal Gear Solid 2 featured a character named Emma Emmerich, sister-in-law to Otacon, who often referred to her as EE. Maybe it is just a coincidence, but they say it a lot and every utterance of the word makes us think more and more that it is intentional.

7 Hideo Kojima

Hideo Kojima likes to put himself in the games, but he’s absent from the main story. Only by looking hard can one find his likeness. In Sam’s private room, under the bed and a black puddle will form. From the small area a BT will arise and grab Sam’s legs. The creature in question is Hideo Kojima, recognizable from his glasses and haircut. Fortunately for Sam, the segment is just a dream. Now it has us paranoid to sleep at night, though. Maybe Kojima is under our beds, waiting for us to close our eyes for his chance to strike.

6 Deadman Frankenstein

Deadman is made up of other people and at one point directly refers to himself as Frankenstein’s monster. To make the connection even stronger, he has a scar running across his forehead just like the classic creature.

This entry doesn’t stop at referencing an iconic figure of horror, however. Guillermo del Toro fans know just how much he loves Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein novel and how badly he wants to do his own film adaptation. Maybe one day he’ll finally achieve this dream. Until then, playing a Frankenstein-esque character in a video game isn’t a bad consolation prize.

5 Peeping Tom

In Sam’s room one is free to look around with the camera. Those with dirty minds can try zooming in at the main character’s crotch, but don’t expect him to ignore it. Stare once and he’ll shoe the camera away. Go in a couple of more times and he’ll flip the player off. Push it even further and Sam will punch the camera, letting the player know he’s not to be messed with. Don’t think just because you forked over sixty dollars it means you have the right ogle the main character. He still has his boundaries.

4 Die-Hardman’s Name

In grand Kojima tradition, many of the characters have ridiculous names. None of them beat out Die-Hardman, however. While an obvious nod to the classic action movie franchise, the similarities don’t stop there. The character’s real name turns out to be John Blake McClane, which also happens to be the protagonist’s first and last name in the film franchise. Kojima is a noted cinephile, so no way this is a coincidence. Too bad they couldn’t get Bruce Willis in a role, but there’s always another chance with a sequel, if they plan to make one.

3 Mads Mikkelsen’s Dance Moves

Much of Cliff’s screen time is spent in the memories Sam experiences after connecting with BB. One of them features the soldier turned father showing off some impressive twirls. Fans of the actor portraying Cliff, Mads Mikkelsen, will see the connection. Mads studied dance and had a short career in the art form before pursuing acting. While he’s left it behind as a profession, the actor can still pull off some impressive moves. A quick Yutube search will also unearth some old videos showing him off at the peak of dancing abilities.

2 Cameos

Many of the preppers and contacts at distribution centers are cameos by either celebrities or friends of Kojima. Some notable faces include Sam Lake of Remedy Games, director Edgar Wright, director Jordan Vogt-Roberts, and games journalist Geoff Keighly.

And of course it would be sacrilege to not mention Conan O’Brien’s part as the Cosplayer who gifts Sam the Otter Hat. Part of what makes Kojima’s games so special is their willingness to throw in bizarre humor despite the often deadly serious tone.

1 Cliff’s Wine

Mads Mikkelsen has amassed an impressive catalog of characters throughout his career, not the least of which is Hannibal Lector. In one of the memories, Cliff is seen drinking a wine called Batard-Montrachet Grand Cru. This is the same wine his character drinks in the cult classic television show Hannibal. The show was cancelled with a cliffhanger ending, so any little nod like this feels great for fans. Maybe the show will never come back, but it certainly had an impact on everyone who watched it.

Next: 10 Most Shocking Moments From Death Stranding, Ranked