Plenty of NPCs will arrive at Firelink Shrine throughout your playthrough of Dark Souls 3. Nearly all of them have interesting things to say and have further benefits and dialogue for users who go through their questline.

One of the most interesting characters in the Shrine is Greirat. He is an older thief or criminal that loves to scavenge areas you visit throughout the game. Depending on your choices, he can either provide more interesting loot to sell or die trying. Plenty of interesting tidbits surround his quest, story, and even the items he is wearing. Here are the 10 most interesting facts about Greirat in Dark Souls 3.

10 Thrall Hood

One of the first things players will notice when they meet Greirat is how strange he looks. He has this weird, long headpiece and ragged clothes under his massive head.

Players who want to look like him should find the Thrall Hood and ragged clothes, as those are the items Greirat uses. Ragged items can be found on the starter hollows in the High Wall of Lothric, while the hood is a rare drop found on Thralls that are scattered throughout the game. It is believed that these hoods were worn by criminals or peasants. Seeing as how Greirat loves thievery, it’s likely he was a skilled criminal.

9 Gavlan Voice Actor

If you played Dark Souls 2 at all, you may have found a sense of Deja Vu when hearing Greirat speak. That is because the same voice actor voiced Gavlan in Dark Souls 2 and Greirat.

In Dark Souls 2, Gavlan is a Gyrm merchant that sells useful items to the player. He is also the only merchant in the game that players can sell their items to for souls, similar to Frampt in the original Dark Souls. Similarly, Greirat sells useful items to the player with a larger stock the further along the quest players are.

8 Can Trade Loretta’s Bone

The start of Greirat’s quest involves finding Loretta’s Bone, a bone that belonged to one of his loved ones. Who it is exactly is a mystery, but she was important enough to Greirat to have him ask you to retrieve a bone from her.

Players can trade this item with Greirat for the Blue Tearstone Ring and his presence at Firelink Shrine, continuing his questline. Alternatively, players can trade this bone to Pickle Pee at the top of Firelink for a Ring of Sacrifice. Fitting how a bone gives a sacrifice item. You do not need to trade the bone with Pickle Pee to earn the Master of Rings achievement, however.

7 Knows Patches

It seems that thieves know each other well in the Dark Souls universe. In Dark Souls 3, Patches mentions Greirat briefly when he shows up in Firelink Shrine.

When players first talk to Patches when he enters the Shrine—after being locked into the tower—he will briefly mention how Greirat did him a good turn while he was in Lothric Dungeon, suggesting that they both met but went on their respective ways. It’s funny how, for lack of a better word, a troll from the first game returns and knows some of the most sketchy people around.

6 Patches Can Rescue Him

When Greirat finishes pillaging his first location and returns, he will briefly mention how he wants to raid Irythill. Players can accept and have him loot what’s left of the zone.

Unfortunately, he gets himself into some trouble and can die if not rescued. Luckily, either Siegward or Patches can save the expert thief by using Siegward’s armor. If Patches steals Siegward’s gear and leaves him in the well, he can use that armor to save Patches before you kill Pontiff Sulyvahn—one of the hardest bosses in the series. If Patches is killed or doesn’t have the armor, Siegward can do so if he was saved from the well. If neither has happened, Greirat will meet an untimely demise.

5 Sells Certain Items Cheaper

Even though Greirat isn’t the noblest of characters, he does provide lower prices to players who purchase wares from him. If he obtains items from his questline, he can sell those for better prices than the Shrine Handmaiden.

For example, Firebombs are typically 1,000 souls to purchase from the Shrine Handmaiden. If you are farming enemies that are prone to fire, however, consider buying the Firebombs from Greirat. They’re 500 souls from him, letting you buy double the normal amount. If you recover his ashes and bring them to the Handmaiden, her prices on duplicate items will be overwritten with Greirat’s cheaper alternatives.

4 He Doesn’t Survive Lothric Castle

The last part of his questline is sad. He asks the player if he can scavenge Lothric Castle for some amazing items. If you agree, you just gave Greirat a death sentence that you can not undo.

Players who arrive at the Castle rooftops will notice his corpse lying on the floor and his ashes next to the body. He mentions how no one has survived but he knows the place like the back of his hand, but it seems he didn’t know it well enough to survive the zone. As sad as it is, that’s the end of his questline and there is no way to save him besides leaving his quest permanently unfinished.

3 Greirat’s Ashes

Even though he does die at the end of the questline, he does provide some new items in his inventory if players provide his ashes to the Shrine Handmaiden.

Players can purchase Splintering and Exploding Bolts from the Handmaiden once she has his ashes, alongside everything else he had on him. Prices on items he sold for cheaper, such as Firebombs, are overwritten to be cheaper when his ashes are turned in. He may have died, but his fantastic prices and large inventory selection live on.

2 Inconsistent Wares

He does sell some fantastic items for every type of player, but the type of wares he sells does not match when he gets them. He may sell a powerful item like the Lothric Knight Greatshield later, but he gets them after looting Irithyll.

When Greirat loots the Undead Settlement, he gets access to Pontiff gear to sell. Pontiff and his knights are all in Irithyll. When he loots Irythill later, however, he starts to sell Lothric gear, even though the last area he looted was right next to Lothric Castle. This is either a bug or his wares are the result of an alpha or beta version of the game where players went through Irythll before Lothric. It’s an interesting topic to speculate on, nevertheless.

1 Killing Dancer and Greirat’s Quest

Players who are insane, skilled or both can kill Dancer of the Boreal Valley very early in the game, much sooner than From Software intended.

Players who do, however, might notice that Greirat’s quest slightly changes. If she dies before fighting Aldrich or Yhorn nothing changes. If players kill her and then he pillages both locations, he will immediately ask to loot the Castle instead of waiting to do so. Note that if you go through Lothric Castle and he is looting his first zone, he will not ask you to loot Lothric Castle, so he has to go through Irithyll first.

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