When Niantic teamed up with The Pokémon Company to create Pokémon Go, old and new fans alike flocked to the game. The ability to integrate Pokémon with the real world was a tempting offer which millions found themselves unable to turn down. Updates which would follow integrated many missing features fans had sought from the initial release which have led to one of the most unique experiences available.

With other franchises such as Harry Potter and Minecraft producing similar experiences, it’s impossible not to wonder which other titles we may see enter the augmented reality fray. Here are ten franchises we think should create a similar experience in the future.

10 Yu-Gi-Oh!

It isn’t hard to see the similarities between Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! Both have similar monsters and command scores of fans across anime, video game, trading card game, and collectible merchandise mediums. While Duel Links has given us a great mobile platform from which to enjoy the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, it doesn’t quite touch the scope of Pokémon Go.

Imagine implementing elements of the anime into an augmented reality game. Duelist Kingdom could be realized in full by fans in a unique way that hasn’t been seen yet. While the thought might be a bit more enticing than the product could deliver, we’d love to see the attempt.

9 Digimon

If there is a franchise which bears a closer resemblance to Pokémon than Yu-Gi-Oh!, it’s Digimon. Staying true to form for the anime, Digimon pairs individuals with a single Digimon inside the Digital World. With technology being what it is today, the franchise really lends itself to an augmented reality experience.

We could easily envision this. The world players would inhabit could take the place of a gateway into the Digital World from the Digimon universe. The only unfortunate temptation we could see developers tempted toward is allowing players to acquire multiple companions as is the case with other games in the franchise. We’d prefer to avoid that.

8 Smash

Shifting gears a bit, Smash isn’t quite the same as Pokémon, but the franchise has successfully incorporated several Pokémon characters into its roster over the years. If Smash can turn the Pokémon trainer into one of its best characters, why can’t they mimic the Pokémon franchise to create an awesome interactive mobile title?

Compared to the previous two, this might be a bit tougher. It would definitely need to focus on implementing items in the real world for use in the battle platforms. The upside to Smash making an AR debut is that it could produce a far more sufficient single-player experience.

7 Dragon Ball

Shifting back to another anime series, Dragon Ball is an extremely popular franchise which has always found success in video game form. With the nature of the series, an interactive mobile title which incorporates the Dragon Ball universe would be captivating.

If made, this title should have players create an avatar similar to Pokémon Go. In some manner, they would need to improve their abilities. There are a variety of enemies and settings which could be incorporated, along with the ultimate prize: gathering the Dragon Balls themselves. The parameters of what one could wish for, however, might need to be worked out.

6 Final Fantasy

What franchise is more known for rich worlds than Final Fantasy? Its various titles are known for intricate stories, epic villains, and vast worlds which are thoroughly developed. There isn’t a world which could be more fully fleshed out than the one in which we live. How rich could a makeover at the hands of Square make our world?

We envision the map animations of this world being reminiscent of traveling the world map in Final Fantasy VII. Enemies could be encountered randomly or in similar manners to Pokémon Go. With enough design, monuments and locations in the real world could be built into explorable areas or minigames.

5 Devil May Cry

Having recently made its comeback into prominence, the Devil May Cry franchise is yearning for a new medium. To date, the franchise has only explored RPGs, but it would be nice to see it expand. In terms of avenues to follow, not many would fit the theme as well as an interactive mobile title.

Sadly, an interactive mobile title in the franchise wouldn’t be able to feature Dante in a traditional sense. He would need to play a similar role to a professor in Pokémon Go. Ideally, players would take on the role of demon hunters, taking on various bounties and upgrading their own abilities. If worked out properly, the franchise certainly has potential.

4 Paranormal Activity

Thus far, we’ve focused on video game franchises. While it’s certainly easier to imagine those, they aren’t the only franchises capable of lending to the interactive mobile genre. Think of an augmented reality experience based around the Paranormal Activity franchise. To go a step further, any horror franchise could suffice. We just think this one makes the most sense. The presentation of films as reality means that they’ve already taken a step in the right direction.

We’d envision this title incorporating horror elements into the real world. A variety of challenges could sprout up, including the defeat of various supernatural enemies.

3 Warcraft

When World of Warcraft debuted, Blizzard had taken a hit franchise in a bold new direction. Having already emerged into the MMORPG realm, Warcraft is already primed to venture into new territories. With augmented reality serving as the current frontier for video game developers, Warcraft could move with ease.

Blizzard has certainly shown its diversity as a developer. With a history of strategy and RPG titles, this entry would be able to incorporate various unique elements to create an interactive mobile experience which highlights the best of many items already listed here.

2 The Sims

The Sims is an oddly addictive franchise which pulls players in by letting them manipulate the world around the lives of simulated characters. For years, this franchise has been one of the greatest ways to waste time for millions.

When you think of franchises you can pick up and put down to kill time between high profile releases, none serves better than Minecraft. The fact that Minecraft has successfully stepped into the realm of interactive mobile games makes it clear that The Sims could also see a successful transition. We could see a scenario where this game forces users to manipulate items in their environments. Perhaps they could be joined by their Sims avatars, or perhaps it would primarily take place in smaller plots as the Minecraft title does. In any case, it could be exciting.

1 Fallout

Forget Bethesda’s 2018 disappointment known as Fallout 76 and look to a brighter time. Perhaps in doing so, we should change the title of this item to The Outer Worlds, but we like to hold hope that the Fallout franchise isn’t finished yet. After all, Fallout Shelter was an amazing entry into mobile games for the franchise.

Reimagining our world as a wasteland is easy. Sprinkling junk to be collected throughout is not hard. Raider encounters would be absolutely doable, and the various factions in Fallout lore easily offer team lines similar to Teams Mystic, Valor and Instinct. Not only would this be a great experience, but it would essentially lay the groundwork for future releases when mapping out areas for new wastelands.

NEXT: The 10 Rarest Shinies In Pokémon GO