A lot of games are scheduled to be released this year but, the ones that seem to be getting the most attention seem to be the AAA titles. We all know The Last of Us Part 2, Final Fantasy 7, Doom Eternal and Cyberpunk 2077 are coming out soon but what about the lesser-known titles? The independent titles, the games that aren’t getting enough promotion?

New and creative games and the companies that introduce those new and creative ideas and mechanics need to be acknowledged. Here are 10 video games that are currently scheduled for a 2020 release that deserve to be talked about more.

10 Destroy All Humans!

Despite never reaching the heights that the developers were hoping for, Destroy All Humans has garnered a respectable cult following over the years. The game followed the mission of alien solider Crypto who was tasked to collect DNA from the brain stems of humans and save his home world from extinction through cloning his species. The game known for its tongue-in-cheek humor about society, politics, popular culture and the science fiction genre.

After so many years, returning to the spaceship’s driver’s seat and wielding the brain extractor once more should be nothing less but a bunch of fun. Destroy All Humans is slated for a release during Q2 of 2020 on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC.

9 New World

This land is dangerous, malevolent and is hell-bent on sending you to an early grave. You and your team will determine your own path to survival, whether that’s through brutality or heroically banding together. With a mix of gaming mechanics and the combined melee and ranged combat should make for a fun gaming night with friends. New World will be released this May on PC.

8 Empire Of Sin

Ready to go back to a time of jazz music, bootleggers and stylish gangsters? Using XCOM-style turn-based strategy game play, Paradox Interactive’s Empire of Sin puts you in charge of a gang trying to conquer new territory during the Prohibition-era. With a familiar narrative element, you will have to charm and/or intimidate your way to the top. However, you’ll sometimes have to do things the hard way, planning out attacks to take over distilleries, speakeasies and even brothels to become the highest ranking gangster in the city. Empire of Sin will be available in Fall of this year on Playstation 4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch.

7 Carrion

New inductees in the horror genre are usually a constant interesting experience for gamers. Fighting for your life against an horrifying, unknown entity is a concept that can be played around with in several different ways. Devolver Digital’s latest project, Carrion is a 2-D horror experience that puts you in control of the monster, a slithering, sliming, constantly growing tentacle monster.

You move from room to room, eating scientists, soldiers and other unsuspecting victims to escape your small prison, and maybe even find a hint of redemption. Playing a horror game is one thing, but a reverse-horror game can be an interesting gaming experience. Carrion was set for release last October but it’s been slated for a 2020 release with no date set in stone. You’ll be able to catch it on Playstation 4, Xbox One, PC and Macintosh.

6 Haven

Ever been on a date that’s going really well, you go back to their place but couldn’t find the perfect game to play together? The Game Bakers have thought of that, bringing us a new role-playing experience about two star-crossed lovers trying to make it in unfamiliar terrain. The two must explore a lost planet together, in both combat and exploration while trying to keep their relationship strong. Nothing matters except staying and working together.

You can play in a single player campaign or in co-op mode with that special someone in your life. Haven is set for a release in 2020 on Xbox One, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC.

5 System Shock

Back in 1994, System Shock was hailed as a breakthrough in the action-adventure and horror genre for its innovative combat ideas, puzzles and use of emergent gameplay. System Shock has inspired other titles including Deus Ex and the Bioshock franchise, so it’s a little surprising to learn that it was actually a loss for the now defunct LookingGlass Technologies.

But despite that, it has earned it’s place in many hall of fame lists. So, Nightdive Studios has decided to breathe new life in the franchise with a remake. Walk in the shoes of the unknown hacker again, exploring the Citadel Station once again to combat the malevolent AI, SHODAN. System Shock is scheduled for a release during Q1 of 2020, however, that may change be subject to change. You’ll be able to play it on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC.

4 No More Heroes 3

Releasing more than a decade ago, No More Heroes was a fascinating combination of different geek cultures from video games, anime and even a little Star Wars sprinkled on. Following wannabe assassin Travis Touchdown, the game told the story of a determined nerd working up the ranks to become the number one rank assassin in the United Assassin’s Association. After the events of Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, Grasshopper Manufacturer is taking the franchise in a new direction… the science fiction one surprisingly.

In this installment, Travis finds himself going head-to-head against skilled alien warriors in order to save the planet from being conquered and destroyed. Could this be an interesting direction for the franchise or a complete shark-jumping move? There has not been a release date set in stone but it’s slated to be released this year. It will be made available on the Nintendo Switch.

3 Spiritfarer

Coming from Lotus Thunder Games, their latest project puts the player in the control of a ferryman in charge of transporting souls to their next plane of existence. Interestingly, the souls you transport, while they were originally human, take on the form of animals like deer, snakes and so forth to show their true colors underneath. You will assemble a boat, comfort your new spirit friends and guide them across the mystic seas, in hopes of making their final wish come true.

This narrative-driven game looks like an interesting dive into what it means to find happiness after death. Spiritfarer is set to come out this year without a set date of release. It will be released on PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Playstation 4 and Macintosh.

2 Hindsight 20/20: Wrath Of The Raakshasa

Ever made a decision in the game and you’ve immediately regretted it? Clearly someone at Triple-I Games has understood all of our pain on this issue, that’s why they’ve created the upcoming Hindsight 20/20: Wrath of the Raakshasa. Players, after making a tough choice during their playthrough, will be able to rectify it and experience a new outcome. Everything you do will have a different outcome, you’ll be able to see every single outcome, the only question is which outcome you’ll be satisfied with. Hindsight 20/20 is set for a release in the Q2 of 2020 on Xbox One, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC.

1 Way To The Woods

In a world full of impressive AAA titles, we cannot forget about the independent developers. Way To The Woods is an visually interesting, third-person survival game putting the player in control of an adult deer and its fawn. After human civilization has fallen, these two animals have to embark on an adventure in an abandoned world to find food, shelter and safety.

Creator Anthony Tan stated that he used the works of Hayao Miyazaki (Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away) as an inspiration for the environment and atmosphere. The game was slated for a 2019 release but it was held back to 2020, according to the game’s website. It will be released on Xbox One and PC.

NEXT: 10 Ridiculously Long PC Games (& How Long They Take To Beat)