Yeah, sure, the talk of the Mario franchise’s currency is a topic that is so overdone in this day and age. In this political climate, you can’t even get on Twitter without seeing five different articles on Princess Peach losing billions on her stock values. But today, we’re going to be diving into this topic, and discussing ten ways that the Super Mario economy makes absolutely no sense. Let’s get into it.

10 There Are Coins Everywhere

Do you know how absolutely insane the world would be if it functioned anything like Mario’s did? Well, besides all the obvious reasons. There are coins everywhere in their world. You can’t even go on a walk without encountering hundreds of coins. How does this work? Is this regulated? There are just so many coins, all over the place. Who’s putting them there? Why haven’t they been taken yet? How big are Mario’s pockets? These are all questions that are absolutely perplexing, and just make no sense at all.

9 1-Ups

In all of the mainline Mario games, after you collect 100 coins, the counter resets and you get an extra life. Boy, I sure do love it when I get $100 dollars and get another year added to my life. How does this even work? Where do the coins go? How is the 1-Up given to Mario? How often are people dying in this universe that this needed to be implemented? Is this government regulated? Is Peach the government? Too many questions are posed by this one. Let’s just make sure Mario has enough coins so he never leaves us.

8 New Super Mario Bros. 2

Well, this game was a whole disaster. What was going on here? The entire hook of this game was coins. It was coins everywhere, for no apparent reason. Once again, was this government regulated? Who said that this was okay? Why was everything gold? Who was building this? Once again, so many questions, but there’s just so many that need to be asked. Is there some billionaire that is bankrolling this entire game simply for their amusement? Even if there isn’t the game still makes no sense.

7  You Don’t Need A Job

In the Mario universe, you kind of just don’t need a job ever. As long as you go outside once a day, you’re guaranteed several thousand coins instantly. Doesn’t that kind of beg the question as to how this country is even up and running? As no one has to work for coins, there is no one that needs a job. The economy has stagnated, productivity is at an all-time low. How bad is the Mushroom Kingdom’s deficit? As their entire economy is just waiting to be grabbed in a variety of different locales, it’s probably pretty bad.

6 Toad Houses

Toad Houses are one of the ways in which Mario can acquire new power-ups in the Super Mario Bros. series, but it requires absolutely no coins to participate. As we previously established, productivity is at an all-time low and there is no employment, the Toads are starving. You think that they’d be charging for this, but instead, they’re just basically giving Mario the items for free. This must mean that Peach has some sort of wealth that she’s sharing with them, and they need her back immediately.

5 Luigi’s Mansion

In Luigi’s Mansion, there are coins… but also paper bills, gems and pearls. This just throws everything that we thought we knew about the Mushroom Kingdom’s currency out the window.

While Luigi’s adventures have coins, they also have plenty of different forms of currency that have never appeared in Mario’s adventures. Why is that? Does Luigi’s Mansion even take place in the Mushroom Kingdom? Who is in charge of the treasury department? You know what, we know that one. It’s probably Nabbit. The rest still doesn’t make any sense in the slightest, though.

4 Red And Blue Coins

In all of the Mario titles, you have access to blue and red coins. These coins can both be activated by hitting different switches or (literally) jumping through hoops, and disappear after a short time. This is a lot to unpack. Let’s just list the questions. Do they still disappear if they’re collected by Mario? How do they get there in the first place? Where do they go when they disappear? Can these be used at the supermarket like other coins?

3 Oxygen Restoring

You know, isn’t it such a relief when you’re swimming and smash your head onto a golden coin in order to give yourself a little more oxygen? Mario is so relatable. For some reason, in the Mario world, money does that underwater. Besides the reasoning as to why there is even money underwater, this is just so confusing. Maybe each coin underwater comes with a very small snorkel that Mario can use for a limited amount of time. Otherwise, this just doesn’t make any sense at all.

2 Star Coins

Star Coins are very large coins that can be used in the New Super Mario Bros. series to unlock new areas. But like, what actually are they? Are these also created by the government, or some sort of weird third-party entity? Are these the equivalent of like, a quarter in our world? Something with a bit more value that is a bit larger than regular coins? Except in the case of the Mario universe, it’s the size of their entire body. Who even knows at this point.

1 Racing For Coins

In Mario Kart, coins are used to give yourself a bit higher speed on the racetrack, and that just makes even more sense than every other entry on this list, doesn’t it? How does adding the weight of a golden coin onto your kart make anything move faster? Shouldn’t it just slow you down if anything? Well, at least we know this isn’t the only way money is used in this series. In Mario Kart tour, you can give them a small fee of $600 to get the chance to look at a picture of Diddy Kong. If that isn’t worth it, what is?

NEXT: 10 Weirdest Reasons That Princess Peach Got Kidnapped