10 Swapped Quartet

Via: Shslbs

This amazing fan art of the 4 playable characters in Monster Prom. Shslbs gives us an idea of what Amira, Oz, Vicky, and Brian would look like if they were to switch monster types with one another. It looks like Amira is missing her fiery flames of hair as she becomes the embodiment of Fear. Oz is having a hard time with a pesky crow as being a zombie has the annoying issue of being considered “dinner” for any carrion-eating creature.

Vicky stares at her fiery hands in shock (and maybe awe) and it seems like Brian isn’t too perturbed by his new look, being stitched together from different dead body parts isn’t that much different from being an undead creature! This artwork was done for Monster Prom’s 2019 Inktober challenge.

9 Miranda, Polly, & Vera

Via: Mioree

This beautiful piece of fan art is of Miranda Vanderbilt, Polly Geist, and Vera Oberlin. All the girls (and the guys) have such different personalities that it wouldn’t seem like they’d be friends. Miranda is a literal princess, with a sweet and cute personality that makes her tyrannical and genocidal ideas even more terrifying. Polly is a fun-loving party ghost with little-to-no boundaries and Vera is a ruthless businesswoman who’s condescending to those she deems beneath her.

But the girls are all really good friends with one another as evident by how often they hang out and how quick they are to defend and help one another and the rest of their friends.

8 Calculester

Via: CBeeDoodles

Calculester was a character that appeared in a secret ending and then became the main love interest in Monster Prom: Second Term. He’s a sentient robot who wants to “experience life to its fullest” and despite not technically being a living or even undead creature, he’s treated the same as any other student.

He likes his friends, plants and has a deep appreciation for life and is one of the nicer characters of the game. And CBeeDoodles’ fanart of Calculester is one of the cutest pieces of fan art around. It makes one wonder who wouldn’t fall in love with this mechanical sweetheart.

7 Polly

Via: Jay

Out of all of the main characters, Polly is typically one of the more laid back ones, who enjoys having a good time, with questionable substances. But with the newest update to Monster Prom fans got to see a different side to Polly that shows a bit of what goes on beneath her party ghost loving surface.

Not to go too deep into spoilers for the update but it does answer one of Monster Prom’s longest-held mysteries. Jay captures this newly shown side of Polly perfectly and the image only becomes more powerful after playing the update.

6 “Foreseer” Zoe

Via: Artjimena

Just like Calculester, Zoe first appeared as a character in a few of the secret endings and was then released as a new main love interest in the DLC. She’s an eldritch god formerly known as Z’Gord, Ruler of the Dark Realms, but she shed that title and her past to become the ultimate high school fangirl! Artjimena took inspiration from Zoe’s (and the rest of the main cast’s) costumes when they’re in the Auditorium and created a Fantasy AU with them becoming what they portray, where Zoe becomes a “seer.”

You can check out the rest of the cast in their fantasy Au roles and see even more of Artjimena’s amazing fan art on her Tumblr.

5 Vera

Via: TetraTheRipper

TetraTheRipper’s fanart of Vera Oberlin manages to be both cute and perfectly captures Vera’s air of being much better than everyone else. It’s hard to argue that she isn’t better than everyone, considering how accomplished of a businesswoman she is, even if her business practices are anything but legal.

Vera is beautiful, cold and cruel, but has a much gentler side for her friends and loved ones. Even if she seems exasperated by some of their more foolish antics, it’d be hard to find a more loyal friend than Vera.

4 Prom King Liam

Via: Joannawentbananas

Liam is one of the main love interest who is described as a hipster vampire. He doesn’t like anything that can be considered “cliche” or mainstream" and can be stand-offish and a bit judgmental. However, this attitude is only there to hide how much of a “lovable dork” he is. In one of his endings, Miranda finds out that Liam was popular for some time in the early 16th century and she does her best (along with the help of the player) to make him popular again.

Successfully completing the route has Liam crowned as Prom King, which despite being a hipster, it makes him happy enough to cry tears of joy. Joannawentbananas fan art of that moment captures that scene perfectly.

3 Prom Queen Miranda

Via: Melora Mylin

It would make sense for a literal princess to be Prom Queen, and Miranda would make the perfect one. She’s pretty, poised, and pretty dangerous and willing to get rid of anyone that opposes her rule. For a human Prom Queen that’d be downright terrible, but for a monster one that’s pretty much expected.

Melora Mylin’s amazing fan art is based around the idea of Miranda being Prom Queen as her friends and the rest of the students look on. It’s a lot less bloody version of how she becomes “Prom Royalty” in the “THRONE” secret ending.

2 Damien & Oz

Via: Zaiisey

This wonderful piece of Monster Prom fan art features Damien and Oz. This piece was done before the game came out and Zaiisey mentioned possibly loving the two of them, even more, when the game actually came out.

This talented artist isn’t the only one who loves these two together as Damien/Oz seems to be a pretty popular pairing among the fandom. Could it possibly be because of the dynamic between someone with a shy personality and a “bad boy” personality? Whatever the reason is, these two together are absolutely adorable!

1 Slayer Suplex

Via: LightDasher

The Slayer is one of the minor characters in the game. She often appears during moments when Damien and Liam are together vowing to destroy them both. Despite being a student at Spooky High, The Slayer vows to destroy just about all the monsters at the school. She’s mentioned or shown using a number of different weapons against Damien and Liam including a crossbow, a sword, and even holy water!

Who’s to say she couldn’t perform a suplex on Damien to take him out? For anyone that loves The Slayer and wants to see more fan art of her LightDasher has a number of other Slayer (and Monster Prom) related fan art.