Just as no person is perfect, most video games have glitches. Sometimes these glitches are game-breakers and players try to avoid them at all cost. However, there are some glitches that put a smile on players’ faces. These glitches are just silly and do not harm your save file. It could be a badly rendered non-player-character or just a dead zombie that giggles like jello for some reason.

There are ten glitches that we found to be the most hilarious. Please check out the links to find videos of them in action, as they of them are most enjoyed through video and need to be seen to be believed.

10 The Tiny Player In Madden  NFL 15

This popular glitch had a lot of personality. The American football game had a glitch where one player was miniature. Like he was between one to two feet tall. Despite his small size though, he worked like a regular player and could tackle, run, and throw like any other. The NPC is Christian Kirksey. For those that don’t know, that is also a real person from a real team.

Players loved this glitch to the point that EA decided to embrace the glitch and make it an actual part of the game. The NPC has been nicknamed the “Tiny Titan.”

9 Skyrim Giants Sending Enemies Up Into The Sky

The giants of Skyrim broke the laws of physics in a hilarious way. A lot of players got to witness either themselves, animals, or companions get launched high into the sky after getting hit by a giant. A lot of examples of this glitch can be found on Youtube.

Some have argued that this is not even a glitch, and that giants are just that strong. Most players agree that it is a glitch though since it just looks wonky. Intended or not from the beginning, it seems that the creators decided to not ever fix the glitch because it was just too funny.

8 Creepy Babies In Sims 4

We are not the first to speak of these demon babies and we certainly won’t be the last. They have even been featured as their own article on Kotaku. Though the glitch is rather harmless, it may cause a lot of psychological damage. Those babies are nightmare fuel with claw-like arms and eyes that bounce out of their sockets.

Though, it is pretty funny to watch your sim characters treat this little monster like its family without question. That is unconditional love.

7 The Shaun Glitch From Heavy Rain

The Shaun glitch from Heavy Rain may be the most funny from this list. It is easily accessible for watching on Youtube, so definitely check it out. The climax to the game is already hard to take seriously from its poorly done twist, and this glitch really amps up the humor.

Normally, you are trying to save Shaun and you only get the option to call his name a couple times at the beginning. However, this glitch made is so you can scream Shaun’s name throughout the entire scene. It is beautiful.

6 Red Dead Redemption Animal People

This glitch is wild. Basically, something got confused to the point that human NPCs start behaving like animals. That means you can actually see humans fly in the sky, flapping their arms as if they were birds. There is also a glitch where there is a very fast man on his knees who got confused for a cougar.

It is something that need to be seen to be believe. Both the bird and cougar glitch can be found on Youtube.

5 Battlefield 3 Beta Worm People

This glitch was only in the game Beta, but we were lucky enough to witness the glitch in an uploaded video. Your fellow men may look normal at first, but when they move, they turn into worm people! Their necks and arms get long and they wiggle to move. It would be terrifying if it wasn’t hilarious. The moment they stop moving, they turn back into normal men.

4 Mass Effect Shepard’s Head Spin

The Mass Effect series has a lot of funny moments, but not all of them were put in on purpose. The Shepard head spin glitch is one of those examples. If you blink, you might miss it, but there is a video where his head spins all the way around like a broken bobble-head toy. There are other silly glitches out there such as his face not rendering so you just see his teeth and eyes, but the head spin is more widely known by the Mass Effect fandom.

3 Lord Of The Rings Online Chair Glitch

This game has a number of glitches. There is a popular one that makes you learn how to fly. However, the funniest one is the chair glitch. Basically, you can tell other characters to follow you and they will. However, if you do it while they are sitting in a chair, they will remain seated and the chair will float after you. Like the rest of these gems, this glitch can be seen via online video .

2 Sharks Leaving The Water In Crysis

This glitch is a mixture of terrifying and funny. It has sharks leaving the ocean and glitching about the beaches! One particular video shows a player who kills a shark, but it comes back to life and gets onto the beach and drags its face through the sand as this player panics and shoots a ton of bullets at it. The sharks are huge too! It is like a scene out of one of those bad shark movies.

1  Mount & Blade: Warband’s Face In The Sky

This is one of those crazy glitches you need to see to believe. Yes, the entire sky can turn into a face. It is not a pretty face either, as its skin stretches beyond to each horizon and its mouth hangs open. It is hilarious and creepy, like something out of a Rick and Morty episode. Lets hope the glitch is not permanent!

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