Fans are impatiently waiting for Breath of the Wild’s recently-announced sequel to release. Expectations are high (probably too high) and speculation is flying everywhere. Many are hoping for the game to improve on a few of the flaws the original game had, and it probably will.

One of the few complaints people had about BOTW was a lack of enemy variety. The various guardians and an assortment of different-colored moblins, bokoblins, and lizalfos made up the bulk of Ganon’s army, with a few other things mixed in and some overworld bosses. Fans are hoping the enemies are much more diverse in Breath of the Wild 2, so here are a few from older games that might be great choices.

10 Dodongos

These small fire-breathing lizards were introduced in Ocarina of Time, mostly contained within their lair, Dodongo’s Cavern, which served as one of the game’s dungeons. Since their introduction, they’ve also appeared in Majora’s Mask and Twilight Princess, as well as some other non-canonical media.

These dinosaur-like spawns could fit perfectly in a desert region or near Death Mountain, given their reptilian and fire-breathing nature. King Dodongo, the largest of the species, made for a great boss in Hyrule Warriors as well, and could be given the same treatment in BOTW2.

9 Deku Baba

These carnivorous plants are likely the first enemies that many Zelda fans ever faced, appearing very early in Ocarina of Time in the Lost Woods and Kokiri Forest. They’ve also appeared in Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and Majora’s Mask. When defeated, they drop deku sticks and seeds in some games, which can be used as weapons and tools.

Deku Babas could have been found in BOTW’s Lost Woods. It’s almost a bit strange that they didn’t. Nintendo could rectify their absence in BOTW2, making it so they drop a bundle of wood or plant ingredients for cooking.

8 Eyegore

Eyegores are strange cycloptic enemies that first appeared in A Link to the Past. They’ve appeared in several other games, too, including Majora’s Mask and the Minish Cap. In order to be defeated, the player must shoot them directly in the eye with an arrow. Usually, when their eye is closed, they are invulnerable.

These enemies can be a challenge to defeat. In BOTW, Link relies on a bow and arrow pretty heavily. It could make for some great target practice to see the Eyegores around Hyrule, particularly in Hyrule Castle.

Link’s shadowy counterpart is a staple of the series, posing a serious challenge as a boss fight in many cases. He represents the uphill challenge of overcoming oneself and often mirrors Link’s attacks, strategies, and weapons. He first appeared in The Adventure of Link and has since made appearances in many games, maybe most notably in Ocarina.

Since much of BOTW’s story centered around overcoming obstacles and finding personal glory, it’s strange that Dark Link was not implemented as a tough challenge for Link to face. BOTW2 should feature a Dark Link boss battle at some point.

6 Skulltula

Who doesn’t love the skulltulas? Whether it’s helping save the cursed family of the House of Skulltula or the large, skull-shaped spiders that scare the lights out of you as they drop from the ceiling, these arachnids are a staple of the Zelda franchise.

They’ve made appearances in Ocarina, Twilight Princess, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, and more. Their darker nature and love for dank abandoned places should have made them a sure bet for BOTW’s Hyrule, which has a ton of those types of locales. Hopefully, we’ll see their return in BOTW2.

5 Like-Like

Like Likes might make most players a bit uncomfortable, but they’re probably supposed to. These strange walking tubes attract their prey (Link, in this instance) by dangling a rupee or other item above the ground. Once it’s grabbed, they’ll swallow the victim whole and attempt to eat them.

Often, this means stealing Link’s shield or some other items. They’ve appeared in several games, dating back to the original Legend of Zelda. They could be great in BOTW, hiding underground like Octoroks and stealing Link’s cooking ingredients or various pieces of armor. They could even keep it original and steal the shields Link carries.

4 Tektite

Tektites might be one of the most abundant enemies to recur through the Zelda series, appearing in more than fifteen of the main series games. These monsters take the form of jumping spiders with one eye. They can seemingly float on top of water and often overpower the player with an aerial advantage by leaping.

These enemies could easily be imagined on top of Hyrule’s various rivers in BOTW or throughout the grasslands. Given their apparent omnipresence in the Zelda franchise, it’s weird that they aren’t in BOTW in the first place.

3 Darknut

BOTW had its fair share of tough enemies, from lynels to silver variants of bokoblins and moblins. On Master Mode, they can appear as golden enemies that are fairly difficult to take down. But, BOTW lacks the fun challenge of defeating a Darknut.

These armored knights have appeared in Link’s Awakening, Four Swords, Wind Waker, and more. They have a high level of difficulty in almost every appearance, sometimes even being used as a sub-boss. They could pose an additional challenge to players looking for something more difficult alongside BOTW’s infamous lynels. Their swords and shields would also make great loot.

2 ReDead & Gibdo

Striking fear into fans everywhere are the ReDeads and Gibdos of Hyrule. These terrifying creatures have a blood-curdling shriek and menacing presence that is truly from the depths of nightmares. They’re basically the same enemy with cosmetic differences. ReDeads are zombie-like monsters and Gibdos are mummies wrapped in bandages.

Both have appeared in several games, included Ocarina, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess. Their horrifying screams and ability to freeze you in place is truly terrible, and they would make a fantastic addition to the darker, more sinister parts of Hyrule.

1 Poe

Speaking of scary monsters, Hyrule has its fair share of ghosts and hauntings. The paranormal specters of the dead often take the form of poes, large ghosts who are associated with lanterns. In many games, these spirits must be killed in order to capture their soul, which is then used for a variety of purposes.

They’ve made appearances in Link to the Past, Ocarina, A Link Between Worlds, and Tri Force Heroes, among others. They often dwell in graveyards and dungeons, both of which are mostly absent from BOTW’s Hyrule. Given how Hyrule is sparely populated — likely due to the populace being killed off under Calamity Ganon — these poltergeists should be everywhere. Maybe they’ll make an appearance in BOTW2.

NEXT: The Legend Of Zelda: 10 Best Games In The Franchise, Ranked (According To Metacritic)