It’s no surprise that many places in Pokémon were inspired by real places located around the globe. The very first region, Kanto, has the same name as the Japanese region that encompasses Tokyo. While we can’t visit the locations in the game, we can pinpoint the real-world areas that inspired them.

While most every place in the series is tied to a real-world location, we narrowed down our list to encompass some of the most recognizable and fun travel destinations for fans of the series. Keep reading below to learn about ten Pokémonareas that were inspired by real-world locations.

10 Honolulu: Hau’oli City

Hau’oli City is where players will be introduced to many of the starting mechanics of Sun & Moon. In the game, Hau’oli is the biggest city in Alola and features many activities for tourists to enjoy. The anime even mentions that it is lined with popular restaurants that visitors from all over the world look forward to eating at.

This city was inspired by Honolulu, a location in Hawaii that is a popular vacation destination. Honolulu features a plethora of island-themed activities along with many places for tourists to try Hawaiin dishes.

9 Liverpool: Hulbury

It’s pretty obvious that Sword & Shield is set in England just from the shape of the map. If you love Nintendo’s newest Switch title, then you may just want to visit the real-world location that inspired the beautifully scenic coastal town of Hulbury. Luckily, it’s pretty obvious that this location was inspired by the city of Liverpool, England.

Liverpool is a port of international trade where many imports and exports can be found on incoming and outgoing ships. The fact that you can only buy incense in Hulbury may be a reference to this fact.

8 Liberty State Park: Liberty Island

If the name of Liberty Island isn’t a giveaway, then it’s description definitely is. The game states that the island is a symbol of freedom and hope. The island is small with a stone lighthouse in the center and can only be reached if you have gained a Liberty Pass. This area was inspired by Liberty State Park in New Jersey. This isn’t surprising as most of the industrialized Unova region reminds us of New York City.

When you visit Liberty park, you can see the statue of liberty clearly. The park is a popular destination that lets tourists see the statue in a less crowded area.

7 Mt.Fuji: Mt. Silver

Johto was based in Japan and took tons of inspiration from the country. Mt. Silver is part of the post-game of Gold, Silver, and Crystal. It is a multi-area cave with high leveled Pokémon that are made to whittle down the player’s party. The move rock slide is required to scale the whole mountain, and the fabled trainer Red awaits your challenge at the very top.

Mt. Silver was inspired by Mt.Fuji, a revered location in Japan. Just like Mt. Fuji, Mt. Silver becomes blanketed in snow as the player gets closer to the top.

6 Aso Town: Lavaridge Town

If you played games set in the Hoenn region, then you probably remember Lavaridge Town. It was a quaint place that housed the fire gym, a free egg, and hot springs your character can relax in. If you think like we do, then you probably wondered how you could find a wonderful spa paradise-like Lavaridge Town. The answer is simple Aso Town, a place famous for hot springs in Japan.

The small town located on Kyushu is a perfect place to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and relax.

5 Mont Blanc: Frost Cavern

The Kalos region hosts the Frost Cavern, an icy path where you can catch hordes of ice types to add to your part. The cavern can be quite frustrating at times as it forces players to overcome puzzles to progress. The treacherous Frost Caverns were inspired by Mont Blanc that is part of the Alps. The mountain is located on the border of France and is the highest mountain in the region.

While you can visit Mont Blanc, it may be harder to reenact the part of the game where you safely go adventuring through the area.

4 Kyoto: Ecruteak City

Ecruteak City looks like a traditional Japanese city that is free from industrialization. The city holds the Burnt Tower and the Rainbow Tower, where the legendary Pokémon Ho-oh resides. In Ecruteak, you can even go to a traditional dance studio where trainers dress like Geisha and practice their dances while battling. Ecruteak is based on the real-life city of Kyoto in Japan.

Kyoto is a place that can be visited to soak up classical Japanese culture. Just like in the dance studio, beautiful geisha can be found entertaining tourists throughout the city.

3 Paris: Lumiose City

Lumiose City is the biggest city in the Kalos region. The streets of Lumiose are filled with fun activities and fashion boutiques for players to explore. In the center of Lumiose is a towering landmark that even tourists in the Pokémon world come from all over to see. Lumiose is made to capture the glamour and elegance of Paris, France. This is extremely apparent from the architecture used to create the buildings of the city.

The in-game town even features an art museum which may be a reference to the famous Louvre.

2 Bath: Circhester

Circhester is an old city full of steaming water situated in a cold environment. Once you wander towards the gym, you will find an ancient-looking bath that is filled with water. The player will learn that Pokémon like to soak in the water and that it has some healing properties. Not surprisingly, Circhester is based on the historic city of Bath, another popular destination in England.

The city of Bath is thought to have been built around 60 A.D., making it one of the oldest locations in the country.

1 Scottish Highlands: Crown Tundra

The newest announcement for the Pokémon franchise is that Sword & Shield are receiving two massive DLC areas. One of these areas is called the Crown Tundra, which looks to be a mountainous area blanketed by snow. Many watchful fans quickly noted that the Crown Tundra resembles the Scottish Highlands, an area that is extremely close to England, but far enough away to make sense as a DLC.

The Scottish Highlands are a beautiful area popular for their natural beauty. The region is mountainous, and many areas allow tourists to take in views of snow-covered mountains.

NEXT: Pokémon: Every City & Town In Hoenn, Ranked