Video games are incredibly popular within pop culture, with everyone having played a game at some point, which is why they work so well when mentioned in movies and television shows.

They instantly appeal to a wide audience and whether it is just a small reference or having a video game theme be the main focus, it is always widely appreciated by the gaming community.

Throughout history, there have been tons of video game references in movies and television, with games being showcased, and within this article, we will rank 10 examples of that.

10 The Simpsons

We will kickstart this list with one of the most popular and successful television shows of all time, The Simpsons, which always dips into pop culture to reference and parody whatever is the most talked about thing at the time.

Throughout its history, the show has made countless video game references, from making it the focal point of an episode to just a small mention, with their references of the Nintendo Wii being a great example.

When that craze took place The Simpsons was quick to jump on it and make an episode from it, with the animated show always tapping into the video gaming world.

9 Family Guy

Speaking of popular animated television shows, Family Guy is also well-known for referencing video games within its episodes at times, with one episode, in particular, being well known.

The episode in question is the Street Fighter episode which sees Peter and Mr. Washee Washee actually take on each other in true Street Fighter style.

Peter takes up the character of Ryu, while Mr. Washee Washee fights in the style of E. Honda, even winning the fight with the hundred-hand slap, which was a brilliant reference to the game for any fan.

8 Stranger Things

While the main focus of Stranger Things is obviously about the Demogorgon’s and the different science fiction/horror storylines that the show does excellently, the hit Netflix show also features plenty of gaming references.

While there aren’t any Xbox Ones or PlayStations due to the fact that the show is set in the 1980s, but it does show the arcade world and just how popular that was at the time, with the main group often spending time hanging out there.

As well as that, there is also a big focus on board games, which is refreshing for such a major television series and while it isn’t the focal point of Stranger Things, it certainly is an important aspect.

7 Friends

Speaking of arcade games, who can forget the classic Friends episode that featured a full-scale arcade version of the popular game, Ms. Pac Man, which the gang all ended up becoming addicted to.

Much like people did in real life when the game came out to local arcades, they couldn’t stop playing the game as they all tried to one-up each other, with Chandler, Phoebe, and Monica, in particular, all trying to get the best score.

The episode ended up creating some hilarious moments including Chandler’s hilarious ‘claw’ hand that he gets from playing the game far too much.

6 Big Bang Theory

Another very popular sitcom that showcased video games was Big Bang Theory, which focused on the video game, Rock Band, bringing it in for an episode back when the game was at its peak in popularity.

In the episode, Sheldon and Leonard’s mom develop an instant attraction that it seems is going to end in the bedroom, however, they end up being caught out playing Rockband against each other instead.

The game is used at other points as well, mainly due to how hilarious the moment became, with this game providing one of the shows funniest moments.


Saturday Night Live is a staple of American television, with the show creating skits to entertain audiences, often using pop culture references in order to make people laugh and connect with what people are talking about.

Over the course of the history of the show, there have been countless skits involving video games, and while they haven’t all been perfect, the vast majority of them have proven to be very funny.

4 Shaun Of The Dead

Who doesn’t love the idea of a zombie playing  PlayStation? That is exactly how Shaun of the Dead comes to an end, with Nick Frost, as a zombie chained up, playing video games with his best friend.

The idea that video games can bring people together, even the undead, is a heartwarming one and also a hilarious one that suits the movie perfectly, bringing things to an excellent end.

It isn’t your typical finish to a zombie film, but it works to perfection in this comedic fashion and certainly showcases video games.

3 Community

Another popular television show that showcased video games is Community, which featured almost an entire episode in a virtual world, playing off their tropes to perfection in what is a top episode of television.

The fact that a show is willing to put an entire episode focused on video gaming and a virtual world highlights how popular gaming is and the fact that people enjoyed it so much isn’t a surprise.

2 Black Mirror

The popular Netflix series, Black Mirror has had several episodes with video games at the heart of the matter, including the very popular interactive journey that created something unlike anyone had done before.

While the video games themselves are not the main focus, they are simply a method of how the clever show tells its story, creating some of its best episodes so far.

The fact that Black Mirror uses video games isn’t a huge surprise due to how often the show uses modern technology throughout the series, but it does use video games in a manner that is totally unique.

1 Wreck-It Ralph/Ralph Breaks The Internet

When it comes to movies and television shows that showcased video games, it is hard to look past Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph, and the equally impressive sequel, Ralph Breaks The Internet, which highlighted tons of different games.

Set inside the video game world, Disney did an amazing job at showcasing different games and how the characters might interact in real life within those games with the entire movie being based on different gaming characters.

This film brings great humor and emotion in what is an amazing movie that shows using video games can really work if it is done right, with this somehow not being too in your face, while also really serving to impress the gaming community.

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