The developers at Sega recently released the remastered versions of the classic games from the Yakuza fighting series. This collection specifically re-releases the third, fourth, and fifth games. Other than some major graphical updates and a few patches, the games are largely the same as they were when they were first released years ago.

If it’s been a while or you’re brand new to the series, there are some general guidelines to follow in all of the games to keep your character alive and make progress. There’s also a few tips specifically for Yakuza 5 given the new gameplay mechanics introduced in that game. Here are 10 pro tips for the remastered Yakuza that you should know.

10 Remember The Heat

Heat Actions are special moves that can be unleashed on opponents to deliver brutal attacks like face smashes, ground throws, and weapon hits. The more attacks and grabs the player lands, the more the Heat bar is filled until a heat action can be performed.

Given how powerful these attacks are, it’s usually recommended to perform them as soon as the bar fills or reserve them for the tougher opponents if you’re only a few hits from reaching them. In all three games, it’s a great way to whittle an opponent’s health down quicker while sparing your own.

9 Stock Up On Consumables

There are two ways to restore health: eating at restaurants between fights or by consuming recovery items at any time. Generally speaking, it’s best to save up your consumables for the times when you wont be able to return to a restaurant or if you’re preparing for a major boss battle.

You can get them in fights on the street so it’s a good idea to farm some weaker opponents for a few energy drinks rather than buy them. If you’re awash in yen go for it, but why pay for what you can get for free?

8 Rich Bastard Farming

This tip is unique to Yakuza 5 but will be incredibly helpful for your farming efforts. Sometimes special NPCs will spawn called Rich Bastards. You can identify them by their shiny white suits. Attacking them is always in your best interest as they’re loaded with yen and can carry high-end energy drinks or even quality Plate’s to sell.

Once in a while they wont confront you so you may have to bump into them to get the party started. If you see a shiny suited man walk down the street, it’s recommended to drop what you’re doing and take him down.

7 Save Money For Gambling

As you start farming these encounters, you’ll find your yen stash start growing. Weapons and gear can be a great way to spend yen, but only if you see something really special and consumables are a waste considering you can just farm them.

It’s best to spend your yen on the Pachinko machines as this can net you a huge windfall and you can spend it on whatever you want. You can also spend on hostesses, but that has less to do with gameplay and more with achievement hunting. Basically, save your money for gambling then spend your winnings on whatever you want.

6 Slow Down When Traveling

Sometimes, for whatever reason, you just don’t want to get into a fight. Perhaps you’re low on health and need to get to the restaurant. In these situations, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to run, you can walk.

Walking gives you the ability to sneak past enemies and avoid encounters. This is really handy in the early parts of the game when you’re still strengthening your character.

5 Do All Side Missions

Side missions come in the form of sub stories or side stories. These optional missions give you a bit of background on the characters and the story, but the real benefit is the rewards. Completing these missions can net you anything from powerful items to new abilities.

If you find yourself struggling, it’s good to take a moment to grind out some side missions. After you’ve leveled up your character, gotten some useful weapons, and a new trick up your sleeve you’ll find whatever you were struggling with is no longer a problem.

4 Dodge Then Combo

A good fighting tactic for all three games is to start your combos off by dodging an enemy attack first. This can put your enemy off balance and give you a chance to pummel them from behind with a string of attacks.

It’s also generally a good idea to learn to dodge properly to avoid unnecessary damage. Button mashing can take you far in this game, but towards the end, you’ll find high level bosses require a bit more finesse and you’ll lack the skills and timing to take them down. So take a minute and learn to dodge.

3 Complete Your Training

The Yakuza series is fun in the sense that you feel your character growing over time. Many fighting games give you a character that’s as strong against the first boss as they will be the last, but these games require you to grow into your character.

It’s important during quests and farming to make sure your character completes all of his training. This gives you useful abilities that can turn painful boss fights hindering your progress into a minor speedbumps.

2 Use Your Surroundings

The games include many usable items in the area for your character and some opponents to use. It could be anything from weapons to furniture and all of it has a benefit if it’s used by you, so be sure to use those items whenever you can.

If for no other reason, using and breaking these items will prevent your enemies from using them against you. Yakuza 3 has a boss fight with an opponent named Kanda who will beat you senseless with a couch if he gets his hands on it, so make sure to get your hands on the couch first.

1 Learn Your Characters

In the later games, you’re able and sometimes required to step into the shoes of various characters in order to complete the story. Each character has a different fighting style which can change the play style dramatically.

Take a moment to become familiar with the different characters so you don’t find yourself dying over and over to a boss because you don’t understand the hero’s techniques. You’ll be doing a lot of side questing and farming in these games anyways so turn some of that into learning time.

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