Titanfall 2 released in 2016 and received amazing reviews from critics. Since then, Respawn Entertainment has been quiet about the Titanfall franchise. The developers are currently putting most of their effort into Apex Legends, which is set in the Titanfall universe. However, many fans want their hands on the highly anticipated Titanfall 3.

There was talk about a Titanfall project releasing in 2019, but it was delayed due to more focus on Apex Legends. That said, when will fans get the next slice of Titanfall? Fans can hope 2020 will bring them the third installment, and fortunately, there are plenty of reasons why Titanfall 3 should happen.

10 Battle Royale Isn’t For Everyone

Battle royale games are just a skip and hop away from first-person shooters. Many players in one of these genres can easily jump into the other for satisfying gameplay. However, the past few years have been oversaturated with battle royale games.

Respawn did an excellent job of taking the genre and spinning it on its head. Unfortunately, many fans of the series were hoping for a more traditional Titanfall experience. Titanfall 3 would be able to satisfy the need of those FPS fans while also potentially keeping the battle royale genre going if it came with its own spin.

9 Expansion Of The Titanfall Universe

Apex Legends is very much set in the Titanfall universe, and it certainly brings more lore into the fold. However, it does not provide the same singleplayer drive that the last installment brought. Titanfall 2 shoehorned in a lot of new concepts, characters, devices, and more.

Titanfall 3 would give players even more lore set in the universe. Fans of the series are certainly craving a singleplayer that will continue the story of Jack Cooper and his fellow Militia comrades. Plus, Respawn Entertainment left fans on a bit of a cliffhanger.

8 Resolve That Cliffhanger

Titanfall 2 has an amazing story between a Militia pilot and his titan. Jack Cooper and BT-7274 have a unique relationship in the game. They are quickly thrown together after the death of a fellow pilot. Both of them then learn about each other throughout the campaign.

Once the credits roll, players are left with what seems to be a definitive ending. However, an after credit scene leaves players with a bit of hope for a specific character. Titanfall 3 will or should give fans the closure they need from the last installment.

7 Redeem Titanfall 2’s Financial Failure

Titanfall 2 may have received critical acclaim, but it did not meet the expectations of Respawn and Electronic Arts. The primary reason the game did not meet financial success was that the game’s release fell between two other major FPS titles: Call of Duty and Battlefield.

Since then, fans and critics have raved about how good the game is to those who slept on it. Titanfall 3 would certainly deserve the right release date so it could show everyone how great the Titanfall franchise really is.

6 Titans!

Apex Legends has great gunplay, the movement is smooth, and the art is stylish. On the other hand, it is missing ten foot tall mechs. The biggest appeal of the Titanfall franchise is titans. In a way of thinking it could be said that they replace killstreaks, but everyone gets one regardless.

Titan gameplay is also very different from pilot gameplay. It was the juxtaposition of these two roles that made the gameplay in both games so unique. Pilots are fast and agile, while titans are slow and lumbering. Titanfall 3 would bring the iconic titans back into the spotlight of the franchise.

5 Wall Running And Double Jumping

Two other key mechanics missing in Apex Legends are wall running and double jumping. The characters have jump kits, but they are only used when dropping into the arena. Both Titanfall games have equally smooth movement mechanics, but with greater mobility. The second game added sliding, which added a third way of speeding through the map.

Double jumping and wall running aren’t truly unique to this franchise, but it’s one of the things they did best. Other FPS franchises tried to follow Respawn’s take on movement after its popularization, but were unsuccessful. Fans of the series have certainly craved these two mechanics since the last installment.

4 First-Person Shooter Innovation

In general, Respawn Entertainment is an innovator when it comes to video games. They added mechanics to FPS games that were unlike anything before. They also changed the battle royale genre by adding characters with specific abilities. It is these changes and tweaks to a standard genre that make their games distinct.

Respawn has innovated each and every game they have worked on. They have included game mechanics to genres that many wouldn’t believe. Titanfall 3 would certainly be a time when Respawn innovated again.

3 Respawn Makes Great Games

Vince Zampella, the founder of Respawn Entertainment, is a video game industry champion. He has created a number of excellent games such as the original Medal of Honor series, and he created Infinity Ward, which set the standard for Call of Duty games. Zampella knows how to run a studio and create phenomenal video games.

Of course, all of Respawn’s games have been critically successful. The launch of the first singleplayer Star Wars game in several years was a massive hit with fans. Titanfall 3 would be far from normal and would push the envelope of what most know as the Titanfall franchise.

2  A Premium Titanfall Experience

Apex Legends is a free game and is certainly monetized like one. Players may spend money on the skins and loot boxes, but the experience will never be like that of the first two Titanfall games. Buying those games gave players a premium experience that Apex Legends really can’t give.

Downloadable content for Titanfall 2 was free. Respawn added weapons, maps, game modes, and even a new titan. Apex Legends has also added a slew of content for free, but players must save to purchase new characters or use real currency. Titanfall 3 would most likely follow the same business model as the previous game, which is more bang for your buck.

1 Titanfall Is In Respawn’s Blood

The first game of a studio is always the most precious. Titanfall is the first game Respawn Entertainment set out to create. The game featured such standout features like titans, wall running, and double jumping. Titanfall 2 continued that passion by improving what was wrong with the first game. Plus, they got to bring the Titanfall franchise to even more players.

Above all, Titanfall will always be in the blood of Respawn Entertainment. The developers are certainly fond of the series, and the universe or Apex Legends may never have been born. That said, Titanfall 3 would return the developers and the fans to what they love the most.

NEXT: The 10 best First-Person Shooters of 2019 (According To Metacritic)