The Witcher 3 features a ton of violent, sexual, and scary themes. Some of these more horror-like elements would frighten many adults, let alone their kids. Geralt must contend with demons, horrific monsters, and violent bloody murders at every turn as he travels through the world looking for Ciri.

But, some moments are definitely scarier than others. There are some situations that just give you the creeps as you are solving mysteries and hunting monsters, making you question if you should keep playing or take a nice break to play something less scary. Here are some of the most terrifying moments you’ll face.

10 Cheese Dungeon

The words “cheese dungeon” might not seem that spooky to you at first, but this is the Witcher we’re talking about. Things are never as they seem at face value. During his travels, Geralt can help out with a side quest that sends him into a strange dungeon.

This dungeon is actually the chambers of a tyromancer, a person who can tell the future with cheese. It sounds silly, and it is, but this dungeon is pretty unsettling. The weird smoke, the creepy statues, and the quietness all add that extra scare factor that you wouldn’t expect from such a comical situation.

9 Skellige Treasure

If you’re a completionist and love going after every collectible and mission in the Witcher, you’re going to have to spend a lot of time sailing around the Skellige Isles. These waters have dozens of sunken ships, hidden treasures, and various other things to find. Just check your map and you’ll see an overwhelming number of question marks denoting something to find.

It’s best to try and do this during the daytime, because sailing or swimming around the icy waters of Skellige gets pretty creepy. There are a ton of horrifying enemies and sea monsters that will pop out at random in the stillness and quiet.

8 Sky Prison

Speaking of Skellige, you may be sailing around the seas near Spikeroog when you come upon the island that has Kaer Almhult on it. This is a large fortress that has been taken over by bandits, and it’s pretty creepy.

If you decide to explore, you’ll have to battle a few of these baddies and clear the fortress out. But, the entire island has a spooky abandoned vibe to it. Furthermore, you’ll find a dead body on a large piece of the fortress ruins that is missing its wall, which is meant to be an easter egg of Tyrion Lannister in the sky cell from Game of Thrones.

7 Sarah the Godling

While you’re venturing around the city of Novigrad, you might receive a side quest from a banker who thinks his house is haunted. Upon further exploration, you’ll find it’s just a Godling tormenting Corrinne Tilly, who is having strange dreams as part of the haunting.

You’re given the difficult decision of what to do next with different consequences as a result of your choice. What’s certain is that it’s a scary moment. A haunted house, an ancient relict creature, and weird psychological torment. Plus, Sarah the Godling appearing for the first time will probably give you a jump if you aren’t expecting it.

6 Von Everec’s Estate and the Caretaker

If you’re not a fan of faceless monsters digging up graves at a creepy manor, then you’ll have a hard time with this one for sure. As part of the Hearts of Stone DLC, Geralt can pick up a quest titled Scenes From a Marriage. As part of it, he’ll have to explore the abandoned von Everec Estate. It goes without saying that this mansion is creepy as you’d believe.

But, what makes it worse is what you find out back. The Caretaker, a terrifying faceless monster, will be found digging up graves. He’ll then attack you during one of the most difficult fights in the game. Good luck sleeping.

5 Crones and the Bog

Imagine a creepy swamp covered in mist and cut-off human ears where children get lost and kidnapped. Now imagine that swamp is ruled by three ancient witches who villagers worship by mutilating themselves. If you’d like to know more, you’ll have to head to the Crookback Bog in Velen.

Unfortunately, the game doesn’t give you much of a choice, as this is part of a main quest in the Witcher 3. Here, you’ll find a bunch of orphans, a seemingly-mean woman who takes care of them, and three ugly crones. Oh, and they eat people. Needless to say, it’s terrifying.

4 Hym

Everyone struggles with their own personal demons in life, but this is typically just an expression. In the world of The Witcher, though, personal demons can be a bit more literal. Just commit an unspeakable crime and you might be the unlucky recipient of possession from a Hym, demons who operate in the shadows and feast off your guilt and suffering.

Geralt gets to face one of these terrifying monsters in Skellige when attempting to help Cerys an Craite. He’ll either have to trick it or kill it, but both options lead you into a creepy abandoned shack where you’ll have to be around this spooky foe.

3 Noonwraiths

If demons like the Hym aren’t enough to creep you out, how do you like the idea of a dead woman with a terrifying aura that haunts local villagers? These Noonwraiths, as they’re called, often lure farmers to death. These specters are born when a young woman dies a horrible death right before being married.

They’ll haunt fields and grassland during the high sun, killing those they find there. They can’t be killed through normal means as they operate in another plane of existence, and they also love to create multiple copies of themselves. Have fun!

2 Leshens

There are very few leshens left in the lands of the Witcher 3, but when you find them, you’ll wish you hadn’t. These ancient beings are one with the forest and they don’t like you trespassing on their land. These are some of the creepiest monsters in the games while also being extremely difficult to take down.

There might be nothing scarier than playing The Witcher 3 late at night and stumbling upon one of these horrifying beings wandering through the forest in the distance. Just back away slowly and maybe it won’t notice you.

1 Fyke Isle

If you take up Keira’s offer to head to Fyke Isle and figure out what happened there, you’ll feel like you’re playing Silent Hill. This haunted island is the site of horrific murders, deadly plagues, ghosts, rats, and disease. The tower here is haunted by several ghosts, and the island is full of Rotfiends and wraiths.

Geralt will have to figure out what happened here and solve the mystery, which can involve fighting a Plague Maiden if you choose certain dialogue options. Even if that doesn’t happen, this island its associated quests is sure to scare the daylights out of you.

NEXT: The Witcher 3: The 10 Hardest Decisions You Have to Make (& What Happens Next)