The Assassin’s Creed franchise focus on past civilizations and events throughout our history’s vast past. There are so many eras to choose from and a variety of major happenings that could be utilized in future games. We have already seen some great ones like Ancient Greece and the French Revolution, but there is so much more that could be done.

When we dived into the past we discovered several focuses that the developers could use as inspiration for the future. They might not be recreated this year, but we do hope to see them sooner than later. Keep reading to learn about 10 settings we need to see in Assassin’s Creed 2020 (or this decade)!

10 10. Inca Empire

This empire was found in South America and stretched from modern-day Argentina and into Columbia. They relied on their strength and ingenuity to create their civilization up in the mountains and several of the structures are still shrouded in mystery.

There is so much room for this franchise to expand on their current story and incorporate their lore and society with that of an assassin. Players can explore the city of Cuzco and witness the start of the smallpox outbreak as the Spaniards brought the illness over from Europe.

9 9. California Gold Rush

The California Gold Rush of 1849 started after some gold nuggets were found in the Sacramento Valley. People traveled from all over the United States to reach this land of wealth as they spent the majority of their wealth to make the journey.

This might have only lasted a year, but there is so much the franchise could do with this setting. It would be the perfect place for an assassin to set up shop as they help those in need and find their source of gold.

8 8. American Industrial Revolution

This was a period in American history that started near the end of the 18th century that brought a period of extreme growth to the nation. There were new laws enacted to protect workers and machines were invented to speed up the process of labor.

Steam power was huge during this time, as well as the creation of transportation. It is the perfect place for an assassin who is looking to take out a corrupt owner or stop an employee from stealing from a company. There are plenty of places to add lore into the mix, and even opportunities to create an opportunistic cult of sorts.

7 7. Qin Dynasty

This franchise has not explored China’s past, which is why a setting in the Qin Dynasty would be a perfect fit. It was not the longest-lasting, but it had a profound cultural impact on China’s history. Players could explore Xianyang, the dynasty’s capital, as well as help in conquests of neighboring civilizations.

This was also the era that the Great Wall of China was ordered to be built, as well as several other monuments and a terracotta army. The developers have so much to go off in this setting as assassins would explore the area, help conquer nations, and learn of the religious and cultural practices.

6 6. Persian Empire

This empire resided in modern-day Iran and it spanned many centuries back in the early years of the world. Players could learn about Cyrus the Great, defeat nearby kingdoms, and explore their different forms of artistic expression.

There are many ways developers could twist this aspect of ancient history to fit their storyline. They had a unique religion and conquering attitude that could be implemented into the story the developers have created. It is an important part of our past and a historical event we find it hard to believe hasn’t been covered yet.

5 5. Mesopotamia

This civilization could be found in the Middle East and opened up into the Mediterranean Sea. It consisted of large farming communities who utilized irrigation techniques to water their crops. There were several city-states created under the Sumerian rule, and several legends and mythologies surround all of their rulers.

There was so much change in culture and human advancement that there is no reason not to make this a part of the franchise. The area is vast with plenty of big cities to explore, but there is an essence of mystery perfect for an assassin.

4 4. Mongol Empire

Genghis Khan was the founder of the Mongol Empire which would be found in modern-day places like Russia, Asia, and Siberia. Assassins could explore the steppe regions and help conquer various kingdoms throughout the game. They were ruthless and brutal, which is why it is the perfect place for an assassin to call home.

The Mongols exploited resources and the conquered peoples, so there would be plenty of work for an assassin in these parts. The developers should highly consider this prospect in their future plans because all players would love to have a chance to dominate this region of the world.

3 3. World War II

There are so many different aspects of World War II to consider, but we think it should be set in Germany itself. Players could battle the Nazi Regime and help those of Jewish descent escape their clutches.

Some might say it is too touchy a subject for the franchise to undertake, but there is also so much younger people need to learn. Assassins could travel to battles on the islands or invade the beaches of Normandy. The possibilities are endless, and it would be difficult to pull off, but it is one historical moment they should consider.

2 2. Great Depression

This horrible event in history started when the stock market crashed in 1929. Many families lived in poverty and close quarters as they all crammed into tiny apartments. It would be the perfect place for an assassin who is looking to help those who lost money during this period.

Players could even have them meet the new president who would turn everything around. It was a dark time in our nation’s past, but the work it took to rebuild is what the developers should explore with a new game.

1 1. The Berlin Wall

This franchise should explore the events that led up to the destruction of the Berlin Wall, as families were locked away in East Berlin. An assassin would thrive in this environment as they have the freedom to navigate both sides of the wall with their stealth and cunning.

They could help families escape to the other side, or deliver messages to one another. It was a difficult time and one the developers should consider adding due to the unique circumstances surrounding its development.

NEXT: 10 Things We Already Know About Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok