For anyone looking for an MMORPG equivalent to Pokémon, the online game Temtem definitely fits the bill. Players can now join together to hunt, capture, train, trade, and battle various monsters to their heart’s content.

While there are a lot of similarities to the game there are some differences. Obviously, the creatures are all different, but how the combat plays out, type advantages, and healing are all a bit different from what Pokémon fans might be used to. If you’re looking to play this interesting game then here are the things you should keep in mind before playing.

10 Time Is a Precious Resource

This can be a difficult game at times, and there are a lot of places to go and things to do. But more than anything you are going to spend quite some time grinding out your team and evolving rare Temtems.

Managing your time and finding shortcuts can cut down on a lot of the grind and help you progress through the game faster. Smoke bombs to jump to Temporiums and Scents to ward off unwanted wild Temtems are a few ways to save you precious time.

9 Money Is Key

Another thing most players noticed when diving into the game is that things are expensive. There are a lot of helpful items for you to use and each one has a price tag that can make it a problem if you don’t have the funds. Balms and items used to heal your Temtems in the wild are some of the examples of the recurring expenses you’ll be dealing with.

Finding ways to increase your cash flow is key. You can make money quickly by joining the FreeTem! Society or going dumpster diving. In addition to earning more, you should find ways to cut down on expenses by using items sparingly.

8 How To Heal

Speaking of items, there are a number of ways for you to heal your Temtems in the game. Balms are by far the most convenient as they can be applied to your Temtems while in the wild. While they don’t cost much individually you will use a lot, and it can get expensive.

Ideally, you’ll want to heal your entire team for free without spending any money, and the game gives you three options to do this. You can visit your home, go to a Temporium in the city, or visit a mini Temporium out in the wild.

7 Hunt Or Earn

There are two ways to obtain Temtems in this game, you go hunting for them or you get them as gifts/rewards for completing certain quests. The game is quite generous with the Temtems you receive, as many of them are actually fairly strong and capable fighters.

Some players have opted to save money and time by only using gifted Temtems and not capturing them. Obviously you want to capture a team in the beginning, but it’s a viable strategy for increasing your team strength by simply beating quests instead of committing to a grind to find more.

6 Type Advantages And Disadvantages

One thing that trips up a lot of players when starting out is understanding the typing system. Some are obvious like Water having an advantage over Fire or Electric being weak against Earth. But it’s the unique types that can be tricky.

For instance, Crystal is strong against Mental but weak against Earth. It’ll take some time to get used to this typing system so it’s strongly recommended you have a chart pulled up while you play. In-game you have a Targeting Ring when selecting a move that will let you know. Green is good, white means no advantage, and red means weak.

5 Move Type Advantage

Speaking of moves and type advantages, it’s also important to keep in mind that Temtems have additional advantages and disadvantages based on typing. Each move in the game is assigned a typing, when that typing matches the type of the Temtem using the move it will receive a boost to damage.

For instance, if a Fire Temtem like Raican uses a move like Fire Flame, which is clearly a fire type move, it’ll receive a boost to the damage it deals. It’s not much, but that little boost every now and then adds up over time so it’s always best to take advantage of this whenever you can.

4 Priority And Turn Requirements

Speaking of moves, Temtem uses an interesting mechanic where moves are given a priority and some have turn requirements. The priority mechanic basically gives every move a ranking, and those with a higher ranking will go first. Any move with a plus sign in the corner has a high priority.

Turn requirements can be seen as a cooldown you must wait for before using the move. These moves will have stripes, each stripe represents the number of turns you must wait before the move becomes available. It sounds complicated, but it’s really basic in practice and you’ll pick it up in no time.

3 Stamina Mechanic

Another difference with Temtem’s battle mechanics is the Stamina stat. Stamina is used up every time your Temtem performs a move, once it runs out if you force your Temtem to perform a move it will be overexerted and hurt itself before resting.

Fortunately, when a Temtem rests it will recover some stamina. You can direct your creature to rest during battle in order to maintain your stamina levels. It’s another layer to the combat gameplay that adds some additional strategy to the game.

2 You Can Fight From Anywhere

When you want to interact with another player in Temtem you don’t have to be standing next to the player or even be near the player. Thanks to the Interact menu you can conduct trades, participate in duels, and even gift items to each other.

That being said you still need to be in the same general area/route so you can’t interact with players at the other end of the Airborne Archipelago. But it is convenient that you don’t’ have to hunt down the player on foot and stand on their toes to interact with them.

1 Play With Friends

The most important thing to keep in mind before you dive into Temtem is that this is an online game designed for a multiplayer experience. You can obviously play and even beat the game entirely solo, but the whole reason this game was created in the first place was to fill that void of hanging out with your friends and capturing interesting creatures together.

Either bring some friends with you into the game or be prepared to start socializing a bit to find a group to hang out with. It’s a fun game, but it’s much more enjoyable when you have someone to join you in your adventures.

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