When Death Stranding launched a few weeks ago we thought that that would be the most divisive game of 2019. Well, low and behold Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is now here, which is now in the running. Is it a terrible game? No, it is fun albeit with a bunch of asterisks attached.

Some of these include story elements, because there are a lot of things that don’t make sense. They range from gameplay elements not translating well into the context to the narrative to actual plot holes that are never resolved. As if we need to say it, but there are SPOILERS ahead.

10 How Did The Empire Find Cal?

It is never explained how the Empire found out about Cal on Bracca. He lived there in secret for years, used his powers where no one could see only once to save Prauf, and all of a sudden they are invaded by swarms of Stormtroopers. Yes, the Empire was currently occupying the planet so maybe a soldier did see something weird, but it seems unlikely.

9 Forcenesia

Forcenesia is a “clever” term we came up with to explain Cal forgetting his force abilities. First of all it has been established that Jedi can close themselves off to the force, but it’s not like they forget how to push and pull things toward them. They just don’t use it anymore. The way in which Cal remembers he can run on walls from a lizard, or that he can grab things by touching a wall and having a flashback to his training with Master Jaro is farfetched.

8 Master Cordova’s Tomb Raider

Speaking of touching ancient walls, let’s talk about Master Cordova’s plan. First of all it doesn’t make sense that he hid the cypher away the way he did. Secondly, he hid all of the data away in BD-1 and timed it so that information would be revealed in certain areas. Ok, that takes a lot of needless planning, but whatever. The really weird thing about this is that BD-1 has a spell like encryption cast on him and only when he makes a true friend will this spell be lifted. Reminded us of true love’s first kiss, which is ridiculous.

7 Why Does The Empire Never Attack The Mantis?

In the Empire’s pursuit of Cal why was the Mantis never attacked? It was always in clear view.

From what we see in the game it also has no weapons. Sure, Cere and Greez could defend it with blasters, but that is all they had. There were numerous, obvious times in the story when it should have been blown up or those two captured, but it never happens.

6 Sorc Tormo’s Arena

Probably the most obvious time when Greez and Cere should have been attacked was when Sorc Tormo captured Cal. He is basically a mob boss that Greez owes a lot of money to. Why not go after Greez? Also why did they not destroy BD-1? The entire arena scene in general felt rushed and pointless. Save for a few more bounty hunters randomly appearing, Sorc Tormo never comes up again.

5 Star Wars Has Zombies?

Let’s talk about Dathomir. First of all, Star Wars apparently has zombies now. The Undead Nightsisters are mummified corpses of former witches. They look like ghouls from Fallout. Right, and besides force users apparently magic exists in this world as demonstrated by Merrin who is the last remaining Nightsister. Also on this planet is an escaped Jedi, Taron, who takes control of the men. Why did Merrin never just shut him down? Also since we see Cordova’s messages here, how did he get past everything to hide the roster of Jedi? This planet is a mystery wrapped inside another mystery.

4 Who Is Hiding All Of The Lightsaber Parts?

This is not a groundbreaking plot hole, but it is rather funny to think about. Who is hiding all of these lightsaber parts in chests? They look like they belong to the Empire. Are these supposed to be for the Inquisitors then? Again, it doesn’t affect the story. It’s just one of those video game things one has to shrug their shoulders at.

3 The Kyber Crystals

However, there is something relating to lightsabers that legitimately doesn’t make sense. Ilum is the frosty planet where Kyber crystals are mined. They are used to create lightsabers. So when the Emperor executed Order 66 shouldn’t he then have installed a base camp on Ilum to monitor the crystal caves?

If Jedi were still around this is the place they’d need to go in order to create a lightsaber. Either that, or the whole mountain should be excavated by now. Apparently they did exactly that except they left one behind? That is pretty convenient for Cal.

2 How Did Vader And Cere Get Ahead Of Cal?

After getting the map from fighting Trilla, Darth Vader appears. He is too powerful to fight so Cal has to escape Fortress Inquisitorius. Yes, we know. That is a dumb name. Anyway based on the design there should have only been one way up, an elevator, which Cal took leaving Darth Vader behind. However, both he and Cere somehow get ahead of Cal. How is that physically possible? Are they using Looney Tunes logic, or was there some hidden passage we couldn’t see? If that’s the case then how did Cere find it?

1 The End…

So the basic plot of this game is all about finding a map that will locate all Force sensitive children in the galaxy. Cere wants Cal’s help in order to find it to restore the Jedi Order. Great. So twenty hours later after almost dying several hundred times they finally open the map together to which Cal decides, by himself, to cut the map in half thus rendering it useless. What was the point of the game? Guess that answers any questions about finding new Jedi since they don’t appear in the original trilogy.

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