Sonic the Hedgehog has hit theaters and pleasantly surprised moviegoers. What started out with a trailer that included an incongruous musical choice and the worst CGI-ed hedgehog we’ve ever seen has ended with a completely satisfactory movie. However, just because Sonic the Hedgehog exceeded our expectations doesn’t mean it is without faults.

Plenty of the film’s moments might have left you scratching your head in puzzlement. Fret not, for we are here to go over all those confusing parts. Read on if you want to know about the unresolved mysteries and plot holes Sonic’s first live-action movie left hanging. But beware! Spoilers ahead.

10 How Could Tom Have Called Wade During A Blackout?

During a fit of loneliness, Sonic emits a large electromagnetic pulse that disables electricity for the entire Pacific Northwest. However, shortly afterward, we find out that this isn’t the case for every electrical outlet and power station. Apparently, the phone lines in Green Hills survived. As the town’s sheriff, Tom checks on his coworker Wade, who was the only guy in the office that day. The phone in the station is ringing off the hook, so we’re still wondering how all the power went out for the lights and other devices, yet these phones were untouched.

9 Why Was The Government Completely Inept?

After Sonic unintentionally lets loose with that bodily EMP, the United States government cracks down on the area. But they decide to send in Dr. Robotnik, a man clearly off his rocker. We don’t care how smart he is, he is quite obviously a menace to the people around him. And after the government botches the investigation by sending Robotnik in the first place, they choose to wash their hands of the whole situation at the end. Even though they seem aware of Sonic’s existence, they decide to ignore him. Maybe we’re just too used to shady governments in our movies, but the ineptitude of the one in Sonic the Hedgehog came as a surprise.

8 Who Is Longclaw?

Longclaw is introduced at the very beginning of the movie. This owl creature took care of Sonic when he was very young. She even sacrifices herself in order to help Sonic get away from a group that wants his power.

However, after Longclaw’s introduction is shown at the start, we never hear about her again. Who is this mystery owl? How did she first become Sonic’s guardian? This is one mystery that requires a sequel to solve, and we are surprisingly here for it.

7 How Did Sonic Get Sedated By Tom If He Has Super Speed?

Sonic is a speed demon. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has ever heard of Sonic the Hedgehog. In the film, one particular scene at a bar showcases how quickly the blue blur can move. Time seems to freeze when he sets himself in motion. However, if Sonic can move so fast, there is absolutely no way that he should have been tranquilized by Tom. The Donut Lord moves like molasses compared to Sonic. Sonic should have seen that coming and just run away.

6 Where Do The Rings Come From?

In the Sonic video games, Sonic collects rings as a healthy buffer for spikes and other pointy objects. The movie takes things in a completely different direction. The rings can become portals to other worlds. That’s how Sonic ended up on Earth in the first place. And he has a whole bag of these rings. His ability to go anywhere is only as limited as his supply of rings. However, one mystery that remains unsolved is how these rings were made and where they come from. Yes, we know Longclaw gave them to Sonic to escape with, but how did she get her talons on them?

5 How Did Robotnik Go As Fast As Sonic With A Single Quill?

During the course of the movie, Robotnik gets his hands on one of Sonic’s quills. He later uses this quill to power his devices, allowing his machines to travel as quickly as Sonic does. The amount of power Robotnik gains makes him as fast as Sonic. If he got that speed from one of Sonic’s quills, shouldn’t Sonic, in possession of a whole bunch of quills, still be able to outrun Robotnik easily? We’re honestly not sure exactly how Sonic’s power levels work.

4 How Did That Turtle Survive?

One of the cutest moments in the movie was when Sonic gave this little turtle a chance to finally “go fast.” Unfortunately for the turtle, it gets dropped at least once, and the experience appears to leave it very shaken. Afterwards, Sonic leaves it in a clearing, miles from where he picked it up.

This turtle probably had its insides moved at speeds it couldn’t handle, and it was left in an area it is unfamiliar with. We hate to say it, but we don’t believe that turtle could have survived going “super Sonic.”

3 Who Were Those Echidnas After Sonic?

When Longclaw sacrificed herself to save Sonic, the group that was attacking the two of them looked eerily similar to Knuckles the Echidna. Seriously, it looked like a tribe of Knuckles was gunning after baby Sonic. However, aside from their brief appearance during this segment, these echidnas never appear again. Who were they? We know they were chasing after Sonic for the incredible power he wields, but what were they planning to do with it? All we have about these mysterious masked critters are questions.

2 Why Was Sonic Thinking So Specifically Of San Francisco?

The manner in which Sonic’s rings work is questionable. Longclaw tells Sonic that in order to use them, he has to think of where he wants to go and a portal to that world will appear. That raises so many questions. First off, why and how would Sonic think of that Mushroom world to escape to as his back-up planet? Did he know of it beforehand? Secondly, when Tom sedated Sonic with a tranquilizer and Sonic dropped a ring, it opened up onto San Francisco. Why would Sonic think of San Francisco in his last conscious moments? You would think being sedated would be the first thing on his mind.

1 How Does Tails Fit Into All This?

The mid-credits scene that Sonic fans got treated to at the end of the movie was a delight. A ring portal opens onto Earth, and who should pop out but everybody’s favorite two-tailed sidekick, Tails! However, as pleasantly surprised as we were but Tails’ appearance, we’re mightily confused by it. Why is Tails there tracking Sonic down? Is he a friend of Longclaw? What’s he planning? Is he going to team up with Sonic?! And these questions can only be answered by a shockingly needed sequel.

NEXT: 10 Unresolved Mysteries & Plot Holes Left Hanging In The Witcher 3