Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey is a historical adventure game from Ubisoft. Fans play as Spartan warrior who fights for both Sparta and Athens as they try to uncover a cult and reunite their family. The game has performed very well with favorable reviews and great sales numbers.

Ubisoft has continued releasing content for Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey in the form of DLCs, so countless players are still enjoying their adventures and the community is still thriving. Add to that the frequent discounts of the game, and it’s no surprise that Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is still amassing new players.

13 Explore To Unlock Synchronization Points

Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey is a huge game and getting around the map can take a lot of time. However, it’s always worth exploring it as much as possible.

Make sure to head to all the synchronization points that will reveal themselves on the map. Not only will this create more fast travel locations, but doing so will reveal the location of side quests, weapons, gear, and more.

12 Unlock The Revelation Ability

In Assassin’s Creed: Origins there was an immeasurably useful ability that allowed the protagonist Bayek to scan the area he was in to uncover items, treasures, and more. In Odyssey, the protagonist summons the sight of Athena with the Revelation ability.

There is a lot of loot and items to be found all across Ancient Greece. This is where the Revelation ability comes in as it behaves in the same way as Bayek’s natural gifts. In addition to revealing treasures, it will also reveal and tag enemies within a 15-meter radius.

11 Upgrade The Hull

Naval combat was a feature that was introduced to the series in Assassin’s Creed 3. It was expanded further in Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag and Assassin’s Creed: Rogue. The seafaring battles have returned in Odyssey and it’s a great idea to devote some time to upgrading the ship’s hull.

In Odyssey,you canrecruit lieutenants to your ship. This will in turn boost the ship’s stats, making naval warfare more successful for Kassandra or Alexios. Upgrading the hull will mean that you can assign up to four lieutenants at once and increase the stats even further.

10 Don’t Pick a Side

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey takes place during the war between Sparta and Athens, called the Peloponnesian War. When the player encounters these battles, the game offers a chance to pick a side. The attacking side always faces a tougher fight and weakening a nation is a daunting task, but the loot is often better than on the defending side.

If waiting for battles takes too long, simply initiate one by assassinating the leader of a particular region. To get the chance to do that, draw the leader out first by burning their army supplies, stealing from them, and killing their lieutenants. Then fight the battle and get that sweet loot.

9 Replace Gear Constantly

Unlike the recent Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Odyssey’s enemies, loot, and treasure is based on your character’s level. So if you find a great set at level five, it’s not going to age well.

There is good news though — the gear will be constantly getting better and better with time. So if you still haven’t got one of the best bows in the game early, that’s okay, because the bow will be even better when it is acquired later on.

8 Utilize Visual Customization

The problem with following the previous advice is that you’ll end up looking like you just found a bunch of equipment in the dumpster. You might have the gear and build of the ultimate Hunter, but you’ll look mismatched.

An update to the game alleviated this problem, but you have to know where to look. When hovering over your favorite piece of gear, you’ll see a customization button on the button. That will pull up a list of every piece of gear you’ve ever found, so you can always look your best regardless of what you’re wearing.

7 Use Sparta Kick

Sparta Kick is one of the most satisfying moves in the game. And if used in the right ways, it can evoke visceral memories of 300. The Sparta Kick is a “legendary kick” which flings back enemies through a well-placed kick to the solar plexus.

The kick can also take down enemies in an instant, even if they are stronger. Just kick them off a cliff or a high structure, and they will fall to their deaths. This is especially helpful when facing an enemy that soaks up damage or when the player character doesn’t do much damage.

6 Target Strong Mercenaries

When committing illegal acts like stealing from NPCs or killing them, mercenaries will come for the player’s head. If the helmet icon above their head is red, that bounty hunter is after Kassandra or Alexios. Each mercenary drops their gear after being defeated. However, the gear will be at the same level as them.

Want more powerful gear? Start targeting stronger mercenaries. The higher the level of the mercenaries the player takes down earlier on, the more powerful the mercenaries are who come later. If victorious, that means better loot.

5 Rush Second Wind

There are many ways to approach combat in Odyssey, but when it comes to large battles, assassinating enemies is not possible. Even as a Warrior, it’s easy to die. When that happens, players might have to repeat the challenge again and again.

To prevent that, Second Wind gives 25% health regeneration. This is a lifesaver, and it will keep fans from raging at the game from dying repeatedly at the same spot. Even those who build the ultimate Assassin should dip into this tree just enough to get this skill at the very least.

4 Save The Leaders And Mercenaries

As you quest throughout the game, you’ll notice an odd bit of dialogue after fighting a particularly difficult mercenary or leader. Some of them are reprehensible people and rightfully deserve to die, but mercy has its advantages.

If you choose to spare them, they offer to work aboard the Adrestia; some of them have legendary capabilities as the lieutenant of the ship or even just as crewmates. Remember that some of those epic main quests take place on the high seas and a better crew is an immense help if you want to progress.

3 Complete Side Missions

Not every side mission in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey will be available to players throughout the game. Some side missions are timed and will vanish after 10 or so hours into the game. These are usually timed by an hourglass next to the title of the main mission. Once the timer is up, they are gone for good, until a game restart.

Other than these, other side quests don’t have a timer. It’s hard to tell if they will vanish or not, but they are loosely connected to the game’s main story. So, for the completionists out there, finishing the side quests as soon as possible is the only way to ensure they won’t disappear.

2 Consult Special Merchants

Most merchants carry subpar gear, but there are a few choice merchants around the map like Sargon in Kirrha, Phokis. His merchandise changes all the time and players can get items by completing quests or using orichalcum instead of Drachmae. This includes special mount and ship skins, unique weapons and armor, and more.

He also offers something called “The Olympian Gift”, but it is a loot box. While fans could get something only available using Helix credits, players could also end up with a basic Epic item.

1 Don’t Spend Your Money

When you feel light on Drachmae, you might be tempted to spend some of your real-life wealth on microtransactions offered in the Ubisoft Shop. They are tempting perks, and a few awesome mount skins that come with the DLC, but it’s an objective waste of money.

Remember that gear gets worse with more levels, so you’ll end up replacing most items that you buy within a few levels. The experience booster is counterproductive since the enemies will get hard at higher levels. And if you’re wanting to find the best heavy weapons in the game, use our guide, don’t fork over the cash to locate it.

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