Monster Hunter Rise is the latest title in the long-running and massively beloved Monster Hunter series. These games are highly known for their intense and addicting action where the players are pitted against powerful and herculean monsters. Based on that premise alone, it is already a given that a game like this is far from easy. Battling giant monsters is no easy feat, after all.

While you can always enlist the help of other hunters by playing the game online, you should always make sure that you are as skilled as you can be as well. For this, you need to familiarize yourself with pro-tips so that you’re able to battle the various monsters in this game with ease. Besides, it will make the game so much more fun for you.

Updated July 28, 2022 by Ryan Bamsey: Hunters are flocking back to Monster Hunter Rise thanks to the recently-released Sunbreak expansion and with good reason - it comes with plenty of goodies for high-level players. For that reason, we’ve added some tips for those looking to get the most out of high-level play, including a reminder to go check out the Melding Pot!

Create Custom Item Loadouts

There are tons of items to find and gather in Monster Hunter Rise, making inventory management a bit of a nightmare. This is especially true if you’d like to bring specific items with you to help out on hunts.

Thankfully, it is possible to create custom Loadouts, eliminating the need for having to select the same items before your hunts over and over again. To do so, head to Manage Items, then Item Loadouts from within the Item Box menu.

Play The Talisman Lottery

Ah, Talismans. These are items that you equip that grant you various skills. These can be incredibly powerful - letting you access rare, strong skills without sacrificing build integrity or your aesthetic.

The problem is that getting Talismans that are actually useful is a lottery - they come with randomly attributed skills and they can be quite costly to get in the first place, requiring rare items such as Defender Tickets and rare materials carved from the most dangerous monsters in the game, such as Narwa.

Get on this as soon as you can if you want the best chance of getting good Talismans.

Configure The Items Radial Menu

While we are still on the topic of inventory management, it is also possible to configure the items that show up in the radial menu, making it easier to select precisely what you need while you are out on a hunt.

You can do so from the Items and Equipment tab in the main menu. Just head down to the Radial Menu Settings, where you can rearrange the items that show up in your radial menu in order of importance for easier access.

Gauge A Monster By Its Size

You might notice that monsters vary in size as you fight them - sometimes you’ll pick up trophies for hunting the largest or smallest monster within a species. Well this feature isn’t just for show.

When a monster is larger, you can be certain that you’re in for a longer fight - larger monsters have larger health pools, meaning you’ll be spending more time whittling their HP down. Pros will use this to their advantage - going ham on smaller monsters and considering using traps for the biggest ones to shave off precious minutes from a hunt.

Reach The Top Of The Temple

Located in the Flooded Forest area, there is a very clear, tall tower that you can enter. This place is one of the game’s highest points. Well, at the top of it, that is. The thing is, the very top of this temple is not as easy to reach as it seems.

To get to the top of the temple, you’ll need to ride your Palamute all the way up, jump up in the air and off the mount, Wirebug twice, and climb up the steep slope. To do this effectively, you’re going to want to munch on cooked meat beforehand. There’s a rare endemic life and a relic record waiting for you here.

Decorate Your Home With Wooden Monsters

Knowing this one won’t make you more skilled, but it will make your home look and feel better, which ultimately helps in your comfort and familiarity. If you collect enough relic records, you can hand them to Kagero the Merchant, who will then reward you with Wooden Carvings.

These wooden carvings are impressive carvings of some of the monsters in the game, which you can then place in your home as decorations.

Hitting The Monster’s Head With Wirebug And Hammers

You can use a trick if you prefer wielding hammers, which will give you a better chance of hitting a monster in the head. This will require you to be a bit more proficient with the Wirebugs.

While fighting a monster, once you do a Wirebug jump and tap ZR right after, you will be “redirected” to the monster’s head. The timing of the attack will still fall onto you, so practice this tactic many times to perfect it.

The Superman Dive

The Superman Dive is an evasion technique most franchise veterans most likely already know about. However, if you’re new to Monster Hunter, now’s the time to familiarize yourself with the mechanic.

Doing the Superman Dive will almost always allow you to dodge a monster’s attack because of invincibility frames. Sheath your weapon and spring away from the beast to do this technique. Press the dodge button while sprinting, and your player should automatically do the animation. Take note, you must run away from the opposite direction of the monster for this to work.

Get Free Items From The Cohoot Nest

There is a Cohoot Nest located atop a tree in Buddy Plaza that will provide you with free items. The incredible thing is that this is something you can do more than once. Just periodically return to this location, and you will receive freebies, some even rare ones.

The tree where the nest rests is just behind Buddy Shrine. You can climb this tree using the vines surrounding it. The entire ordeal should be fairly easy.

Use Wirebug To Wait For Stamina To Replenish

Knowing when and when not to attack and dodge is a skill you’ll have to master if you want to defeat every single monster in Monster Hunter Rise. One factor that comes into play here, as much as your skills with attacking, is your stamina management.

Thankfully, the addition of the Wirebug mechanic in this game makes the gameplay so much more diverse. What’s even more useful is that using the Wirebug will allow you to move around while your stamina is replenishing.

Deal With Monster Roars

Monster roars are an attack present in most Monster Hunter games, Monster Hunter Rise including. The monster’s roars will often stop your combos or even stun you unless you know how to deal with them.

The easiest way to deal with monster roars is to equip the Earplugs armor skill. Another is by simply doing a dodge roll at the perfect time. This one requires more practice. Finally, you can block the roars using weapons that come with shields.

Observe Monsters Fighting Each Other - And Take Advantage Of It

There’s a brilliant mechanic in Monster Hunter Rise, which was introduced in Monster Hunter World, called the Turf Wars. The Turf Wars is essentially a moment in the game where you can observe two monsters battling it out.

A Turf War will never happen without a hunter present, so it will be up to you to jump-start this. Turf Wars also only happen to specific pairings, like a Deviljho and an Elder Dragon.

The best thing about Turf Wars is that you get to take advantage of them in a big way. Firstly, the monsters will actually damage each other, and secondly, the first monster to get attacked will be automatically put into a mountable state.

Pet The Companions

The best thing in games that have animal companions is petting those companions. Monster Hunter Rise did not skimp on this option, although it is buried in other menus so you’re going to have to do a couple of things first before you can pet your Palamute and Palico.

You’ll first need to make your companions sit by making them “wait.” After that, you can then approach them and you’ll be given the option to pet and play with them. C’mon, this is one of the best things you can do in the game. Don’t skip out on it.

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