You could say that the PlayStation has been around since the Stone Ages; especially when you are someone who loses track of how many they are. Or, have stopped playing for X-amount of years. Twenty-two years ago, Sony Interactive Entertainment had introduced the first PlayStation console to the world on December 3rd, 1994, including in Japan. The first console had sold more than one-hundred million units, counting the nine years after its release.

Although it took sixteen years, Sony then brought the PlayStation 2 home device to the world on March 4th, 2000. The PlayStation “sequel” consisted of more RAM and storage space than the original console, going up to forty GB for the hard drive. It was discontinued a few years later in 2012, but it was still known for its selling breaking record of one-hundred and fifty-five million units globally.

With its growing population and, overall, dedication from the hardcore fans, Sony released the next PlayStation installment sooner than later. The PS3 made its debut in 2006 and this time, users had more options, including the choice of their desired storage space (up to five-hundred GB). As of November 2nd, 2013, the PS3 has sold a new breaking record of eight-hundred million units worldwide.

If that was not enough (it wasn’t), Sony seemed to up their game with the PS4 console. Longtime fans, as well as newcomers, had waited long enough—one-million consoles of the latest PlayStation sold within twenty-four hours of its release. It became the fastest gaming console in history, beating out its competitors such as Nintendo’s Wii U and Microsoft’s Xbox One.

Three years after its debut, the PS4 has sold more than fifty-three million units (and counting), giving fans the luxury of more storage space and miscellaneous options, including new features that many users might not even be aware of. If you are a curious fan or want a memory jog, then check out this list of the fifteen things you did not know the PS4 could do.

15 Easy Access To Vita

Although this one is obvious, the fact that a gaming console can be played anywhere with the proper outlet is relieving because let’s be honest…these game systems are not always so cheap. Like most game consoles, the PS4 can easily be hooked up to any home entertainment system; preferably the higher the resolution, the more realistic the game tends to look. Just make sure you read the instructions and once everything is set in stone, from finding the proper place where to place your PS4 (living room, family room, bedroom, etc.) you are good to start.

With that being said, the PS4 can easily be connected to the Vita. As long as a game user owns both devices, the gamer will be able to play any game that is in their library, of course with their system hooked up to the proper outlet as well as the strongest Wi-Fi connection. Gamers would only need to turn on the Vita button through the ‘Add Device’ tab on the home menu settings.

14 Login With Facial Recognition

Unlike most of today’s home gaming system consoles, where gamers are forced to watch themselves on the television screen while their gaming system opens, PS4 users have the choice. There is another (or, at least a new way for the Sony system) way to login to their account. PS4 users can purchase a camera and mount the device to their consoles. After that, all users need to do is log onto their accounts and access the settings mode. From there on, games go over to the Login Settings and select the Face Recognition option and enable it or turn on with just one click. Once this step is completed, gamers can immediately log onto their PS4 console by solely using their facial recognition. It is a cool feature if one prefers to jump right into game mode and, literally, “game face.”

13 Stop The Party

One of the preset features of the PS4 console is that it sends a notification to a user whenever a friend enters a “party,” aka a group chat. Basically, it can be a minor invasion of privacy and most game users have found this irritating and a disturbance, especially while gaming. So, you sort of have to ask yourself: do I really want an interruption during a gaming session of Assassin’s Creed (or whatever video game that you are trying to finish)?

Thankfully, gamers can turn off this feature and it’s simple too. All one has to do is access the ‘Notifications’ area in the Settings menu. Then from there, all they’ve got to do is uncheck the ‘When friends join a party’ box and the problem is solved.

12 Turn off Pop-Up Messages

What is worse than being bothered by family, friends, or full on strangers and people whom you might be wondering “how did they get my contact information?” Pop-ups. Reminders that you have an incoming or a missed message. People who want to know how you are doing or simply want to bug you like a loveable cat or dog.

If you do not feel like talking to anyone or, BETTER YET, see any of their messages, the PS4 can grant these wishes with these piece of cake steps.

It’s simple. Go to the home menu and select the ‘Messages’ tab. Then, you will select the ‘Options’ section and from there, you will access the ‘Privacy Settings.’ You have three options on whom can message you: anyone, friends only, or no one.

11 Change Controller From Standby Mode

The DualShock 4 controller comes with the purchase of the PS4 console. It has been listed as one of the best gaming controllers due to its bigger size and automatic function response while in the midst of a gaming session. However, there has been a constant complaint of this controller. Perhaps, the only downside of the PS4 DualShock 4 controller (because what gaming console does not have one) is its battery life.

A majority of gamers have reported that the controller only lasts up to seven hours after being fully charged. It is one hassle to have the controller wire into the console or worst yet…have the actual console turned on until the controller is fully charged. We all know what happens when you typically leave a device on longer than it should, aka having a session interrupted in the middle of Crash Bandicoot on the first PlayStation.

What is more annoying than having to always charge the one piece that is needed to work before turning on the device?

That’s why gamers should stop charging the “old school” way for PlayStation and access the ‘Power Save Settings.’ With one simple click on the ‘Standby Mode’ section, gamers just need to go to the ‘Supply Power from the USB Ports’ and voila! The controller(s) will now charge while gamers step away from the console.

10 Use Different Headphones

Unlike most gaming consoles that will have a “fit” and not even turn on if users decide to plug in a different brand name controller, camera, webcam, and so on, the PS4 is still supportive of other products. The packaged headphones that come with the console are more of an additional game piece and aren’t mandatory to use. Like a devoted spouse, the PS4 does not have a “fit” or ignore a request if a gamer decides to “talk to a friend.” In other words, gamers do not have to use one of Sony’s headphones in order to listen to their friends argue online. With the PS4, gamers can plug in any brand name headphones into their DualShock 4’s headphone port and still be able to play a game and list to the audio privately.

9 Voice Commands

Sit. Stay. Roll over. Come here! Play dead…

Want to treat your gaming console like a pet of your own, whether like a cat or a dog (if cats can roll)?

Well with the PS4 you can, as you can tell your PS4 what to do by using the built-in voice command. This feature can be found on the home menu settings, but it does require some features (sorry folks). The only “down side” to access this step is that you need to use the packaged headset that already comes with the console, but at least it won’t cost you anything more. You can also use the Playstation Camera if you picked one up.

But these two additional pieces are worth it, if you prefer to use a more “hands free” mode. All it takes is the enable button through the ‘System’ tab on the home menu.

8 Adjust the Light Bar

Most game consoles usually have the pre-settings set to the brightest lighting adjustment, which can come in handy sometimes and, other times, not so much. It is not an uncommon element for a gaming system to come this way, but it can sure be annoying as hell, especially when you’re trying to figure out how to work with the new device.

But with one simple click, this can be adjusted in the ‘Settings’ tab on the home menu of the PS4. Then, game users will only need to navigate to the ‘Devices’ section and, lastly, the ‘Controllers’ tab. Since the brightness of the PS4 is already set to the ‘Standard Brightness,’ it leaves gamers with the options of ‘Medium’ and ‘Dim’ lighting. Either one of these looks great, depending what kind of mood seems to fit seamlessly with the video game you’re playing at the time.

7 DualShock 4 Gyro Typing Keyboard

There are two options when typing with a DualShock 4 controller. The first option is buying Sony’s latest release of a touch screen controller, which is the easier choice. But, if you are on a budget, or waiting for the touch screen controller to be delivered by the UPS or FedEx guy, or are simply too lazy to buy the device, you’ve just got to work with what you got. And you are still in luck.

The second go-to option is to take advantage of the on-screen keyboard that comes with the PS4 console, which is a great way to avoid the horrendous QWERTY typing, where you will just be waiting and clicking and clicking and waiting some more until you find the right letter. Then, you got to repeat the same steps for the following letters of one simple word. Instead, you can use the Gyroscope typing function with the controller, where you’ll be able to move your controller around and select the letter on the screen, instead of using the analog sticks.

6 Customize Buttons and Share Button

The more you get, the better, right?

It seems that way in the gaming world, as most gamers looks to have all of the latest gadgets. The more “control” a gamer has, the higher their chances seem to have the greatest and best game sessions with little to zero interruptions.

The PS4 is the first out of the entire console systems to have a ‘button remapping,’ where its user can customize their buttons. They can easily do so by turning going to ‘Accessibility’ and then the ‘Button Assignments’ through the settings. This automatically gives a game user the control to reorganize their system.

Another similar feature is the ‘Share Button,’ where a gamer can share a screenshot of something they took. There are different ways, but the easiest is to just hit the ‘Share’ button rather than going through the ‘Share Settings’ on the menu.

5 Managing your Data

Probably one of the worst messages a gamer can get is when a pop-up tells them that they are running out space; or have already run out of space.

The bigger pain in the ass is not always being able to tell what exactly is taking up so much space on a device. Even if we typically have a good idea what it MAY be, we can’t always tell due to the countless of items that a device can store these days.

But with the PS4, they have really upped their game in this regard.

In ‘System Storage Management,’ gamers not only get to see what is exactly taking up space, but the amount that is left or already taken due to the PS4 listing the individual utility categories from movies, game saves, and downloads.

4 Backup your Data

It can turn into a horror story if someone does not backup their data. If you have an iPhone, let’s say, you can lose all of your contacts, music, apps, and messages if your phone ever decides to stop turning on or if you upgrade to the newest and latest device system without backing your phone up.

Thankfully for PS4 users, they will have no problem with backing up their game saves, downloads, videos, and more all because of the ‘Saved Data Management.’ Gamers can backup their data, as well as remove or copy anything over to an external option and not solely leave everything on the internal hard drive of the PS4.

Like work done on a computer or laptop, the same goes for the PS4. Users being able to store data on a USB storage is a huge help, especially since they can use whatever can kind of storage device they want. There is also the option of storing everything on the PSN Cloud, which is the same as iCloud storage on an iPhone—only it is more reliable.

3 Easy Application Switch

Multi-tasking is no longer an option in today’s world that is filled with work that can be telecommute based or full on remote, it’s now an absolute necessity. Because of that, many never have to leave the house and they need to easy switch between programs, while getting their work done… and also allowing some time to enjoy their favorite social media pages.

Like a proper computer, laptop or a cell phone, the PS4 has made its console into a proficient system because of one button on top of its controller (literally): the home button. Gamers can easily get back to their gaming session from a quick web search or an instant message conversation with a friend.

2 Easy Screenshot Access

Taking screenshots can typically be a pain in the butt, as we all know the struggle of taking a group selfie with a cell phone. Well, the same fidgety effect usually goes for any game controller. The PS4 is trying to make it a little easier. Now, depending what controller a game user is using for the PS4, directions will vary for this feature you may or may not have known of.

To access the easier way to take a screenshot, PS4 users have the option with the share button, which can be found on the left side of the controller, adjacent from the arrows. Once gamers tap the ‘Share’ button, a menu will immediately pop up.

If that doesn’t work for you, the next step to follow is to access the ‘Share Settings’ and then select the ‘Share Button Control Type.’ From there, game users have the choice how they just want to take a screenshot.

1 Achievement Status

We often see the number of times someone kicked someone else’s ass with arcade games, which typically lists the highest and lowest scoring. It was smart for Sony to carry on this similar arcade gaming feature from their PS3 console to the PS4 version, where gamers get to see their winnings with their trophies. But what is more impressive about this feature are the details that come with a gamer’s trophy achievements. To the right side of each of these trophies is a percentage, letting a gamer know how often or rare it is for this achievement to be fulfilled. It is always a great ego boost when gamers get to see that they completed an ‘Ultra Rare’ trophy and know that not many other gamers got it.