Netflix’s adaptation of The Witcher has been a hit with gamers and non-gamers alike, with the show settling itself firmly in the spot where Game of Thrones previously resided. The series tells the tales of Geralt of Rivia and takes from both the original novels by Andrzej Sapkowski as well as the video game series.

The lead role is played by self-proclaimed gamer and franchise fan Henry Cavill and the show contains plenty of nudity, violence, and f-bombs. Naturally, this content, as well as that from the games, has led to many memes about the show and its related franchises. We pick out the very best ones which will make gamers (and non-gamers) laugh out loud.

Updated 17th February, 2020 by Helen Ashcroft: We’ve heard the cry for more Geralt, more Jaskier, more memes and more Witcher humor and have responded. After scouring the depths of the internet for amazing images we’ve found some extras that sum up this increasingly popular series.

As before, these memes surround the Netflix series, well almost. We just couldn’t resist a good Gwent meme. So far the addictive game hasn’t been seen in the show but we’re hoping by including it here Netflix will realize how much it fits in and how much we need to see it happen. If you haven’t played the game then look up Gwent, you’re welcome.

15 We’re Not As Cool As We Think We Are

We’d all love to be Geralt, and this meme sums up the issue perfectly. Geralt is cool, strong, great in a crisis and of course incredibly hot. He also has a sexy-sounding husky voice. In our heads, we all sound so suave and sophisticated but in reality, most of us channel our inner geek, like Ross from Friends.

The truth is we desperately want to be so cool but most of us just can’t manage it. That doesn’t mean we can’t try though and imagine we’re incredibly sophisticated and sultry. After all, practice makes perfect, right?

14 Hmm, The Answer To Everything

This image of Geralt saying “hmm” is so iconic you can hear his voice when you see it. It’s often his answer to things and in real life, this is no different.

Who hasn’t responded to questions like “what do you want to eat?” with “hmm?” It’s such a versatile expression and whenever we say it we’ve started saying it in Geralt’s tone. Well, trying at least.

13 Geralt And Jaskier

Despite the fan petition to try and make it canon, Jaskier and Geralt do not have a romantic relationship. However, that doesn’t stop Geralt looking at Jaskier with absolute adoration in his eyes, as we see here.

This image is true goals. Don’t we all want someone who looks at us like this? Geralt looks so expressive in a way we rarely see. He looks lovingly, openly and vulnerably at his companion. We need this in our life.

12 No One Can Resist Gwent

Yes, we know Gwent isn’t in the show but it should be. We’d love to see the narratives of side quests and the addictive pass time of Gwent brought into the show. It would make the series really feel like The Witcher for fans of the game.

We already got a none-red headed, book based Triss. Please give us this Netflix! We need to see our favorite side quests and game. We promise we’ll make that exact face if you add them to season 2.

11 We Can’t Turn It Off

There’s no denying the truth in this meme. We know that if we say “yes” when Netflix patronizingly asks us if we are still watching that we’ll look like we did several rounds with a monster in the morning but let’s be honest, it’s absolutely worth it.

The series is so easy to binge, especially since we really need to figure out the timeline already, and it’s just short enough to make you think that it’s sensibly bingeable in one sitting. Sorry co-workers, tomorrow we’re sporting the monster hunter look, although we probably won’t look quite this good doing it.

10 Memes Are Coming

Let’s face it, it was as inevitable as Thanos considers himself, there were always going to be Witcher memes. Every big show can expect to be immortalized in meme form these days and it can also expect to be compared to similar shows that came before it.

This meme, a take on the Game of Thrones “winter is coming” meme, works well because it combines both. We see Geralt preparing for the Witcher memes, lovingly photoshopped onto Jon Snow, creating a nice cross over between the two popular fantasy shows.

9 One Must Die

This iconic scene with Tissaia speaking the immortal words “Sometimes the best thing a flower can do for us is die.” is prime meme material and the internet has not disappointed us. While there are many versions of this meme this one is the most relatable.

The idea that something must be sacrificed to bring to life something else feels especially apt and amusing here. Game of Thrones has concluded, leading people to see it as the sacrifice that allows The Witcher to live. Others enjoy it more as they feel The Witcher is superior and therefore “destroys” GoT as it rises.

8 “Toss A Coin To Your Witcher”

This wouldn’t be a list about The Witcher without including at least one meme about the catchy ballad, ‘Toss a Coin to your Witcher.’ Jaskier’s now-iconic ditty has struck a chord with fans, so much so that it’s even been modded into the game.

Across the globe right now fans are cranking up the volume and singing along to the tune, which is pretty much guaranteed to stay in your head for a very long time. It’s a good job we love it so much.

7 Jaskier is amazing… but not with women

This meme sums up Jaskier’s awkwardness around women. As he attempts to convey a compliment it just comes out entirely wrong and it’s something we can relate to and adore about the quirky bard.

Bonus points are awarded to the meme for the fact it uses the goose quote, which has added humor when we imagine Jaskier comparing a beautiful woman to everyone’s favorite Untitled Goose.

6 Even Superman Can’t Resist A Side Quest

This meme is truly one for the gamers, tapping into the fact that The Witcher is famous for its many, many side quests. That said it falls down due to the fact that Henry Cavill is famously NOT a method actor. However, he is a gamer.

We can’t help but feel this would be slightly apter if it said he was accepting side-quests, as per the original franchise. Especially since he has happily stated that he’s played the game more than once. It seems that not even Superman can resist those tempting side quests.

5 This Little Piggy Stayed In The Tub

Geralt’s time in the bathtub, as seen in The Witcher 3 intro, famously shows his feet sticking out as he relaxes in the tub. It’s so iconic it’s been adapted into multiple versions, as hinted at by this meme.

However, the difference is easy to spot as the Netflix adaptation has failed to include a shot of Geralt’s feet. Despite there being two tub times in the season, foot fetishists everywhere will have to venture back into the games to feast their eyes on Geralt’s pinkies.

4 Geralt Loves His F-Bombs

Anyone watching the show will soon notice that Geralt loves a good f-bomb. Every single episode is littered with perfectly timed swears, with Geralt amassing an f-bomb count that easily sails into double figures.

This meme sums up the incidents, being reflective of many similar incidents in the show. Using the ’nobody’ template, this perfect execution of these moments is as iconic as the f-bombs themselves.

3 Jaskier Cares Not For Your Moaning

Jaskier the bard, the show’s version of Dandelion, is not famous for his ‘Toss a Coin to your Witcher’ masterpiece. Here the meme takes the lyrics and adjusts them to take a shot at people moaning about the inaccuracies between the game and the show.

While game lovers may be upset about them, the adaptation is actually based not only on the games but on the source material from which the game is based Andrzej Sapkowski’s novels. So if this is you chill out and grab a coin. Jaskier insists.

2 You’ll Never Unsee This

One of the funniest Witcher memes this one suggests Geralt’s sword is smiling and this image is now something we cannot unsee. Every time our eyes catch a glimpse of that iconic weapon we are now giggling like a small child.

We couldn’t help but share this so now you’ll always see that little smiling face as well. If you don’t want to toss a coin to Geralt, how about doing it for his smiling sword, who is surely missing its partner.

1 A Punch In The Gut

After binging The Witcher we were all happy and joyful, like Jaskier singing a merry tune. When we discovered season 2 was confirmed we were even happier. We can’t get enough of Geralt and more episodes cannot come soon enough.

The news that we won’t get answers to our questions for another year has us bent over like Jaskier in this meme. It hurts, it really hurts. How are we supposed to wait that long?

Good thing we can get our Witcher fix from the games, again.

NEXT: The Witcher: 10 Strongest Female Characters, Ranked