Ever since the release of Dark Souls in September of 2011, the world of RPGs has not been the same. Something about the brutal combat, tight controls, and incredible level design made Dark Souls into one of the few truly genre-defining masterpieces of game design. The somber atmosphere and subtle, complex worldbuilding of FromSoftware’s most iconic title was not entirely new, but it struck people in a way that made it an icon. Since then, sequels like Dark Souls II and Dark Souls III, as well as other similar titles from the same developer, like Bloodborne, have not been enough to satiate gamers who want that special blend of beautiful worldbuilding and satisfying challenge.

Many studios have taken a shot at the now well-recognized Souls-Like genre. Nioh, The Surge, and Ashen are the most successful examples of very faithful takes on the Souls-Like formula, but its ripples could also be felt in some of the best RPGs in recent memory, from Skyrim to The Witcher. Even with other combat systems and artstyles, the tone and try, die, repeat gameplay loop of Dark Souls has been recreated in the likes of Hollow Knight, Salt and Sanctuary, and Dead Cells.

However, this year the number of unique, excellent Souls-Like games has skyrocketed. 2019 has been an incredible year for Souls-Likes, with the release of many fresh takes on the formula, and the announcement of some very exciting titles for the future.


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice arrived in March of 2019, and can perhaps be seen more as an evolution in the lineage of Dark Souls games. Made by FromSoftware, Sekiro offers a very different take on the formula that its developers originally pioneered. Its extremely fast, aggressive combat is a far cry from the slow, deliberate fights of early Souls Titles. It seems that even FromSoftware recognized that their timeless formula could benefit from some new re-interpretation. To that end, Sekiro abandoned the dark medieval fantasy of Dark Souls games to bring in a Japanese-Historical setting with a mystical flair.

Code Vein

Code Vein is a very interesting take on the Souls-Like formula because its tone and presentation is markedly different from the gloom and doom of other Souls and Souls-Like games. It came out just recently in September of 2019. A gothic anime art style sets Code Vein apart, while a very robust magic and class system brings an entirely new spin on Souls-Like combat. Even as the melee-fighting is a near replica of that from Dark Souls III, Code Vein refreshes the formula through its unique presentation and storytelling.

The Surge 2

The Surge 2 was an excellent title for those who take joy in the brutality of Souls-Like combat. It is punishing, complex, and tactile. This is a different way of re-interpreting the Souls-Like formula, and because of that, The Surge 2 is not for everyone. It came out in September of 2019, and was slightly overshadowed by Code Vein. Those who want a tougher experience than Code Vein offers should take a look at this title.

Remnant: From the Ashes

Remnant: From the Ashes released in August of 2019 to a warm reception. Remnant was a strong title due to its great gunplay, solid co-op, and excellent bossfights. Its progression is less punishing than other Souls-Like titles, allowing players to keep their experience after death. It refreshed the formula by playing on its replayability, allowing players to create a new save with randomly generated levels at any time.

Upcoming Souls-Likes

Not only was 2019 an amazing year for Souls-Likes so far, but it is also a great year to get excited for new and upcoming Souls-Like titles. The future is bright, (or perhaps more fittingly, dark) for those who cant get enough of the uniquely satisfying gameplay experience provided by this blooming genre.

Nioh 2

Nioh 2 promises more of what made Nioh great, a true competitor even to FromSoftware’s own titles. Nioh’s combat system is slightly more complex and variable than that of Souls-Borne titles with the addition of stances. Its worldbuilding is second to none, with full descriptions of the folklore and history that the game’s fantasy setting is based on. Nioh 2 will be more of the same in 2020, but in this case, more of the same is more of a good thing.

Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order proves that the Souls-Like formula can be applied to any setting. The dynamic and engaging swordplay of Sekiro translates well to a Star Wars game with a focus on in-depth lightsaber combat. With a setting as malleable as the Star Wars universe, Jedi: Fallen Order will be one to watch for deep storytelling as well. It will release very soon, scheduled for November 15th of 2109.

Elden Ring

Elden Ring may be the most heavy-hitting Souls-Like to look forward to. From the moment it was leaked before E3, the collaboration of both Dark Souls creator Hidetaka Miyazaki, and Game of Thrones author J.R.R. Martin was reason for celebration. What these titans of dark fantasy will conjure up remains to be seen, but it is almost guaranteed to be masterful.