The Legend of Zelda is one of the most iconic and enduring video game series of all time. Like many long-running series before it, the franchise has humble origins. The first game’s games roots go back to the 8-bit NES and Tom Cruise. You read that right. Part of the inspiration for The Legend of Zelda was reportedly Ridley Scott’s Legend, which features an Elvish Tom Cruise frolicking in the fields. I kid you not. Thank you for giving us Zelda, Tom Cruise.

Again, not to overstate it, but we owe it all to Tom Cruise. As the games have evolved alongside Tom Cruise’s career, the artwork and design have only matured and become more complex. When Ocarina of Time came out around the same time as the first Mission Impossible, we experienced our first 3D Zelda. Wind Waker came out no so long after Mission Impossible II. And so on and so forth. As long as Tom Cruise keeps making movies, we should have stellar Legend of Zelda games.

In turn, Zelda has inspired legions of fans and artists. Even so-called non-gamers or filthy casuals often love the series. Seeing the minimalist triforce on someone’ t-shirt in a crowd is enough to elicit some small degree of respect. The iconic imagery of the series has long struck a chord with fans. They have taken to their digital canvasses to pay homage to one of the greatest game series ever. We thought it was time to collect a bunch of that wonderful artwork in one place.

23 The Darkness Under The Surface

Art by: Pixalry

This is a terrific depiction of the dualism raging inside Link. In Ocarina of Time, you encounter Dark Link at some point. It’s the yin to Link’s yang. Dark Link embodies all the evil stuff Link isn’t. It’s never really confirmed whether Dark Link is an actual person or a spectre. I like to think of Dark Link as a metaphor for all the inner struggles Link has to overcome first before he’s strong enough to face Ganon and save Hyrule.

Art by: lothlenan.tumblr

This image is closest to what a Legend of Zelda world would realistically look like. Okay okay, I know our imaginations are the limit. What I’m saying is that the series is a fantasy, a genre which borrows heavily from medieval culture. In such times Queens bestowed knighthoods on their most valiant heroes like Zelda is performing here. The touch of Mipha and other Breath of the Wild faces in the backgrounds lends further realism to the scene.

21 Zelda: The Graphic Novel

Art by: Nimit Malavia

Here is a rare hyper-realistic look at Link. There have been many attempts to portray Link as realistic, but he rarely gets the comic book treatment. This looks like something straight out of Batman or Superman.

The rugged manliness and extreme attention to detail evokes classic DC and Marvel.

The desaturated greens against the orange background makes for a bold pairing. Not to mention that the scene itself is ridiculously cool with Link activating the triforce.

20 Don’t Let Go

There was no way any Zelda fan art list could be included without this image. It’s one of the most stunning pictures that has come out of Breath of the Wild fandom.

Seeing Link and Zelda hug is powerful to replenish any fan’s empty heart slots.

The bright blues and whites contrast sharply with the darkened Hyrule castle controlled by Calamity Ganon, juxtaposing hope and despair. It’s also dynamic thanks to the wind effects in Zelda’s hair and the fields.

19 A Boy Becomes A Legend

Art by: pixalry

In case you haven’t already noticed, I’m a big fan of epic, asymmetrically foregrounded shots with Link looking off-camera. I know those were the exact words in your head. Verbatim.

Link thinks he’s too cool for Hyrule.

Link has arrived at a rune of some kind. Whatever he’s going to uncover here, it’s going to be another stepping stone in his destiny to save Hyrule. The magnificent bird’s eye view and slanted angle convey the grandeur of it.

18 Last Minute Touches

Yet another beautiful piece in an article with so many beautiful works. The artist has deftly captured a tender moment from Ocarina of Time. Princess Zelda is putting the final touches of Link’s saddle as he prepares to go out and save the kingdom. You can tell there are some feelings there based only on his expression. Also bonus points for the chicken in the bottom lefthand corner. I don’t know what a chicken is doing in the castle, but that’s okay by me.

17 On His Knees

A powerful piece of work. Link is literally on his knees mid-battle. It looks like he can’t go on fighting the evil forces of Ganon. Right as he’s about to let go and perish, the aura of Princess Zelda is evoked. The artist leaves it to us to decide whether or not Zelda is really there or Link is thinking of her in his final moments. Either way, it gives him the strength he needs to pick up the master sword and battle on.

16 Never Give Up

Art by: tommasorenieri.deviantart

Now this is metal. Link and Zelda have barely managed to traverse the Hylian fields in one piece and they’re beset on all sides by baddies. You can tell they don’t have the strength to keep going from their bruised faces and slouched postures. Nevertheless, Link shields Zelda with one arm. He’s going to keep protecting until the very end, even if it means he’s going to fall in combat. This image can be taken for a metaphor for Link’s loyalty and bravery more than an actual episode from the series.

15 Guardians Of The Fantasy

Art by:

Wowza! Here is another fantastic piece of work from Breath of the Wild. Link is dashing across Hyrule with his former friends, whose spirits he has trapped and committed to his indentured servitude for all eternity! In BotW, Link gains new abilities when he sets his former friends free at the four different Guardians. Together they rally their powers against Calamity Ganon. The lighting effects and color palette are vibrant and stunning in this picture.

14 Owl’s Eye View

To continue our celebration of cool Zelda fanart, here’s a clssic from Ocarina of Time. Here we have Link flying around the world on an owl. It’s that same one that weirded us out as children and kept us stuck in never-ending dialogue circles through its trickster questioning. I love the framing in this image. I’m a sucker for a good off-balance shot. If you’ve come for moe art critique than “isn’t this image awesome!?” you’ve come to the wrong place.

Art by: nicolasrix.tumblr

One of the best Links is Kid Link. He’s like normal Link except he’s all small and cute. Ocarina of Time is divided by two sections: when Link is a kid and when he transforms into manhood.

It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this awesome fan art!

Here we see him bravery venturing in Hyrule castle, accompanied only by his annoying fairy Navi. They’re trying to be super sneaky but Navi has screamed at him to listen so many times that they have alerted the entire kingdom to their presence.

12 Unanswered Prayers

Art by: finnichang.tumblr

One of the most moving scenes in Breath of the Wild is a flashback sequence. Princess Zelda is wading in the water before an idol when she breaks down. Zelda succumbs to all her doubt and fears in that instant.

It’s one of the most humanizing scenes in the series. Zelda is reduced to a scared human being, not the steel-willed leader she appears to be the rest of the time.

Anybody who has ever failed sympathizes with her. It’s no surprise this is one of the favorite scenes to draw for artists.

11 A World In Ruin

Some of the best Legend of Zelda fanart depicts the everyday wonder of Hyrule. Here Link is traveling through a forest. Which forest is it? Doesn’t matter. Could be any forest from any of the games. The point is that there is a timeless beauty in the mundane. The ruins overgrown with ivy here are just part of the background in a series stuffed with such a rich body of lore. The charm of Hyrule doesn’t get enough credit for its part in the series’ success.

10 A Day In Zelda’s Life

Art by: babakinkin.deviantart

One of the funnest parts of Breath of the Wild is getting to visit Zelda’s room when Link finally braves Hyrule Castle. I don’t mean that in a creepy way. Her room is destroyed from centuries of neglect. Happily, her diary is still in pristine condition.

Zelda grappled with forces she didn’t understand while trying to save Hyrule, reconciling her destiny with radio silence from the Gods.

Link is treated to all of Zelda’s daily woes. Here we can see her during one of those days, trying in vain to get her magic mojo working.

Link is not alone in Breath of the Wild. Okay, he’s literally alone. He spends most of his time trying sick shield board moves and trying out for Top Chef: Hyrule edition— but he’s not alone because he has nifty ghost friends along with him. BotW is remarkable in that Link can go straight to Hyrule Castle and battle Ganon right away… though he’d probably lose. Here is what he should be doing. Once he’s completed every main quest, he faces Ganon but he’s not alone. He’s got all his ghost friends behind him.

8 The Lost Woods

Art by: krmayer.deviantart

This is a pretty piece of work for a few reasons. The greens are simply beautiful, for one. The framing is also wonderful; we get a real sense of scale with Link as a reference. The giant fallen log in the background is out biggest hint that this isn’t a regular forest but a fantasy one where the typical rules of our universe do not apply. Oh, I guess the presence of a fairy in the image is a dead giveaway too.

7 Hyrule’s Everyday Beauty

I’m running out of superlatives to use here. I guess that’ll happen when you throw together some of the best Legend of Zelda art to ever grace the internet. Here Link is sitting precariously on a windowsill. His outfit (and the big title) inform us that this is Breath of the Wild.

True to form, the artist channels the essence of Breath of the Wild by having Link goofing off instead of saving the kingdom.

Zelda probably gets pretty annoyed watching him generally enjoying himself all the time.

6 Friend Or Foe?

Art by: Blue Alter Ego

Link didn’t always know the Gorons were friends. Before he stepped into their rock villages, they probably looked like enemies to him. A lot of the enemies in The Legend of Zelda are humanoids. Would it really be that much of a stretch to think the burly rock people weren’t friendly? Luckily we know what comes after this picture; Link will breathe a sigh of relief and sheathe the master sword, then greet the Gorons as the allies they are.

5 Living Up To Her Name

Art by: Alex Blog

What if Zelda were the one who had to go out and save the day? Why, it would require renaming the series to The Legend of Zel— er, that has never made much sense. Who cares. It’s a great title. Here Zelda is outfitted in her warrior garb. Usually, she assumes her alter ego, Sheik, to go out and save Hyrule. No more. She has the master sword and ocarina. She doesn’t need no stinkin’ Link to save her, thank you very much.

4 Sharing A Meal

Art by: aririncocoa

Awww now isn’t this sweet? Link has taken a break from beating up the goblins in Breath of the Wild to sit down and have lunch with them. Normally he’d destroy them and steal their lunches! Throughout the game, Link encounters colossal skull-shaped strongholds such as this one. It’s always crawling with baddies that want to give Link a hard time. This just goes to show that goblins are scared of you than you are of them.