Titles in the Grand Theft Auto series are some of the most anticipated games in gaming. One can take a breathtaking hike on the mountains of Los Santos, spend time on a private Super Yacht, or go jet skiing at one of the city’s lakes in Grand Theft Auto V. Grand Theft Auto’s various games have no shortage of activities, and their stories have made meaningful impacts in the gaming industry. Since Grand Theft Auto games are as massive as they are, there is much material that can be spun into comics.

The bizarre reality of Grand Theft Auto has many flaws and odd moments. Even without a direct reference to gameplay or story, a Grand Theft Auto comic can be laughable. As long as they include our favorite characters such as Tommy Vercetti, Carl CJ Johnson, Trevor Phillips, Niko Bellic, Michael De Santa, and Claude, they have the right idea.

You don’t have to be a gamer to appreciate what Grand Theft Auto has to offer. Grand Theft Auto V is ranked number three in all-time video game sales. To date, they have sold approximately ninety million units and had over $1 billion in revenue. Because of microtransactions, they continue to accumulate unprecedented amounts of income.

With a wacky cast of characters, flawed gameplay, and an overabundance of problems to enrage gamers, there is more than enough subject matter to make ludicrous Grand Theft Auto comics. These are 25 Grand Theft Auto Comics That Are too Hilarious For Words!

24 Making Money In GTA V Is Impossible

Titus Maccius Plautus was a Roman poet and philosopher who lived from 254 BC to 184 BC. He is remembered for having made a statement that translates to “you must spend money to make.” Now that years have passed, this phrase has changed into “you’ve gotta spend money to make money.” This saying remains relevant in Grand Theft Auto.

Quite frankly, us players are sick of doing heists and only receiving fractions of rewards.

If you have a team that cannot efficiently complete a heist, you may be required to repeat heists and pay for multiple body armors— which can cost thousands! There is much to purchase in Grand Theft Auto V, and this is contributing reason for why the game has long-lasting appeal. But give players a break when they are spending hours to complete heists. Pay-to-win is a lose-lose situation for developers and players alike!

Comic by Ctrl-Alt-Del.

23 Tommy Vercetti Does The Ice Bucket Challenge

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge meets Grand Theft Auto in this zany comic. As we would expect Tommy Vercetti had an unpleasant reaction to being covered in ice-cold water. The freezing cold water was enough for him to collapse to the floor and be rendered unconscious.

Tommy Vercetti, the protagonist of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, is probably someone who would participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge. He amassed one of the largest, if not the largest, empires in Grand Theft Auto history and lives in a warm city where he could probably benefit from a cool down. The randomness of this comic throws us off a bit but it excels with its humorous ice bucket water reaction. Take that, Henry Cavill!

22 No Liberty In Liberty City

Some of the reasons for getting Wanted Stars in Los Santos are a little strange. We’re not trying to be disrespectful to the busy Los Santos Police Department, but something is a little off when a person can crash into a building, destroy glass, and run red lights without being noticed. Accidentally bumping into a police officer, however, will earn you at least 1 star which causes police officers to pursue you until they can end your life because.

Citizen arrests do not exist in Grand Theft Auto V.

Logically, Grand Theft Auto V is nonsensical at times. Grand Theft Auto V’s predecessors would have players arrested if they commit crimes and display the message “Busted” afterward. Players would also spawn outside the police station after being arrested.

Comic by Mart Virkus.

21 #RomanHasSeperationAnxiety

Grand Theft Auto IV stood out because of its unique characters. We typically had western protagonists in Grand Theft Auto such as Tommy Vercetti in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Claude in Grand Theft Auto III. In Grand Theft Auto IV, we received Niko Bellic, an immigrant from Eastern Europe who plans to take over the western world. Roman is Niko’s cousin who introduces Niko to western life. “I’m on [redacted] on life, man. American Life,” said Roman while in the car with Niko.

While Roman has a relaxed attitude towards living in America, Niko is more focused on business and intends to rock the figurative boat during his stay. Roman is overweight, a slob, and apathetic. Why would Niko go to Roman’s birthday? Well, they are cousins.

Comic by Dorkly.

20 Come Visit Relaxing Los Santos!

When Rockstar unveiled the behemoth of a video game known as Grand Theft Auto V, we were thrown for a loop at GTA V’s unprecedented amount of content. Soon, GTA V was known as several video games inside a video game. We have seen games incorporate mini-games inside of video games, but GTA V’s sheer level of content is ridiculous.

The golf mode is one of the most played and favorited of GTA’s mini-games.

Surprisingly,  the realism of the courses is on par (no pun intended) with golf competitors such as Mario Golf. Tennis is another mini-game which has realism comparable to leading tennis video games. Los Santos would seem like a vacation resort because of how much there is to do. The reality is that most people get bored of the tennis, darts, golf, amusement park, and skydiving after a while and instead cause mayhem on the land they occupy.

19 Nobody Said The Game Was Perfect

The logic of Grand Theft Auto can be faulty at times. Luckily we understand its a video game, so this comic shouldn’t be too surprising. A golf cart is somehow able to take out a street lamp, but a tank has trouble with other objects. These types of inconsistencies are prevalent throughout Grand Theft Auto games.

What’s even more outrageous about this comic is that they referenced the tank. Grand Theft Auto V players who own tanks are menaces on the road who need to be removed from the game. Grand Theft Auto V was far more competitive at launch, and now all the power is held by a few players who instill fear in Grand Theft Auto Free Mode games with armored vehicles, tanks, and P-996 LAZER fighter jets that are equipped with missiles and turrets.

18 What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Pressing Y for a few seconds instead of quickly pressing it will make your player attack the driver and steal his or her vehicle. Grand Theft Auto’s developer, Rockstar, encourages players to attack NPCs and other players in the game.

Not only is accidentally attacking a driver because of an arduous controller function present…

But it was also an ingenious idea of Rockstar to make the cab fare cost way less than the driver is carrying. It is possible to have a cab driver drive you to a destination then end the driver’s life so you can take his cash—and the cash you just paid him! I don’t know about you guys, but I think I’ll pay the cab driver and let him keep the money next time. He has enough problems with Uber stealing his profits.

Comic by Taihen Dechu.

17 Grand Theft Auto Meets Christmas

At the North Pole, Santa is far too busy ticking off naughty or nice lists and preparing presents for the next holiday season. Even though Santa Claus doesn’t care for Grand Theft Auto video games, he still delivers copies to children of the appropriate age.

Santa does not care for Grand Theft Auto V because it is turning his naughty or nice list into an overwhelmingly naughty list. For some reason, a girl decided to commit grand theft auto with Santa’s sleigh. Santa will probably leave a lump of coal in this chick’s stocking, but maybe he needs to take it a step further since she also stole a bunch of gifts including what looks like a yoga mat.

16 Grand Theft Auto Is A Video Game, People!

Games are becoming more and more realistic, and as a result, people are venturing out into the real world thinking the laws of gravity and momentum are the same as Grand Theft Auto. A car in Grand Theft Auto does not turn at the same speed, and when making contact with a street pole, they do not just fall down.

Hopefully, gamers understand that video games aren’t real and they can separate what is fact from fiction.

Grand Theft Auto continues to become more and more realistic, but there are several instances such as when making contact with street poles and driving off-road when the laws of physics do not match the real world. Knowing that Grand Theft Auto is a video game and not real is common sense, but common sense is becoming rarer these days.

15 Grand Theft Auto Meets Metal Gear Solid

Grand Theft Auto meeting Metal Gear Solid is like cake meeting pie. Yes, they are both video games, but they are entirely different. For some reason, Niko Belic from Grand Theft Auto IV enters into Snake’s world and steals his goat. He also mispronounces the word “jacking” and says “jecking” instead. The comic was smart to make Niko mispronounce “jacking” because it lets readers of this meme recognize that Niko has poor English skills.

A single exclamation point over Snake’s head indicates that Snake was surprised to see his goat being stolen. Niko doesn’t seem to be stealing anything of importance and Snake doesn’t appear to be taking any action.

14 The Memes Are Strong With This One

This comic was made for entertainment purposes, and there is not much meaning behind it. Sometimes the most simple comics can be the most effective. Comics that provoke readers to think can be enjoyable, but simplicity can work as well. This meme creator used a few different meme faces to make this comic.

The one in the top-left and the meme face below the “Five” are faces that are frequently present in memes.

This comic uses a template from Grand Theft Auto V’s cover and replaces the people with memes. Like the original cover, this photo has a dog in the lower-left corner. This meme creator is hilarious.

13 Canadians Try To Play Grand Theft Auto

If the stereotypical Canadian played Grand Theft Auto, this is probably how they would play. The character they control wouldn’t make these statements because the Grand Theft Auto programmers didn’t give them this dialogue, but maybe they are thinking these thoughts while they play.

Most of us who have played Grand Theft Auto for an extended period have likely attempted to obey all the rules of the city so they can avoid receiving a Wanted Star. Playing the game for longer than a few minutes without unintentionally breaking the law is remarkably challenging—even for experienced players. Good luck, Canada, because obeying Grand Theft Auto rules are easier said than done.

12 This Cover Would Be Better Without Meg

Some of Grand Theft Auto’s original box cover photos have been replaced with memorable scenes from Family Guy. Whoever thought of the idea to make Family Guy into a Grand Theft Auto game is a genius. We already received a The Simpsons version of a Grand Theft Auto game that is set in Springfield. We now need a Family Guy Grand Theft Auto game that is set in Quahog.

Some may scoff at the idea of making another Grand Theft Auto copycat.

There are already GTA clones such as Saints Row, Crackdown, The Simpsons: Hit & Run, Sleeping Dogs, Watch Dogs, Scarface: The World Is Yours, and more. Still, most of these games had high sales, and a Family Guy video game would probably have even higher sales if it has gameplay that goes above and beyond.

11 Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Roads!

For some reason, cops in Grand Theft Auto try to end your life if you accidentally bump into them, but you can run red lights and drive recklessly, and they usually won’t care. The lack of logic in Grand Theft Auto is astounding. Almost any vehicle can steadily drive off-road which further adds to the surrealism of Grand Theft Auto.

By taking the off-road route, you may save time or end up in a ditch. Depending on how skilled you are at off-roading, taking the road may end up being the faster route even if it winds several times. You’ll damage your vehicle substantially, but at least you could save time. The GPS gives you directions on your map so you may as well follow them.

10 An Elder’s Grand Theft Auto Day

There are countless reaction videos of people playing Grand Theft Auto on YouTube and the rest of the internet. This play-by-play reaction of her playing one of the missions in Grand Theft Auto V is too funny. Some of the dialogue is a bit coarse, but this woman’s reaction is priceless. The odd combination of a woman who reminds you of your grandma and Grand Theft Auto, one of the most suggestive video games on the market, makes for good comic relief.

This elderly lady quickly recognizes the woman in Grand Theft Auto as being Michael Townley’s wife and not his girlfriend.

This is based on her sardonic attitude towards Michael. This is not the first time we’ve seen friction between Michael and his wife; who could forget that awkward yoga scene?

9 Driving Mechanics Of GTA Games

With every generation, the gameplay mechanics of Grand Theft Auto has drastically changed. It was frustrating to fly out the windshield of your car after almost every collision in Grand Theft Auto IV. Grand Theft Auto III vehicles caught fire after taking minor damage, and Grand Theft Auto V has a sandbox style that allows you to perform impossible stunts without significant damage to your vehicle.

Of these four games represented in this comic, Grand Theft Auto III has the most realistic collision reaction. Grand Theft Auto IV is also realistic if the driver doesn’t fasten his seatbelt. Grand Theft Auto V gravitated away from realism, but sacrificing realism to improve gameplay is rarely a bad idea.

8 GTA Wanted Level Paint Logic

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City’s developer should have considered expanding on the police force’s artificial intelligence. A player is somehow able to drive into a Pay ’n’ Spray for a paint job (which can only fit one car) and leave police officers baffled when they exit.

Oddly enough, if you change vehicles in a quiet alleyway, police officers will still know what car you are driving.

Despite an unrealistic Pay ’n’ Spray system that removes your Wanted Level, even if police officers have the Pay ’n’ Spray surrounded, the Pay ’n’ Spray is a more effective means to remove a Wanted Level compared to options available in GTA V. The Pay ’n’ Spray in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City stood out.

7 Video Games Getting Out Of Control

We can see each of the protagonists from Grand Theft Auto III, IV, and V in this comic. Grand Theft Auto VI is unreleased, so this comic creator guessed what a Grand Theft Auto VI protagonist would look like. It is no secret that Grand Theft Auto games are progressively becoming worse.

Grand Theft Auto II was not included in this comic, but it also had minor bloodshed that quickly disappeared. You played as someone named Claude Speed in Grand Theft Auto II so it may be the same person as the Claude in Grand Theft Auto III. Can video game scenes go too far and should more be added to Grand Theft Auto VI? You be the judge of that.

6 Does OnStar Provide In-The-Water Assistance?

Uber Driver “Dinesh” is going to be in hot water after he removes himself from the Pacific Ocean. This is by far the most reckless Uber stunt we’ve seen yet. Uber drivers can lose their Uber license if they break rules such as recklessly endangering a passenger. We’re guessing driving into the Pacific Ocean underneath what looks like the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge qualifies as unsafe.

The only flaw of this meme is that the driver is driving a taxi cab and is probably not an Uber driver.

Well, that and the fact the entire comic is implausible. Regardless of its flaws, this comic is too funny, and it uses a screenshot from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas which is possibly the best Grand Theft Auto game… so far.

5 Sometimes Grand Theft Auto Doesn’t Make Sense

It’s kind of absurd that Rockstar Games would shift the dynamics of Grand Theft Auto in Grand Theft Auto V to make police officers attempt to shoot you on sight regardless of your Wanted Level. One second you are minding your own business then accidentally bump into someone.

All of a sudden you have the entire police force bearing down on you in a road chase.

Police officers make statements from afar telling you to pull your vehicle over. But why would you? They are just going to shoot you once you pull over. If Grand Theft Auto brings back the concept of “Busted,” it would make more sense and give players some relief. The old “Busted” system did cause a player to lose all their gear so Rockstar Games may have to come up with new ideas to win fans over.