What even are classic games? Is it a subjective idea for each individual who places the value of a game from our past? Or is it based on the number of players and money generated from the game itself?  These are the questions you can ask yourself only for a few seconds because the reality is, we all sort of agree on what the classics are.

Every now and then you get some turkey-human who claims a terrible game is a classic and that’s all fine and dandy because it’s their opinion. But when you find out this person never played any of the real classics and spent most of their younger days playing outside, it’s time for you to step up to that person’s face and tell them how wrong they are. How dare anyone say something you disagree with to your face. Punish them.

This plethora of classic game memes was hand-picked by the god of video games herself and sent to your computer screen for the enjoyment of all who view them. So it is your duty to these video games that partly helped raise you into the mediocre human you may be to enjoy them and judge them based on their truth. Sit back, or lean forward, and enjoy the dankest of ultra hilarious classic game memes.

25 Professor Oak Never Even Went To College

There’s a lot of credit many of us owe to Professor Oak. He was there for us when we watched the anime on television and he was there for us when we began our journeys into the great unknown tall grass. His meetings never went without gifts. He gave us our very first Pokémon which happened to be part of the greatest group of starters in any one of the games, and lastly, he gives us the Pokédex.

But for real, man. What’s the deal with it being empty save for the little guy you leave the lab with?

This dude, Prof Oak, is a swindler of the highest caliber. Never trust a guy like Oak who spends that amount of time offering danger to children. Not to mention that town he lives in is terribly tiny. Must not be the great scientist we all thought him to be.

24 Frogger’s Parents Never Shelled Out For Swimming Lessons

Frogger is one of those games that everyone has played but basically, no one has ever beaten. It’s a simple concept and it’s pretty awesome since it’s incredibly realistic as far as a concept goes. Frogs do often need to cross roads in search of anything needed for survival in the name of instinct. But apparently, the desire to live in water is not one of them.

Water has been the wet end of may heroes in many games. For any such reason, no matter how heroic you may be as the character in a video game, it seems the water will always defeat you. It’ll never make sense why the frog can’t survive in water, but then again it’ll also never make sense how a frog can’t fit underneath of a vehicle that drives over it.

23 The Elaborate Scheme Of Cloud And Tifa’s Love-Love

The final moments of Aeris don’t really make any sense considering the existence of the item known as the phoenix down. Anyone could have saved her with that or even with a good old fashioned life spell. But after doing some research, we found some pretty ridiculous explanations of why an item couldn’t have been used to save those who perished.

The idea is that items used in battle are only part of the gameplay and are not canon or integral to the actual story being told.

So the fighting that occurs in battles is simply a subset of the game’s gameplay and doesn’t really have anything to do with the story unfolding. It’s sort of dumb but if that’s the way they want to play it then fine. But we hate you for it.

22 This Is A Truth That Hurts

Tetris is one of those games that can be played for hours and hours or it can be used simply as a way to pass the time while sitting on the toilet. They don’t get much more classic than Tetris, and when you think about the meme above, it really makes you think about the truth of reality and what games teach us.

When you fit in, you disappear. It’s so true it sends a chill down my spine. And I have scoliosis so maybe that’s not a good thing. But we live in a world where you can either conform or go your own way, and for some, there is a way to plant oneself right in the middle. But no matter what you choose, you can always play Tetris.

21 Who You Laughing At, Dawg?

The Duck Hunt game came as a double feature type object with the original Super Mario Bros. game. The only way you could play it was with the gun controller which happened to be one of the most recognizable controllers of all time. Maybe the creators of Nintendo were trying to get people to play Mario Bros. or Duck Hunt, but either way, the combination of those two will go down in history as one of the greatest combinations of all time.

But there’s that one problem: the dog.

Every time that stupid dog laughs in our faces when we fail or for whatever reason he thinks it’s okay to laugh, we wish we could blast him. Face it, you’ve never pulled a trigger so fast and so hard beside when that dog chuckles in your failing face. Unless of course you’ve shot someone in real life and you’re a psychopath in which case you probably aren’t our target audience. No big deal.

20 The Most Interesting Fox In The Lylat System

Not sure if any of you have been graced with the great game known as Star Fox 64, but if you have, then chances are you were mesmerized by its greatness. Not only that, but you most certainly had to end Slippy either by an accident, out of sheer annoyance, or because you wanted to have your team at full strength on the following level so you could get the medal.

For those of you who have no idea what we’re talking about, get on eBay or the darknet and purchase an N64 and the game with it.

Or download the game on Nintendo shop or download an emulator if you’re lazy. Which you probably are because you existed this long without playing Star Fox 64 which is incredibly unacceptable. Shame.

19 Kirby’s Stomach And Lungs Are One

Thanksgiving dinner has become a bit of a controversy in the current century. Similar to that of the holiday known as Columbus Day, the mistreatment of the Natives of America has come under intense scrutiny as well it should. But you may be asking yourself where Kirby fits into all this, and we’ll tell you. Everywhere.

Kirby shows up to unknown lands, planets, solar systems, and he opens his mouth and takes it all in. He doesn’t care what you think or how much you love your family, once he starts to inhale, it’s all over. For inside of the inhalation of Kirby exists a black hole controlled by Kirby. It was him who ended all of the Native Americans. Just kidding, that was Chris Columbus with his blankets.

18 Don’t Be Dissin’ Terry, Y’all

Whether you played this game for your own enjoyment or in a computer class during the mid-90s while in elementary or middle school, you probably lost a lot. Nowadays it’s a pretty easy game for us thinking adults, but back then it sure was a doozy to be reckoned with. Especially for those of us who demand we make it to Oregon with our family still alive.

For the true survivors and selfish gamers, the trail was a much easier one.

But one thing you never should do is be dissin’ Terry. Terry knows what’s good and will end you’re entire family for a few sacks of corn and a few pounds of salted wild pig’s meat. What were they trying to teach us with this game anyway? That life was rough in the past.

17 Four Nerds Enter, One Nerd Leaves

The Mario Party series is one of those series that many love and many grow to hate. It’s possibly the single most friendship-ending game in the history of the world. Nintendo is best with a lot of things, and ruining the camaraderie is one of them. Now the Mario Party series is filled with wonderfully fun mini-games that have nothing to do with the betrayal that takes place.

The true betrayal of these games comes from the stealing of coins and more importantly the stealing of stars. You can completely cripple a friend’s play by stealing their stars. And it seriously ticks people off. But the greatness of those games comes from the fun had during the mini-games. Becuase it seriously feels like the battle of Jedi.

16 To Ignore Sin Is Not A Sin

This sort of scenario happens all the time in video games. There is a certain threat looming over the world and the main character has to go through a plethora of ordeals to save the world from that threat. But there are all sorts of side quests and things to explore the divert from this golden path to the end boss.

It’s no one’s fault, it’s just inevitable.

But as far as video game sidequests go, blitzball is one of the most awesome that exists. Unlike the other Final Fantasy game side quests like Chocobo Racing, blitzball could be its very own game in itself. It’s nearly as in-depth as a game like Madden with all of its roster and team management stuff. At first, it’s difficult, but it ends up being pretty sweet.

15 The Legend Of The Seven Stars

The remake of FF7 is something near and dear to all of our hearts, and we’re more than happy that they’re actually going through with it. Even if it is set amongst this generation’s incessant desire for remakes, the FF7 remake is something fans have desired for a very very long time. Chances are, eventually every good game will be remade in the desire to make easy money based on brand recognition. But only while us millennials still exist. See there will come a time where every single person who played Mario RPG is no longer alive, and the market for a remake such as that may not be as useful. Though that’s a depressing thought, it’s it nevertheless reality we must all come to accept.

14 Back When Japan Didn’t Want Us In The Loop

It was quite the revelation in my life when I grew to learn that there were three Final Fantasy games that were never released in the United States Of America. Not only that, but the ones that were released in this country were way out of order. Number two was actually number four, number three was actually number six, and number 4 was actually number five.

Everyone sort of figured there was something silly going on when Final Fantasy 7 came out on PlayStation.

The numbers didn’t add up. Who knows the real reason for why they all lied to us. But the real Final Fantasy two and three were pretty sweet games. They’ve both been remade and remodeled and they’re probably the worst selling games of the series, but that’s no one’s fault but the Japanese. Unless we’re mistaken and it’s our fault. Which actually sounds much closer to the truth.

13 Samus Would Destroy Spiderman… Maybe

One of the most known characteristics of Samus is her ability to turn into the morph ball and roll through little tunnels and into sewers and whatnot. It’s similar in a way to what Sonic does when he rolls up into a ball to move faster, but Sonic can’t drop bombs. It’s a defining characteristic of the power suit and Samus herself, so it makes sense that Spidey would try and replicate the ability she has.

If you take a look at what Spidey is trying to do, he’s doing it all wrong and it looks incredibly painful. How even does his body fold up like that to form such a spherical shape? It’s almost like the artist was bored or fed up with trying to make it look natural and just decided to draw a circle Spiderman. Poor form, artist.

12 Fear And Loathing In Mushroom Kingdom

Once again, Luigi is given the role of the less interesting sidekick. But can you even call Luigi a sidekick? He’s more of a tumor when you think about it. He’s always there, and everyone makes fun of him. Maybe that’s a little harsh, but in this meme, he makes his appearance as a way to make Mario look better.

What we like about this meme is that it sort comes out of nowhere and is a wonderful little piece of dankness.

Mario pretending to be Hunter S. Thompson, spouting off one of the most iconic lines from the film Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas. There is not much to say other than this meme is amazing and it is pretty obvious why we chose it. Because someone took the time to create and to that, we salute that person.

11 Thoughts Of Philoso-Charmeleon

When I think about Onix I think about a super weak Pokémon that is also one of the biggest. Onix was made famous by being the main Pokémon used by Brock in the anime series. He always got mopped up by Misty and her water-types. But even in the video games, Onix was super hard to catch early in the rock caves and never ended up being of any use other than high defense.

Which brings us to the question of Onix’s ability to drink. What does an Onix Drink? Maybe since it’s made of rocks it drinks rocks or simply only eats them for nourishment. But that doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense when you think about it. What is a liquid rock?

10 If It Flies It Dies

Anyone who’s ever played a Legend Of Zelda game probably has realized that you can attack and harass the cuckoos. It’s hilarious and in some of the games they fight back something fierce. And by fierce, we mean that they go berserk and about fifty of them come flying out of nowhere to destroy Link. All because he slapped around a few chickens with his sword.

So when we talk about the birds being angry, they certainly were trying to tear up people way before the mobile game came out.

Not that anyone copied anybody’s ideas. But the lesson learned is that birds cannot be trusted. They fly, so they aren’t tied to any landscape, and we’re pretty sure they used to be dinosaurs. And we all know reptiles have no souls.

9 You Teach Me And I Teach You How To Thug

The chances are the guy in this photo is serious about his love for Pikachu and doesn’t care who knows it. But in the event that this was just a joke and this dude was just trying to have a laugh, he will forever be stuck on the internet looking like a complete tool.  One must concern themselves with the question as to why this person has more than one Pikachu stuffed animal let alone four. But even still, why does a grown-up have more than one stuffed animal altogether. Maybe he has kids and they belong to them, or maybe he’s the kind of guy who’s a collector. It doesn’t really matter, the fact is that this dude is definitely a thug. And the thug life chose him.

8 Mom… The Meatloaf

The evolution of gaming comes from the online play being introduced. Being able to play with gamers from across the world at basically any time of day was an awesome addition to all of our lives. The thing is, with the addition of multiple players together at once on separate screens in separate areas of the world is that there is no more pausing. Now we must give it up to mothers who’ve never played a video game once in their lives for even knowing what pausing actually is in video games.

Online gaming is one of the most intense experiences many of us will get to be a part of.

So whether it’s a bathroom break or chores need to be done, the world is going to have to wait until the match is over.

7 It’s Gotta Be The Hat

In the latest addition to Mario’s extremely expansive series of games, his hat is the source of his power. which makes us think that it has also has had some power in the previous games. It would be more of a potential of power rather than actually possessing the power itself. It would make sense why Mario is able to destroy blocks with his head and smash enemies with his feet. Mario is simply a beast.

The weird thing is his super weakness of being touched by any enemy. The falling down holes and stuff makes sense because gravity is real, but the touching of enemies to result in the loss of a life will never make sense. Are they really that powerful, that mere contact is enough to end such a mighty hero? Apparently so.

6 This Is A Worthy Query

This is another scenario that doesn’t make any sense. Why would a game developer put a super overweight bad guy in a situation where he is outrunning Sonic. Sonic, the hero who is literally named after a type of speed representation shouldn’t be beaten by anyone in a race.

It doesn’t make any sense at all.

Dr. Robotnik is a pretty overweight dude and there is just no way he can run fast enough to keep ahead of Sonic let alone even run at all. To be honest, we think that there is something wrong with Dr. Robotnik’s psychological situation to let himself go such as this. Should we feel bad for the guy? He’s probably single, he’s balding, has a huge nose, and probably eats way to much cheese. Now, we’re not hating on cheese, but it does have an adverse effect on gaining six pack abs.