Oh, The Office. A show that would go from being completely bonkers to completely romantic to bonkers, yet hilarious all over again. It was on for nine seasons and since it ended in 2013, it has still remained an insanely popular show to this day. Especially because of Netflix since they stream the entire series.

The thing about The Office was regardless of how completely crazy the storylines sometimes were, they still made us laugh each and every week when the episodes came on. It is regarded so highly amongst not only audiences but critics because it was original, and at the time, completely unique to do a workplace comedy that had a documentary crew filming their every move. Not to mention it was one of the most hysterical shows to be on in recent years.

Even though The Office is a series that holds a special place in all our hearts, there were still plenty of things about it that left us wondering how it was supposed to make sense. The answer is: it doesn’t, but it is still absolutely hilarious.

And what better way to show how illogical the people at Dunder Mifflin were than in meme form? That’s right, in this article we will be showing prime examples of moments in The Office history that made little to no sense at all through memes.

So get ready for a healthy dose of hilarity, as well as nostalgia, as we look at the 25 Hilarious The Office Memes That Show It Makes No Sense.

25 Michael’s Way With Words

It was always clear that as beloved as Michael Scott was during his time on The Office, he was never the sharpest tool in the shed. But sometimes the way he spoke or tried to iterate a common phrase was so completely wrong that it was quite baffling.

The main reason it was so quizzical is that he somehow is the manager at the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin, which should mean he needs some level of competency to perform the job’s requirements. So if he is this unintelligent at times, how does he function as manager?

Aside from that, it is just hard to believe in general that anyone is that…stupid, for lack of a better word.

Even in Michael Scott’s case. He, at times, has shown that he is a great salesman and even manager when he wants to be, but he can’t even seem to say a well-known phrase properly.

Regardless, Michael was always there to make us laugh with his unique way of speaking, even if he didn’t know it. So maybe we’ll give him a slight break when it comes to this, even if we have literally no idea how he was able to get the promotion to manager in the first place.

24 Kevin Malone’s Intelligence Level

Kevin Malone in the Accounting Department at Dunder Mifflin in Scranton, PA was always an enigma. What I mean by that is how can someone who seems to be of a lower intelligence level and is inherently bad with numbers given a job in the Accounting Department, of all places?

Sure, Michael was the one to make the decision. He even suggested he be in that department regardless of his lack of experience, and the fact that Kevin was applying to work in the warehouse.

But even putting that aside, you would think he would have been let go at some point for the many mistakes he has made while working there, in Accounting.

What is even more baffling is the quote directly from Kevin Malone himself about stupidity.

He says that he has a “very low tolerance for stupidity” which is quite the pot calling the kettle black situation here.

In other words, Kevin is not the brightest bulb and you would think he would have some awareness of that, but instead, he says he can’t handle others who are “stupid”.

Oh, Kevin Malone, if only you knew just how ironic that statement of yours actually is. But he probably wouldn’t get it anyways.

23 Has No One Watched Star Wars?

Every time The Office aired an episode surrounding a holiday, it was bound to have some truly hilarious moments. This was no different in the season two episode, “Halloween,” which also happened to be the first time on The Office that our favorite 9-to-5 workers would be dressing up for the spooky holiday.

This was also the first time we found out that Jim hated dressing up for Halloween, so he would come up with costumes that weren’t much different than his normal look. He went as “three-hole punch Jim” in this episode by taping three black circles to the side of his shirt. Very clever.

But then Dwight tries to get some recognition for his own costume by showing off his red lightsaber. This causes Phyllis to ask, “What are you? A monk?”

This obviously pains Dwight since it should be more than obvious who he is. He simply sighs and says, “I am a Sith Lord.” This isn’t the first time that other co-workers of Dwight’s have made fun of his so-called “geeky nature” or at least been completely oblivious to the things that interest him.

What is questionable to me is how no one in that workplace could recognize what Dwight was supposed to be dressed as? Surely someone had seen the Star Wars films, or at least caught a glimpse of them, to know what Dwight was dressed up as?

Evidently not. But it was at least hilarious to watch.

22 Lack Of Holiday Knowledge

Over the seven seasons that Michael Scott was on The Office, he had said and done so many odd and ridiculous things that it almost was something you got used to. But at other times, it left us scratching our heads on how he could be that dumb when he wanted to be.

For instance, in this meme where he’s talking about St. Patrick’s Day. This was during the season 7 episode by the same title, and it was the first time anyone on the show was seen celebrating the Irish holiday.

The whole plot was that everyone wanted to go out and celebrate the holiday at a bar, but their new boss, Jo, was working late at the office and seemed to be judgmental of those who went home early.

So everyone was forced to stay until she deemed it was time to go home.

But before their excitement was squashed, Michael was talking about why it was such a special holiday in Scranton. He suggests that this is the closest the Irish will get to Christmas.

This statement makes no sense seeing as many Irishmen and women celebrate Christmas.

Plus, St. Patrick’s Day in America is far different from how the Irish actually celebrates it in their homeland.

Leave it to Michael to say something as ridiculous as that.

21 Why Even Drink The Diet Soda, Then?

Michael Scott was known to have some odd tastes in food and drinks over the time we watched him on The Office. He was seen putting Splenda in his scotch at one point and even ate olives in mayonnaise for “comfort food”…even though he said it was disgusting.

But this one might be the most baffling he’s done with a drink yet.

Here, Michael is seen drinking a diet soda. Which wouldn’t be out of the ordinary if we weren’t also witnessing him pouring a whole lot of sugar into the diet drink - presumably to make it taste better.

Sure, he has done some pretty crazy and ridiculous things on the show before, including with food, but even he has to realize how counterproductive putting sugar into a diet soda actually is…right?

That is precisely why this makes absolutely no sense. Plus, this was done as such a subtle instance in the middle of a scene, that most of us clearly missed it the first several times we saw it.

Of course, that may make the pure ridiculousness of the situation even more hilarious that they didn’t put that moment at the forefront of the scene, but rather as a small little funny moment for the eagle-eyed viewers to see.

But it still is a very illogical thing for Michael to do.

20 The Irrational Kelly Kapoor

Kelly Kapoor was always a fair-weather friend to Pam, at best. She was always known to be far more self-involved and boy crazy than someone who was genuinely kind and there for her friends.

Of course, this excludes her behavior and lack of style in the first season and part of the second season of the series.

But ever since the true nature of her personality was revealed, we have seen her time and time again care more about herself rather than those around her.

So in the season 3 episode titled, “Business School,” when Pam invites everyone in the office to her art show, Kelly says she will go - even though she seems less than enthused. Still, she agrees to go. But unfortunately, pretty much no one from the office ends up attending the event.

Yet, in a later season, when Kelly conducts the customer surveys to evaluate the salesmen at Dunder Mifflin, it is revealed that she had made up fake reviews for Jim and Dwight because they didn’t come to a party she threw over the summer.

Yes, we know that Kelly is irrational and self-serving, so it’s not completely off base that her character would do this. But the logic behind her decision making just is not there.

19 The Classic Love Triangle

One of the main focal points of the first few seasons was the epic love triangle between the pretty receptionist, Pam, her fiancee, Roy, and her best friend at the office, Jim.

Jim had been secretly in love with her for years, and although Pam had initially rejected Jim in the season two finale, she soon after called off her wedding to Roy. It was clear from that point on that she had realized her true feelings for Jim as well, and was only staying with Roy out of obligation rather than love.

We all know that by the end of season three, Jim and Pam had faced their feelings for the other and were finally going to be together. But there were plenty of ups and downs between Pam and Roy before that could finally happen.

In season two, despite the obvious connection Jim and Pam had, as well as the constant flirting between the two, Roy seemed completely oblivious to the reality of their friendship. Even when Jim was outed as having had feelings for Pam (previously), Roy still didn’t seem too concerned because he thought they were “just friends” now.

Heck, he didn’t know that Jim was the reason Pam called off the wedding until she laid it out for him in season 3.

It’s quite odd that it took Roy so long to figure out that there was something going on deep down between the two future love-birds.

18 Dwight’s Indifference To Angela’s Cat

Nothing can tarnish a loving relationship like one partner being the reason for the demise of the other partner’s beloved pet. Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened at the beginning of season 4 between Angela and Dwight.

In the premiere episode of season 4, titled “Fun Run,” Angela asks Dwight, her secret boyfriend/co-worker, to go to her place to feed her cat and give the cat, Sprinkles, medicine as well. As she’s listing off all of the directions and list of medications she would need, Dwight becomes increasingly put out which is evident on his face, yet Angela remains oblivious.

So when Dwight returns from his excursion, he bluntly tells Angela that her cat passed away. He is very insensitive and indifferent when he tells her that. Clearly, Angela is devastated and doesn’t know how that could have happened, even if Sprinkles was very sick.

The thing about their relationship is it always seemed rather loving and like there was plenty of trust between the two. So even if Dwight himself wasn’t a fan of cats, he should know that Angela’s cats meant everything to her. And because of that information, he should have been far more sensitive to her feelings.

Not to mention he was the ultimate cause of Sprinkles’ demise, as we found out later on in the episode. Farmer or no farmer, that is no way to treat a girlfriend’s pet.

17 The Rise And Fall Of Ryan Howard

One of the most illogical things to occur during the nine seasons of The Office has to do with Ryan the temp’s quick rise and inevitable fall during season four.

He started out as the office temp, and by season three he was a salesman at Dunder Mifflin in Scranton, further cementing his roots at the company. But he was never an exceptional salesman, so how in the world did he go from being a mediocre employee to having a job at the corporate office, effectively taking over Jan’s position?

Not only that but when he did get the job, he ended up losing the job and going to jail due to fraud within the company not long after his hiring. So how, after all of the turmoil he caused within Dunder Mifflin, did Ryan manage to get rehired by the same company later on?

Of course, we know that Michael always had a soft spot for Ryan, regardless of his work ethic or clear apprehensiveness to be Michael’s friend.

But Michael should have only been able to do so much.

Plus, he was rehired once as a temporary receptionist when Pam was at art school, but then was rehired again after the Michael Scott Paper Company were bought by Dunder Mifflin.

He is either the cat with nine lives or this does not add up.

16 An Aversion To Technology

Michael was never the most rational and logical thinking person when it comes to normal everyday situations. Or any situation really. But one of the most insane moments for Michael Scott was when he drove straight into a lake. All because of his own inner turmoil he was experiencing right before that. But let me go back.

During the season four episode “Dunder Mifflin Infinity,” Ryan, the new boss/former employee of Michael’s, starts to show off the new way of doing things in the company, complete with new smartphones for the staff and a new website that is about to be launched. But Michael immediately starts to feel threatened, especially with Creed and Jan in his ear. The latter putting the word “ageism” out there to talk about older people in the workplace being discriminated against.

This causes Michael to want to get old clients back by doing things in an “old school” way. This meant he was going to give them all gift baskets in hopes of them coming back.

When his plan backfires, he and Dwight are driving when he gives up and just listens to everything the GPS system is saying, even if it’s directing them to drive straight into the lake. He’s completely losing it at this point because he does just that, no matter how many times Dwight tells him not to, as evidenced by the dialogue in this meme.

How is it that Michael would be that dumb to assume that’s what the GPS meant?

15 Michael Hating Toby For No Reason

It is no secret that Michael Scott absolutely despised his HR rep, Toby Flenderson, from the very beginning. Every time he was around, Michael’s mood was immediately soured. And if there was an issue in the office of any sort, even if it wasn’t Toby’s fault, Michael would blame him somehow.

While their relationship as enemies was a comical thing to watch, there were a lot of times that Michael’s severe disdain for Toby became too much and didn’t even really make sense.

There were many times Toby would try to be his friend or at least be on his good side, but no matter what, Michael still seemed to hate his guts. He would throw snide remarks out there all of the time just to get under Toby’s skin.

So aside from Michael just hating anyone in HR, what was his reasoning for being so cold to him, no matter how hard Toby tried? Plus, when Holly came along, it seemed that Michael’s aversion to anyone in HR disappeared, and while that may have been because he fell in love with Holly, couldn’t he have seen at some point that Toby was actually a good guy?

Not to mention the fact that Toby was not actually the reason behind all of the problems that occurred within the office.

14 Friends Vs. Seinfeld

You can say many things about Michael Scott, but one thing you could never say was that he didn’t know his pop culture references. At least, most of the time.

That was what was truly baffling about this blatant mistake he made when naming characters of Friends.

Here, he starts to talk about who the different people in the office would be if they were characters on the hit show, Friends. He, of course, says that he is both Chandler and Joey, both of whom were jokesters on Friends while the latter was also a ladies’ man. Then he goes on to say that Pam is Rachel who was known to be the most popular female character on the show.

But then he references another character that was never on Friends: Kramer.

He says that Dwight would be Kramer. That means that he thought Kramer, who is from Seinfeld, was actually on Friends. Kramer was definitely a goofball on Seinfeld, so it does kind of make sense that he would identify Dwight as that character, but how did he get the two different shows so mixed up?

He always seems to be up to date on pop culture, and those two shows had first premiered more than a decade before, so you think he would have fully known the difference between the two. So why didn’t he?

13 Dude Looks Like A Lady

There is a lot of things that happened with Michael Scott that was questionable behavior at best. But those moments always resulted in hilarious consequences and became some of the funniest moments in the history of The Office.

A prime example of that was in the season three episode, “The Negotiation.” See, Darryl from the warehouse is trying to negotiate a pay raise from Michael. Michael is doing his best to deny him that since money is too tight in the company, but when Michael finds out that the raise he is asking for is more than Michael is making, Michael starts to feel as if he is being underpaid as well.

But before Michael decides to go to New York with Darryl to ask his girlfriend/boss Jan for a pay raise of his own, it is pointed out to him that the suit he is wearing is a woman’s suit. The entire office takes note of it, with Darryl even taking photos of the suit in question, and it completely throws Michael off. Because now he’s feeling stupid and emasculated at the same time.

So when he does see Jan in New York about a pay raise, he utters the line, “It was a weird day. I accidentally cross-dressed.” This was one of the funniest throwaway lines from Michael Scott, but also further proves that the show does not fully make sense when it comes to how clueless he is about everything.

12 The Longest Run-On Sentence

There is a point in time when the Dunder Mifflin company was not doing well and the only branch that seemed to be thriving was none other than the Scranton branch. And that in itself was odd enough seeing as Michael Scott was at the helm of that branch and he seemed to always be more of a distraction to his employees than anything.

So it stands to reason that when he finds out in season five in the episode titled, “The Duel,” that David Wallace, his boss, wants to know what it is he is doing right, that Michael was as equally as bewildered as us, the audience, was.

This prompts Michael into starting one of the longest run-on sentences to have ever been uttered on television. This meme is a representation of that, with the dialogue showing word-for-word what it was he was trying to tell David about his managing style and why it is that his branch has been successful.

He even says in an interview with the documentary crew right after that, that sometimes he starts a sentence and he isn’t even sure where it’s going, he just hopes he finds out somewhere along the way.

So how in the world is Michael’s branch the only successful one? And how is Michael that oblivious to how it happened in the first place?

11 A Quiet Office

A Quiet Place was the hit horror film of 2018. It not only starred John Krasinski, a.k.a. Jim Halpert, but was also directed by the former Office star. It was about a family in a post-alien-type invasion who have to remain quiet at all times and never make a noise, otherwise, the creatures would attack and end their lives immediately upon hearing them speak.

So it’s no wonder that someone made the connection between the blockbuster hit and the silent streak cold opening in the season 8 episode, “Trivia,” of The Office, as seen in this next meme.

In this cold opening, it is apparent that the entire office has decided to challenge themselves to stay silent for as long as possible.

Other than that, everything seems to be business as usual. But eventually, the silent streak is broken when Kevin takes a bite out of his candy bar and exclaims, “Oh yeah.”

They then decide to let out all of their need to talk now and then start the silent streak over again and try and beat their last time. What is never explained is how this silent streak challenge even came to be and why. So what is the real reason for the entire office agreeing to play this little game, when on a regular basis, they can’t agree on anything?

10 Toby’s Untoward Advances On Pam

It was never very easily hidden that Toby Flenderson, the HR rep at the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin, had a serious crush on Pam Beesly, the receptionist at the same branch, and Jim’s love interest.

All throughout the show, it was very obvious that Toby carried a torch for Pam and was hoping someday things would work out between the two. But it was never more obvious to the staff at the Scranton branch that he had a crush on Pam than when this moment occurred between them.

It was during the episode titled “Night Out” in season four when Michael and Dwight go into New York City to have a boy’s night out with Ryan. The rest of the office decides to stay later to avoid coming in that Saturday to work, thanks to Jim who had the idea in the first place. The only problem is he didn’t tell the security guard who locked up the gate outside, preventing them from leaving when they were done.

So as they are all waiting for him to come back to open up for them, Toby makes a joke about Michael, prompting Pam and everyone to laugh. And instead of just being happy he made Pam laugh, he squeezes her thigh. Awkward…

He ran away and said he was moving to Costa Rica, leaving everyone baffled as to how that all happened. So why would an HR rep of all people think anything good would come of doing that anyway?

9 Kevin Not Knowing Basic Anatomy

We have previously talked about how unintelligent Kevin Malone from the accounting department truly is. While all of that may have been true, there were certain times on The Office where his stupidity seemed a little too far-fetched.

Case in point was during the “Office Olympics” episode in season two. He is seen holding his hand over the right side of his chest while the National Anthem plays during the so-called “closing ceremonies” that they were conducting.

This all occurred after most of the day was spent with the office employees playing different games to win a gold, silver, or bronze medal, much like they do in the Olympics. It was a fun way to pass the time and blow off steam while Michael and Dwight were away.

But the problem with Kevin putting his hand on the right side of his chest is that you’re supposed to put your hand over your heart, which is more on the left side of your chest than on the right. As we can see, everyone else in the office is aware of that, since it is common knowledge.

So are we really supposed to believe that Kevin Malone is that dumb to not even know that basic fact about his anatomy?

8 Dwight’s Inability To Get Fired

Dwight Schrute rarely did things that would cause him to get fired at Dunder Mifflin, but when he did, he went for it all the way. This was never more obvious than when he did a “fire drill” in the “Stress Relief” episode of The Office.

He put an elaborate scheme together to test his co-workers on what they should do during a real fire by creating a realistic fire drill that they had no awareness was actually fake. He wanted to prove that none of them had been listening during his presentation on the matter.

This only has disastrous results seeing as many of the office’s employees damaged property in hopes of making it out of there alive, while Stanley Hudson actually had a heart attack due to the severe chaos of the situation.

Still, Dwight was able to keep his job as a salesman at the company regardless of the fact he put all of his co-workers in danger and caused one of them to nearly perish. Dwight may be one of the best salesmen at Dunder Mifflin, but that does not excuse his behavior or the fact he could have seriously harmed Stanley in the end. So how exactly did he keep his job?

7 Irrational Hatred

When season two of The Office ended on a cliffhanger with Jim and Pam finally kissing for the first time, we had high hopes that somehow Pam would dump Roy and be with Jim. Unfortunately, we were only met with disappointment at the start of season three when we see that Jim has indeed transferred to Stamford.

While he was there, before the Stamford branch and Scranton branch merged, he met Karen Filipelli, a fellow salesman at the Stamford branch. After some time of getting to know one another, they eventually start dating just before the two branches merged.

This disappoints Pam when she finds that information out when he comes back to Scranton and it, in turn, causes them to be apart from each other even longer.

The sad thing about it is, as this tweet perfectly points out, Karen never really did anything wrong.

But we all irrationally hated her just because she was with Jim and he wasn’t with Pam because of it. If anything, we should have felt bad for Karen since he clearly never had true feelings for her and was really just trying to get over Pam by being with her.

So why exactly did we have such disdain for her?

6 Creed Bratton’s Quirkiness

Where to begin when it comes to Creed Bratton? He is the oddest oddball to ever have graced the office in Scranton. And that is seriously saying something since most of his co-workers have very odd habits and personality traits of their own.

But too many times we saw Creed do and say things that were so out of this world weird that we weren’t sure where exactly he was going with it or why he was behaving in such a way.

There is probably no better example of just how crazy Creed was on this show than this quote of his where he is talking about his father.

He says that he wishes his dad could look down on him from heaven and be proud, but that is literally impossible since his dad is still alive. This left us all merely questioning, “What the heck is he trying to say here?”

Of course, when it comes to Creed, there is honestly never going to be a good answer for that, since it is Creed we are talking about after all. But the one thing that will definitely never make sense to me is how Creed ever kept his job when he’s saying things like that and acting the way he does.