Star Wars is undoubtedly one of the most popular and prolific film franchise in all of Sci-Fi. The Star Wars universe is as vast as space itself and is filled with a plethora of intriguing stories from across the galaxy. What makes the series even more memorable is its cast of colorful characters who are also some of the most iconic faces in pop culture. From honorable Jedi knights to notorious Sith lords, the series never has a shortage of interesting characters in its repertoire.

The infamous Darth Vader and the venerable Master Yoda are just a few classic Star Wars characters that have become as ubiquitous as Mickey Mouse. However, the long list of notable characters doesn’t end there as the latest Star Wars iteration introduced even more captivating characters to the series’ already diversified roster. While some fans might argue that the new Star Wars films could never topple the original, one still can’t deny the fact that the latest iteration brought life back into the series.

There’s still plenty of room for the new characters to grow and develop. Despite that, some of them have already won the hearts of fans. New characters like Kylo Ren, Rey, and Finn have enough charm and likable traits that they could each hold their own in the series. These characters prove that there’s still hope for the new Star Wars films to become just as memorable as the original episodes. Here are 25 hilarious Star Wars comics to remind fans why the new Star Wars renditions are still worth looking forward to.

25 Times Have Changed

It’s quite evident that the new Star Wars films had such a stark difference compared to the original set of movies based on the personality of their characters alone, as suggested in this funny comic’s witty observation. Darth Vader is known as a tyrant who is as notoriously vicious as he is ingenious. However, Darth Vader speaks his mind clearly and frankly to get his point across his subordinates. Grand Moff Tarkin might have been responsible for picking up the bulk of Vader’s orders but he was mostly treated with respect and admiration. On the other hand, the relationship between the First Order’s General Armitage Hux and Kylo Ren is anything but mutual and symbiotic. Both are always caught in each other’s argument making their professional encounters messy at best.

Kylo Ren always comes up short when he is being compared to his idol, Darth Vader.

Of course, Darth Vader’s principles are quite different from Kylo Ren’s as he adheres to strict rules that place the Galactic Empire above everything else. Kylo Ren is also sort of prone to youthful angst that’s driven by selfish desires compared to Darth Vader’s more pragmatic ideals. It also doesn’t help that General Hux is a lot younger and seemingly less mature than Grand Moff Tarkin. It’s quite ironic that the older generation of villains are more efficient and improved compared to the newer and supposedly better batch of antagonists.

Artwork by Morgaer

24 Monday Blues

When it comes to notable antagonists, Captain Phasma literally stands out from the rest with her towering height and intimidating figure. Stormtroopers in the original Star Wars iterations were mostly depicted as expendable enemies who only serve as fodder for all the heroic Jedi to beat up. However, Captain Phasma serves as an exception to the prototypical and seemingly useless stormtroopers from the original films.

Phasma isn’t just any ordinary female stormtrooper as she’s also a commanding officer for the First Order. What makes Captain Phasma a cut above the rest of the stormtroopers is her iconic chrome armor coupled with a cape that sports the First Order’s color scheme. Despite her impressive credentials, it seems that even the revered captain also struggles with Monday blues. What makes this comic even more hilarious is that it’s quite accurate since Phasma did witness the wrong end of the trash compactor when she was thrown into it in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

While Kylo Ren certainly had his moments of frustration and failure, it was Captain Phasma who had actually undergone the nastier and undoubtedly smellier ordeal. It might be best for Kylo to keep his mouth shut on this matter. Who knows, if Kylo Ren keeps teasing Phasma like this then he might soon find out that the captain has a temper that’s even worse than Kylo himself.

Artwork by Dalsifodyas

23 The Cliffhanger Awakens

When Star Wars: The Force Awakens debuted in cinemas, it was touted as a huge comeback for the series as it continued the story of the incredibly popular film franchise. At the same time, it also left fans hanging given its blatantly shameless cliffhanger ending. The entirety of the film revolved around finding the elusive and quite reclusive Jedi Luke Skywalker who was also considered as the last hope of the universe. Both villains and heroes alike were trying their hardest just to pinpoint the location of Luke Skywalker’s whereabouts. The culmination of all their hard work ended when protagonist Rey finally had an encounter with the legend himself.

A week-long cliffhanger is bad enough but one that lasts for years is downright awful

Rey then proceeded to hand over a lightsaber to a dazed Luke who stared back to the audience in a moment that seemed to last forever. While it only took two years before the next film Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi finally had a theatrical release, the wait certainly felt like an eternity to fans who were left hanging since the conclusion of the last film. What better way to capture the feelings and frustrations of the fans than in a comedic yet accurate comic adaptation such as this. This hilarious skit encapsulates how the ending of The Force Awakens felt like to the fans of the series and Rey’s expression in this comic says it all.

Artwork by Ayej

22 Phasma Fan Club

With Captain Phasma’s ruthless nature and intimidating presence, it’s easy to overlook the fact that she’s also quite the empowered woman who can easily earn the adoration of male troopers. Captain Phasma does have the standout features that make her a figure worthy of admiration. For starters, the white, plastic-like appearance of the typical stormtrooper armor pales in comparison to Captain Phasma’s shiny chrome armor. No other stormtrooper bears a cape like Phasma either, making her an elite among the rest of the bland-looking troopers.

Captain Phasma is certainly a figure that every stormtrooper would strive to become, and it’s easy to see why, given her impressive credentials. While it’s natural to assume that every storm trooper aims to become just like Phasma, this funny comic panel suggests otherwise. It looks like not all stormtroopers are interested in taking Phasma’s place, but rather, some of them only long to be noticed by her. After all, who wouldn’t want to woo a woman as accomplished and admirable as Captain Phasma? Although this might not be a sight that fans would want to witness. Fans can only imagine the terrible scent that comes out of the armor of every sweaty hardworking stormtrooper. It’s clear that being in Captain Phasma’s place isn’t exactly as good as it sounds.

Artwork by Vangar Shriek

21 Vader For Life

It’s no surprise that the Star Wars: The Force Awakens antagonist Kylo Ren is quite the Darth Vader fanatic. The infamous First Order knight not only wants to carry on what he believes is still Darth Vader’s mission, he also wants to look as close as the notorious Sith lord as possible. It’s almost hard to believe that Ben is the son of the famed Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa, given his odd fascination for the dark arts and the ways of the Sith.

Fans could only speculate what Kylo Ren’s childhood must have been like, but at least this hilarious caricature could give a glimpse of how his formation years went. Trying to look like Darth Vader is one thing but trying to sound just like him even when one’s voice box is fully functional is just taking fanaticism to ridiculous levels. However, this comical depiction does explain a lot about Kylo’s disturbing Darth Vader fascination.

Poor Han, he must have been trying his hardest just to teach his little tyke to at least address him properly. It seems like there might be a good explanation as to why Kylo refused to say daddy. Perhaps Kylo wanted to say “I am your father” instead, how absurd would that have been for Han?

Artwork by Randomsplashes

20 Too Cute To Handle

The latest Star Wars iterations gave birth to one of the most lovable droids in the galaxy. BB-8 is certainly one of the most charming droids in the Star Wars film franchise, other than the iconic R2-D2, of course. With that said, it’s no wonder that both the Rebel Alliance and the First Order tried their hardest just to get their hands on the highly-coveted droid. It also helps that BB-8 isn’t just an adorable sight to behold but also a virtual mobile map that could reveal the exact location of Luke Skywalker’s whereabouts.

Sure, the dark side would love to extract that vital information from BB-8’s spherical body even if it meant going against the cute droid’s wishes. On the other hand, would Kylo Ren be able to resist BB-8’s cute appearance and undeniable charm? That is not the case in this funny yet epic comic that just portrayed Kylo’s soft spot for droids that are just too cute for him to handle. After all, who could resist BB-8’s cute round shape and wide front lenses that resemble a googly-eyed stare innocently looking back?

Not many could resist such a cute sight and Kylo Ren is of no exception, evil tyrant aspirant or not. Of course, Kylo is also known for diverting his frustrations onto other things so when BB-8’s cuteness becomes too unbearable for him, other forms of machinery would have to face his wrath. Sorry for your loss BB-8, it was either you or your machine cousins.

Artwork by Kade

19 The Struggle Was Real

One of the more memorable moments of Star Wars: The Last Jedi was when Rey was mastering her Jedi powers. Rey couldn’t have had a better mentor than the legendary Luke Skywalker himself. Rey’s transition from clumsy student to Jedi adept was almost seamless as she effortlessly conquered one obstacle after the next without even breaking a sweat.

While Rey did have moments of difficulty that challenged both her mind and body, they weren’t nearly as difficult as what Luke had undergone when he was training under Master Yoda. Rey’s training seems like child’s play compared to what Luke went through in his training montage and this comic puts even more comical emphasis on this analogy.

Luke’s lecture on how Jedi had to “backflip uphill” during his training days might sound like an exaggeration but it’s actually quite an accurate assessment. In fact, Luke had to control the force while doing a handstand during his days training under Yoda. Rey might not be able to understand yet the true struggles that the Jedi have gone through but at least she could see why there’s only one left. If Rey’s pessimistic mentality in this comic keeps up then she just might lead the Jedi to their extinction!

Artwork by RJ Pierce

18 Rewriting History

Rey is undoubtedly one of the most significant character additions that the new Star Wars films contributed to the original film franchise. First of all, she’s one of the few female leads in Star Wars who has such an important presence — one that’s integral to the film’s plot. Secondly, she’s also the last remaining hope for the Jedi and all that is good. Needless to say, Rey is definitely turning heads and rewriting Star Wars history with her tenacity, courageous traits, and charming personality.

Saving the universe is no easy feat so having the ability to lift rocks certainly helps.

Whether Rey is truly capable of saving the galaxy from the evil menace or not still remains to be seen but this comic suggests that she had already accomplished the impossible. If fans were wondering how Rey managed to lift those heavy boulders with little to no effort during the ending segments of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, then this comic just solved that mystery. At least Rey’s additional entry in the Jedi code was for a good cause. If it was Kylo who had the chance at rewriting the Jedi code, then the universe would probably be filled with Darth Vader merchandise.

Artwork by Ana

17 Tempting Offer

Both the light and dark sides of the force have their own advantages as well disadvantages. Jedi warriors have to master the force through discipline, strong will, courage, determination and… Ewoks? Yes, apparently, the Jedi does have a steady supply of Ewoks based on what this hilarious illustration is suggesting. It’s quite tempting for any force-sensitive individual to embrace the light side of the force just so they could hug some ewoks. Mastering the force can be quite stressful and what better way to unwind and to relieve stress than to pet a furry Ewok!

However, joining the dark side of the force could be just as tempting since they’d offer a lot more than just cookies. What gives the dark side of the force a shocking edge over their competition is that they can harness the power of electricity in the tip of their fingers! While Rey might never get her hands on a technique as impressive as the Sith scorcher, at least she could still wrap her arms around an Ewok. Kylo’s affinity for the dark side could mean that he would soon potentially learn the powerful Sith scorcher but even so, he still won’t be able to snuggle with an ewok like Rey could. With that said, no wonder Kylo always looks stressed!

Artwork by Acidbetta

16 It’s Not A Typo

Knowing that there’s only one Jedi left in the entire universe is a thought that is daunting enough in its own right. However, it’s even more worrying knowing that there’s still two Jedi left yet the film title suggests otherwise. This comic is exactly how Luke must’ve felt when The Last Jedi was announced as the official title of Star Wars: Episode VIII. It seems like fans weren’t the only ones who were worried about the announcement since Luke Skywalker himself was sweating buckets!

Luke has a bad feeling about that title.

It’s a good thing Rey was still feeling optimistic about the whole situation even when Luke was clearly working up a sweat. Perhaps this is why Luke looked so befuddled and speechless during the final segment of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. No matter how hard he tried to move as far away from everyone as possible, even to the point of living life as a recluse, he still couldn’t escape his impending doom. Sure, everyone expires at one point or another but this title must have made Luke feel like he was already written out of the equation before the film even started, yikes! That must have been quite a blow to the morale even for a Jedi master as hopeful as Luke.

15 Hold Me Close

Star Wars: The Force Awakens had quite an assortment of standout moments as it gave fans oodles of jaw-dropping scenes and neat surprises here and there. One particular scene in Star Wars: The Force Awakens that certainly stood out was when Finn held on to Rey’s hand without any intentions of letting go. Rey’s physique seems frail compared to Finn’s so it’s easy to assume that she’s the one who needs her hand held in tight situations. However, that’s not the case since it looked as if Finn squeezed Rey’s hand so tight that she awkwardly and uncomfortably wanted him to let go.

This comic gives a plausible yet downright hilarious explanation to this otherwise puzzling hand-holding conundrum. Finn would certainly need all the comforting he could get since he barely escaped with his life from a facility an incredibly secured facility and was also branded a traitor in doing so. Furthermore, it must have been hard to live among a hundred other stormtroopers who don’t even hug each other, let alone hold each other’s hands. For someone like Finn who basically sees the same stormtroopers on a daily basis, seeing Rey must have been a sight for sore eyes. After all, who would want to pass up an opportunity to hold hands with a lady as lovely as Rey?

14 Don’t Wear It Out

13 Just Like Lando

When it comes to being the smoothest individual in the galaxy, nobody else comes close to the smooth-talking space pirate Lando Calrissian. However, Star Wars: The Force Awakens featured an individual who could very well rival Lando’s smooth and suave demeanor and that would be none other than the ace pilot of The Resistance Poe Dameron. Poe is a smooth operator when it comes to piloting his X-Wing plane but he is even smoother when dealing with people.

Poe never fails to impress his colleagues with his slick maneuvers and daring feats of heroism. Perhaps this has something to do with Poe’s confidence in his pilot skills or maybe it has something to do with his charming personality. Nevertheless, Poe is one pilot that Lando will certainly be proud of. Although ladies aren’t the only ones who are impressed of Poe’s smooth charm. In this comic, even tough guys like Finn find Poe’s smooth nature so convincing that he had to give him a nod of approval. As if that’s not enough, Poe’s charm could even impress robots. Poe is definitely on fire in this one and BB-8 wholeheartedly agrees by giving him a burning thumbs up. Great job Poe, you just made Resistance proud once again!

12 Ignorance Is Bliss

Snoke was introduced in Star Wars: The Force Awakens as a mysterious yet ominous figure. He’s a character that appears to have an ulterior motive as well as a ruthless personality akin to Darth Sidious. Snoke’s intimidating presence looms over the rest of the First Order quite literally since he appears as a towering figure every time he communicates with his subordinates. With that said, it’s easy to imagine Snoke as a formidable adversary whose awareness is so superior that it’s like he already knows the moves of his enemies before they even make them.

Now we know why Snoke never saw Kylo’s sneaky lightsaber trick coming.

Once Snoke’s physical form was finally revealed in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, his presence went from terrifyingly frightening to curiously perplexing. It’s quite ironic for such an intimidating overseer like Snoke to come off as an individual who is actually oblivious to his surroundings. This comic doesn’t just poke fun of Snoke’s obliviousness, it also accurately highlights Snoke’s clueless nature by pinpointing this particular scene in the film. This is exactly how Rey must have felt when Snoke basically criticized her as if she wasn’t even in the room at all. If Snoke wasn’t able to notice Rey, then that explains why he never noticed the sneaky lightsaber that Kylo used to defeat him.

11 Give Me A Break!

Han Solo might have lived a portion of his life as a selfish smugger but that doesn’t change the fact that he will go down as one of the most memorable and iconic characters in Star Wars history. Han’s brash attitude, trademark wit, sarcastic humor and hardy mentality has given Star Wars fans a plethora of unforgettable moments in the films. With that said, it’s only natural for fans to clamor for more Han Solo appearances despite his unfortunate passing in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Han senses a disturbance in the force.

Fortunately for the fans, this comic just granted their wishes by having Rey bring Han back from the afterlife albeit in spectral form. One of Rey’s cool powers in Star Wars: The Last Jedi is on full display here as she managed to revive Han whether he liked it or not. Sure, it’s a bit impractical but if fans had telepathic teleportation powers like Rey, why wouldn’t they bring Han back to life? While this may be a good thing for fans of the intergalactic smuggler, it’s actually quite the opposite for Han himself. In fact, Han looks more annoyed and less thrilled of Rey’s ingenious achievement. We can’t really blame him since he has been in Star Wars for way too long and he definitely deserves a break. Sorry for the disturbance Han!

Artwork by Armond Gonzalez

10 Magic Helmet

It’s no secret that Kylo Ren has quite a serious fixation on his grandfather Darth Vader. The self-professed Darth Vader successor is really taking his fanaticism seriously even to a point of being downright delusional. Kylo’s Darth Vader fascination goes beyond superficial as he doesn’t just want to look like him, he also wants to carry on his mission as well. The problem is, Darth Vader already found peace and resolution at the conclusion of Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi.

However, it seems like Kylo on the other hand, didn’t get the memo as he still believes that he must pursue Vader’s basically nonexistent march of tyranny. Kylo even proved that he’s Vader’s number one fan by keeping the tattered remains of his grandfather’s iconic helmet as some sort of guarded treasure. Fans can only imagine what Kylo does with this helmet during his free time. Perhaps he gets some fashion tips from the helmet’s design or perhaps he’ll try to channel his inner Vader by holding the helmet tight, who knows? At least fans could get a glimpse of what Kylo does with the helmet in secret through this silly comic. After consulting with the magic Vader helmet, it seems like the answer that Kylo was looking for was on his forehead all along, who would’ve thought? Great job, captain obvious!

Artwork by Starkey

9 No Toys For Big Boys

If there’s anything that both Kylo Ren and Darth Vader have in common, it’s that the two of them have a very nasty temper. Unlike Darth Vader however, Kylo Ren’s temper seems to get the best of him as he is unable to compose himself once his rage has been set off. Unfortunately for Kylo, his fits of rage can be triggered by just about anything that he finds annoying or stressful. It’s very likely that Kylo threw an epic adult tantrum after he was ordered to find the elusive and whimsical BB-8 droid.

Perhaps it was a good thing that Kylo never really got to wrap his arms around BB-8 to extract any vital information from him and this funny comic shows why. Kylo’s mood can be affected by the most trivial matters and BB-8 is brimming with odd clicks and strange noise which would only make him feel much worse. It also doesn’t help that Kylo will most likely be spending most of his time chasing around an extremely energetic and highly elusive BB-8. The worst part of it all is that Kylo can’t even take his frustration out on BB-8 since it’s just too cute. Since this wasn’t the scenario in the movie itself, then it’s safe to assume that Kylo, BB-8 and a battalion of nervous stormtroopers are now giving off a sigh of relief.

Artwork by Dulcamarra

8 Kylo Unmasked

Anyone who adores and idolizes the notorious Darth Vader would certainly be into masks as well since Vader’s helmet is what made him so intimidating in the first place. Of course, the galaxy’s biggest Darth Vader fan Kylo Ren is of no exception to this as he basically puts on his mask like his life depends on it. This hilarious portrayal just made Kylo even more ridiculous by making his mask seem like some kind of security blanket that Kylo hides in just so he could feel a little bit more confident about himself.

As if Kylo’s temper tantrums weren’t bad enough already, his mask security blanket issue just emphasized his man-child tendencies even more. It’s actually quite hard to be in Rey’s shoes especially when she’s dealing with an emotionally-unstable Kylo who seeks comfort in her. It’s even harder to believe that Rey actually resisted chuckling whenever Kylo acted so pretentious in front of her. Rey could have at least cringed but she didn’t, in the movies at least. Unfortunately for Kylo, that’s not the case in this comic as we now see a Rey who could no longer hold back her laughter! Remember Kylo, it’s the clothes, not the mask, that make the man.

Artwork by Baby Loki

7 Love Hurts

Star Wars: The Force Awakens did have some questionable logic in its plot here and there. How did a measly droid manage to elude the powerful and relentless forces of the First Order? How did Rey skillfully operated the iconic Millenium Falcon on her first try? How did Rey, Finn, and BB-8 survive their whole arduous ordeal out of pure luck? Of course, these are just trivial plot devices that are vital for the story’s progression but that doesn’t make them any less thought-provoking, especially when it’s as blatantly obvious as the one in this comic.

It seems like Kylo’s unrequited love situation is just as bad as his excuses, sigh.

Kylo had one vital job to do and that’s to capture the ever-elusive BB-8 in order to extract Luke Skywalker’s whereabouts from it. However, Kylo had a better idea and chose to capture Rey instead so that he could extract the information directly from her with his mind control. What makes this even funnier is that Kylo still won’t admit his true motives for capturing Rey even when General Hux was persistently probing him for an explanation. After all of Kylo’s efforts, even when he had Rey in his clutches, he still couldn’t force her to like him. Well, at least he tried!

Artwork by Art-Gem

6 It’s Complicated

Rey’s relationship with Kylo was a like seeing a high school romance that’s teeming with drama, complications and a whole lot of awkwardness. While it might have been incredibly awkward for Kylo to invite a Jedi like Rey over to the dark side, it must be even more awkward if Rey’s friends found out about their odd relationship. Finn spent the majority of his time looking for Rey in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Poe Dameron on the other hand, was struggling to lead the Resistance away from Kylo’s merciless army. While all of this was happening, Rey was merrily shooting the breeze with her newly found pal, Ben. Of course, this makes for some perfect opportunities for comedy and what better way to recreate this thought than in a comic such as this epic one. Kylo might never be able to convince Rey to join him in the dark side. The same can be for Rey as Kylo doesn’t seem like he has any intentions of becoming a Jedi either. If there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that Rey’s friends will likely react the same way they did in this hilarious depiction if they ever found out who Rey was secretly talking to all this time.

Artwork by Janaina Araújo