There is no doubt for anyone who grew up during the 1990s that this was a magical time to be a kid, from Nickelodeon and the birth of Spongebob to the countless video game systems that revolutionized the entire way that we enjoy time at home. There was also the Internet revolution and who can forget the boundless amounts of new toys that hit the market, from the Furby to upgraded Lego sets and even the I Choose You Pikachu toy which sold almost as well as the original Furby electronic pets did. Many of us who grew up in the 1990s have grown up and are well into adulthood, but we still have a soft spot for those toys that we enjoyed as a child.

25 Wuv Luvs: $80.00

During the late nineties, the Furby electronic pet had exploded in popularity, and this prompted other toy makers to jump and follow suit. Trendmasters came out with the Wuv Luv, which was a scary looking thing that actually birthed a miniature baby, a first of its kind for a toy. This toy has spiked in value almost surpassing its original price point, which has peaked interest in the odd toy which stopped being produced sometime in the early 2000s. While we wouldn’t want this thing looking at us it has become a rare look into the influx of electronic pets at the end of the decade. (Time Warp Toys)

24 Original Giga-Pet: $99.00

Long before we had virtual pets and apps on our phones there was a little keychain device that just about everyone had, and that was the Giga-Pet. While this device might seem like a Tamagotchi, the device was actually a lot more advanced and let you play with a plethora of options that were far better. The Giga-Pet allowed you to raise the pet from birth, and there were countless options and things that you could go wrong. The Giga-Pet had to be fed and played with otherwise it would become lethargic just like a real animal. (Time Warp Toys)

23 Poo-Chi: $116.47

Who could ever forget the electronic dog Poo-Chi? This device was made by the same people who brought us the Furby, and it could even interact with the Furby which was pretty cool at the time. While the little doggy came in quite a few different colors it actually didn’t do anything unique, and the little pooch couldn’t even actually walk. The only option was barking and moving up and down, depending on what mood the dog was in. Feeding was done with a magnetic bond, and there was later a Meow-Chi cat version as well, which never really took off as well as this little pup did. (Time Warp Toys)

22 Furby Babies: $250.00

The original Furby was such a groundbreaking popular toy that retailers couldn’t keep it on the shelves, and when this happened Hasbro was quick to jump on the profit and bring the Furby Babies to the market as well. These smaller Furby pets still offered much of the features that the original did, but they were smaller in size and did not have the ability to dance like the big Furby could thank his hydraulic bottom. Still, the Furby Babies have exploded in value with many selling for around $250.00 for a pristine one. (Time Warp Toys)

21 Furby: $150.00

Furby is one of the most innovative and culturally defining toys to have ever hit the market, and when the Furby was breaking sales records in the late nineties the prices were astronomical to get your hands on one. The original Furby is still going higher and higher no matter where you try to find one, and the Furby has been reinvented just a few times. The Furby showed us how an electronic toy could take advantage of the new technology that was hitting the world, and if you are going to try and find one they are quite expensive. (Time Warp Toys)

20 Original Tamagotchi: $180.99

In addition to the Giga-Pet which was quite popular during the nineties, the Tamagotchi was another massively popular digital pet that you would often see hanging from someone’s keychain at any given time during the nineties. We like what the Tamagotchi had to offer, and the toy has recently been re-introduced into the market. But, the original toys are going higher and higher in value, and this is because the toy is a piece of the nineties history. Good luck finding one, because they are quite expensive. (Time Warp Toys)

19 Original Gameboy: $350.00

There was a time long before cellular phones that another device was dominating handheld gaming, and that is the Gameboy. This one of a kind device was known for introducing us to some of the most memorable games ever, such as the Mario Bros. franchise and even bigger were the hit Pokémon games. These one of a kind games were revolutionary and helped us to experience some of the games that we loved on the Nintendo Entertainment System in the palms of our own hands. (Time Warp Toys)

18 Sega Nomad: $240.00

Perhaps one of the rarest handhelds to come out of the nineties, the Sega Nomad was a full-featured portable Sega Genesis that actually fit in the palms of your hands! This unique device played full-size Sega Genesis cartridges, as well as offering a fully backlit screen that was in full color. The Sega Nomad never really got a proper chance to take off because Sega was struggling to keep up with Nintendo and the company was shifting its attention to designing the new Dreamcast console which would be coming out in 1999. (Sega-16)

17 Neo Geo Pocket Color: $265.00

There was a time period when Toys R Us got everything that was new, and the Neo Geo Pocket Color was a unique handheld console that released at the end of the 1990s to much fanfare. This unique color screened console featured a lot of interesting new clients, including a built-in Joystick and a Calendar. While the handheld console was sold exclusively at Toys R Us, the device never really managed to catch on except with hardcore gamers who were willing to put their Gameboy down to try this new fangled device. (Game Spot)

16 Original Care Bears: $140.00

15 The Barbie Golden Dream Motorhome: $197.00

When it comes to an influential brand that was grown during the nineties the Barbie brand is one of the most notable, coming with a plethora of new products that hit toy store shelves. This was also the decade that the Barbie Power Wheels Jeep was born, which remains a popular ride-on toy to this date. The Barbie Golden Dream Motorhome is one of the most notable toys to come out of the nineties, and the thing has managed to maintain its value and even increase after all this time. (Time Warp Toys)

14 The Deluxe Talkboy: $90.00

When it comes to unique novelties that were featured in the nineties the Deluxe Talkboy was one of the most famous devices all thanks to one simple thing, Home Alone. This memorable movie introduced the world to most of the cool stuff that the Deluxe Talkboy could do and this toy became the must-have items for the Christmas season. Well, values on this unique novelty have been going through the roof and you can expect to pay a Benjamin to get your hands on a mint condition Talkboy. (Time Warp Toys)

13 Razor Scooter (Original): $119.00

The year was 1999, and just about every kid around had to have the new Razor Scooter. This trendy little scooter was much different than anything that we had grown up with, offering a unique all-aluminum folding design and a combination of colored wheels that made the thing stand out like nothing before. The Razor Scooter has lasted quite a long time, well past being a fad and you can still find these interesting scooters in stores everywhere. But, finding an original is going to set you back some money. (Time Warp Toys)

12 Easy Bake Ultimate: $99.99

When it came to interesting toys that were released during the nineties, one of the most problematic for many parents was the Easy Bake Ultimate, and this is because there were thousands of homes that experienced over baked cookies and just about anything else that our kids could cook in these things. The Easy Bake Ultimate was a step above the average Easy Bake Oven, and these original models have begun to spike in value because they are getting harder to find in good condition. (Time Warp Toys)

11 Bop It Extreme 2: $297.00

There is no doubt that we all remember fondly playing Bop It as children, and the Bop It Extreme 2 was a major step above the original Bop It toy. Known for its one of a kind design and even cooler functions, the Bop It Extreme 2 was fun to use the toy that many kids just couldn’t get enough of. The Bop It Extreme 2 has been rising in value like wildfire, and this is because of the cool design and one of a kind functionality that made it unique. The Bop It Extreme 2 will cost you a pretty penny but just think of the nostalgia that comes with playing the device. (Time Warp Toys)

10 Hot Wheels Mcdonalds Drive Thru: $99.00

There was a time during the nineties when you could buy an entire Hot Wheels world and build the entire track to feature little stores and car dealerships, and one of the most unique features was the Hot Wheels Mcdonalds Drive Thru. This interesting concept was a one of a kind addition that would really make your Hot Wheels town feel like it was real, and Mcdonalds managed to capitalize on the popularity of the Hot Wheels brand, especially during the nineties. (Time Warp Toys)

9 The Original Chevron Cars: $260.00

If you were ever at a Chevron Station in the late nineties and early 2000s there is no doubt that you saw a stack of unique looking little toy cars from behind the register, and surprisingly these were some of the best selling items in most Chevron stations. The Chevron Cars started out as claymation advertising for the fuel company and ended up becoming a popular toy line that also had an interactive website for children with lots of interactive games and an online web store where you could buy any Chevron Car that you wanted. (Time Warp Toys)

8 Gremlins Furby (Gizmo) $98.97

With the popularity of the Furby toys hitting an all-time high the toymaker Hasbro had to figure out a way to keep monopolizing on the growing popularity, and thus the Gremlins Furby was born and brought to market. The Gremlins edition was notable for having a one of a kind speech pattern that directly mimicked the movie, while also offering a selection of emotions that were similar to the Furby pets of the time. The Gizmo was also able to communicate with Furby and Furby Babies, as well as the newer Poo-Chi pet. (Time Warp Toys)

7 Tickle Me Elmo: $139.99

Long before the Furby hit the toy store shelves at the end of the new millennium, the Tickle Me Elmo was the most popular toy at the time. There was nothing quite revolutionary about it, but the toy was so cute and interactive that people went crazy for it. Even adults were snapping up the little red Elmo toys as fast as toy stores could put them on the shelves, and this created a frenzy. Tickle Me, Elmo, is still around, and the toy has come back as popular as ever with prices on the originals skyrocketing. (Time Warp Toys)

6 Spice Girls Dolls: $250.00

Remember the Spice Girls? Who could forget those addictive songs, they were the music of our childhood and they dominated the pop radio charts during the nineties. The Spice Girls Dolls were immensely popular during this time period and actually managed to rival Barbie Doll sales for a while. The Spice Girls Dolls have recently been coming back into popularity since the early nineties after the group announced their potential comeback, and the resale values are getting much better if you are looking for an original doll. (Time Warp Toys)