Avatar: The Last Airbender can be described as a great many things. Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko’s Nickelodeon cartoon earned praise as one of the studio’s modern classics. Packed with three-dimensional heroes and villains, Aang heart-pounding journey to free the world from the Fire Nation’s tyranny pushed the Avatar to constantly test his mental and physical fortitude. Avatar: The Last Airbender bestowed exhilarating action, heartbreaking revelations, and many scenes of Toph being awesome.

Also, the Nickelodeon show was not afraid to laugh. With the Fire Nation’s army barring down Team Avatar’s neck, humor offers a brief respite before things really hit the fan! Avatar: The Last Airbender’s quirky comedy is not restricted to the TV screen, as plenty of creators and artists took it upon themselves to recapture Sokka’s brilliance on the page of a comic. Whether making fun of the cartoon’s irregularities or expanding upon an ignored relationship or plot point, these panels present the beloved cast in a new but recognizable light. If you have an encyclopedic knowledge of the Avatar franchise, we know the perfect way to pass an afternoon!

Nickelodeon’s cartoon might be approaching its ten-year anniversary, but Twinkle Toes has not lost his magic! Here are 30 hilarious Avatar: The Last Airbender comics that only true fans will understand.

29 Aang (Accidently) Unlocks Azula’s Heart

Hey, if you cannot beat them, marry them! It is easy to praise Avatar: The Last Airbender’s heroes for their lovable personas and realistic flaws, but the same can be said for the antagonist.

No, we are not talking about Ozai.

The Beach episode humanized Azula without reducing her fear factor. The princess remained a genuine threat to Aang’s mission, but the cartoon provided insight into her development. She was a product of nurture rather than nature. Created for a contest entitled ComedyBenders, kingmukatan pictures an alternative reality soundtracked by wedding bells and Aang screaming “monkey feathers” at the top of his lungs. This comic has an almost old-school Looney Tunes vibe to it, which is most definitely a compliment.

28 A Touch Of Magic

Fan art is awesome. Frankly, the English language has yet to invent an adjective better suited to describe viria13’s tribute to Avatar: The Last Airbender. Where else could devotees experience this crossover? Fanfiction can also be a great source of entertainment, but there is just something incredible about seeing your favorite characters on screen. Harry Potter predates Avatar: The Last Airbender by more than half a decade, although J. K. Rowling’s series ended just a year before Nickelodeon wrapped up their cartoon. Viria13’s Hogwarts is detailed and stunning. The author distilled the personalities of the characters into a single frame. If asked to pick our favorite pairing, it would have to be Azula and Toph. Those two are a match made in comedy heaven!

27 Sokka Can Almost Taste The Feeling

Sokka is obsessed with meat. Could there be a more obvious sign that Avatar: The Last Airbender was inspired by anime? Shōnen series are practically required to include one character who cannot survive without a healthy dose of steak or pork.

It is written in the stars.

Terru wondered what would happen if cola existed in Avatar’s universe. Suffice to say, things escalated rather quickly. Despite the teenager dedicating countless of hours to research and prep for this vital mission, the polar bear seems smart enough to not fall for Sokka’s plan. It is really a battle of the ages. Terru’s art style is sharp, effective, and compliments the humorous tone of the situation. The picture discovered a middle ground between Nickelodeon and cheesy commercials.

26 Zuko, You Seem Different. Is That A New Haircut?

When the internet started to gain traction, it was hailed as a virtual wild west. A free zone unbridled by the constraints of law and order. Putting aside whether that was ever the case, the digital age has a few unwritten rules. Well, that might not be the most accurate phrase to describe them, as they are more like genres. Terminology aside, Rule 63 states that a genderswapped version of every fictional character can be found online. Realistically, this cannot be true, but we have yet to prove it wrong. Tran4of3’s portfolio is a testament to the internet’s unwritten rule. In this picture, the artist pinpointed Zuko as his next target. We might not know much about female Zuko, but Aang seems to like her.

25 Scars (On The Inside)

If done right, a live-action remake of Avatar: The Last Airbender could be awesome. As long as they hire a capable director with a background in action films, cast a couple of decent upcoming actors, and get Aang’s name right; it could lead to something special.

At least, get the basics right!

Ignoring The Last Airbender’s many faults, Dev Patel’s casting as Zuko had potential. With an impressive resume that includes 2016’s Lion and Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire, the British actor has proven to be capable of elevating subpar content to the next level. Unfortunately, The Last Airbender needed a hundred Dev Patels to even hint at becoming watchable. Dachusblot’s comic is just the tip of the iceberg.

24 Foiled Again

When Avatar: The Last Airbender was not setting the pace in the action or comedy genre, the cartoon tried its hand at romance. The results, to put it lightly, were mixed. Thankfully, Nickelodeon’s series knew when to move things along and quickly established Aang and Katara as a future couple. Apparently, this lesson was forgotten with The Legend of Korra, as a love-triangle took over most of the first season. Shipping is an unavoidable and, occasionally, a fun part of every fandom. People automatically gravitate to a particular couple, regardless of whether the source pushes them as an item. Katsari-chan preferred to imagine that Katara ended up with Zuko, while Toph and the Avatar took their relationship to the next level. Whether intentional or not, Aang is always stepping on Zuko’s toes.

23 When Up Against The Worst, Aang Needs To Learn From The Best…

Aang’s skepticism is understandable, but Mushu’s track record speaks for itself. The dragon essentially saved the entirety of China from the Han Dynasty. It is the stuff that legends are made of!

Okay, Mulan helped a little. Still, it was mostly Mushu.

Prior to Zuko’s face turn, Aang was struggling to find a firebending master. With the Fire Nation striving to own the world, the Avatar’s options were rather limited, so Ichthyosaurus’ recommendation is not that farfetched. When push comes to shove, you have to make due with what is available. There is not a shred of doubt in our minds that Disney would have been okay with this crossover.

22 Monkey Business

Everyone seems to be searching for the secret of fire. After all these centuries, they should have this one figured out. Alas, that is not the case. Rufftoon’s full comic can be viewed here. The author published this monumental crossover to mark the launch of The Legend of Korra. Parodying the episode The Firebending Masters and Disney’s The Jungle Book, Rufftoon found a link that connects these two unrelated stories. King Louie can be intimidating, but he could not even capture Mowgli. We do not fancy his chances against the Avatar and the Fire Nation’s angsty prince. It might be better to forget about the secret of fire.

21 Better Late Than Never

She might have had to wait 70 years, but Toph finally got her field trip with Zuko. Hopefully, their time together lives up to the Earthbender’s expectations. If Zuko does not dish out a life-altering experience, Toph is not going to be happy.

So, no pressure!

Yinza’s online portfolio is packed with tributes to Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. In the artist’s images, Zuko and Toph are inseparable. When it comes to Team Avatar, there is not a single potential couple that fans have yet to pair up. Aang and Katara might be a sure thing, but Toph and Zuko’s biographies are less expansive. Afterall, there is half a century of free time to fill.

20 Nine Years Later…

Unless Toph’s personality experienced a drastic metamorphosis, we cannot imagine she would inflict a Ted Mosby on her poor daughter.

Nobody deserves that.

On the other hand, Toph is not above knowingly annoying Lin as a joke. She might not share this information sincerely, and most of it would be a work of fiction, but this gag fits the Earthbender’s quirky sense of humor. Vlade created this meme while How I Met Your Mother was on the air, although the comedy was starting to lose some momentum. Now, who wants to see a sitcom starring the cast of Avatar: The Last Airbender? Sokka can be Nickelodeon’s answer to Barney.

19 There Is No Such Thing As TOO Old (For Twinkle Toes)

Everyone shows affection in their own unique way. Due to her protective personality, Katara tends to mother those closest to her and holds a grudge like nobody’s business. Aang is a confused but blunt teenager, while Sokka uses humor to get the message across. When it comes to Toph, she brings out the nicknames. “Twinkle Toes” is reserved for the Earthbender’s dearest friend, who happens to be Aang. The Avatar might not particularly appreciate the title, but it is a term of endearment. Aleccha jumps forward a few decades to see how these old friends are getting along. Putting aside Aang’s beard and Toph’s uniform, very little seems to have changed. While Aang might disagree, in our book, that is a positive.

18 Pretty In Red

If left to Nickelodeon, Aang and Katara would be Avatar: The Last Airbender’s central couple. Officially, they got married and ended up with a couple of children, but Nickelodeon holds no authority over the fan art community. If beanaroony wants to bring Zuko and Katara together, then that is exactly what is going to happen.

In one’s imagination, anything is possible. 

Replacing the Avatar with the Fire Lord, Katara gave birth to a beautiful girl. The creator did not specify a name, so let us just assume that it is something like Zura or Karina. After many years of marriage, the waterbender seems to know exactly how to push Zuko’s buttons. While everyone has their limits, friendly banter is a sign of a healthy relationship.

17 The Start Of A Beautiful Friendship

Oh, these two are inseparable! Halfway through season three, Zuko joined Team Avatar and took over as Aang’s firebending master. As the prince spent the previous few years trying to capture the Avatar, Katara and Sokka were not particularly interested in his services. At the end of the day, it was Aang’s choice and he gave Zuko the benefit of the doubt. With only a dozen or so episodes left, Nickelodeon was pressed for time, so they could not dedicate an entire episode to Zuko and Toph. The teenagers had a couple of funny moments, but Zuko’s presence alters everyone’s life besides the Earthbender. Even though nothing can replace a full episode, Ichthyosaurus’ art piece is the next best thing.

16 Azula Has A Change Of Heart

Azula and Zuko’s relationship has always been strained. Ozai regularly pitted the siblings against each other, with the older brother receiving the worst of it. Set prior to the events of the cartoon, Dark Horse Comics’ The Search Part Two recounts a family dinner during which Ozai revealed that, when Zuko was a baby, the Fire Lord thought he was a non-bender and considered getting rid of him. Azula might put on a brave face, but she yearns for approval and intimacy. Due to her brother’s close relationship with their mother, something she struggled to replicate, Azula hated Zuko with a fiery passion.

Get it? Fiery! Because she is the Fire Nation’s princess…

Presenting in a more lighthearted tone, Kkitty23’s hilarious comic brings this sibling rivalry to the forefront. Azula might be powerful, but she is too unpredictable to be useful.

15 Zuko Watched The Wrong Tape

Shaolinfeilong’s entry is likely to conjure up some bad memories for a few people! Released in 2002, The Ring starred Naomi Watts and retold the 1998 Japanese horror film with the same title. The premise was relatively simple: watch this weird tape and, seven days later, a ghost pays you a visit. Ignoring the sequels, Gore Verbinski’s original was praised for its tense atmosphere and fantastic direction. Now, what does this have to do with Jet and Zuko? Well, nothing really, but the former is not above using this type of scare tactic on the firebender. After witnessing the Fire Nation’s treachery, Jet wanted nothing more than to extract revenge on anyone who wears those stripes. Despite their best efforts to remain anonymous, Iroh and Zuko landed on Jet’s radar.

14 Katara’s Squishy Baby

Viria13’s scene takes place around a decade after the conclusion of Avatar: The Last Airbender. As Aang and Katara’s only daughter, the baby being held by the waterbending master is Kya. Sokka was the only non-bender in Team Avatar, but his wit and mischievous personality more than made up for his lack of abilities

A bad first impression…

Sokka can be rather old-fashioned and small-minded, but he should not be underestimated or dismissed. Hopefully, Katara’s brother never changes, as the world needs a few more people like Sokka. Regardless, there is nothing wrong with expanding one’s vocabulary. “Squishy” sounds a lot more natural coming from the mouth of a 15-year-old than a young adult.

13 Toph’s Picket Fence

Assuming yinza created this little nugget prior to The Legend of Korra’s final season, the author was probably left disappointed. Toph’s cameo was one of the season’s highlights but she hardly left a Godzilla-sized impression on the story or characters. Aesthetically, yinza’s take is picture perfect. This panel could easily pass for a page from an official The Legend of Korra comic. Could an older Toph handle a direct confrontation against Kuvira? A bender’s physique impacts their overall performance, but the user’s spirituality also needs to be taken into account. The former might decrease with age, but the latter’s best days are yet to come. Toph could be celebrating her 200th birthday and, in an Earthbending battle, she would still have our vote.

12 Man’s Best Friend (Is Not A Dog)

Sokka is a simple dude. As long as Katara’s brother has his trusty sword and boomerang, things are going to turn out okay. Admittedly, when up against Avatar: The Last Airbender’s elemental wizards, Sokka tends to be at a slight disadvantage, but there is nothing that cannot be accomplished when his inventory is fully stocked.

Master Sword? Link should try the Space Sword!

Sokka’s sword and boomerang lasted for nearly the entire show, but they slipped out of the teenager’s hands during the final battle at Ember Island. They were gone and nothing could bring them back. Well, we have to assume that was the case, as Sokka did not even try to find them. Going by Ichthyosaurus’ letter, they are just waiting to be rescued!

11 A Case Of Mistaken Identity

Oh, this comic leaves too many questions! What is Toph interacting with? Is it dangerous? Where is Appa? Why does Katara sound like an old British lady? Sadly, we may never know the answers to these life-altering questions, but that does not take anything away from kingmukatan’s tribute to Avatar: The Last Airbender. The chosen art style enhances the short’s comedic nature. We can almost imagine reading this panel on a newspaper. Rather than being overwhelmed by her disability, Toph consistently rose up to the challenge and proved her doubters wrong. Nickelodeon’s beloved Earthbender is not too prideful to ask Sokka for assistance; still, if possible, she would prefer to avoid such a situation. This time around, Toph could have used a helping hand.

10 Singing In The Rain

Zuko brings up a pretty good point. Just because someone is a bender, it does not mean they need to love interacting with their chosen element. In Katara’s case, she is rather unlucky that water is not always readily available. Earth and air can be accessed nearly everywhere, although benders need to prepare themselves spiritually and mentally to properly make use of their gifts. As the only element that can be generated by the performer, firebending is equivalent to playing on easy mode.

Waterbending is the Dark Souls of bending.

With reference to TobuIshi’s comic, it makes sense that Katara would adore rain. At this very moment, the waterbender is at the height of her power. A couple of drops can change the tide of battle.