Twitch streamer 39Daph succumbed to temptation and looked up Ashley’s skirt in Resident Evil 4.

Resident Evil has crossed a lot of genres over the years. While the original Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 were more-focused horror games, by the time the series arrived at Resident Evil 4 it had become much more action-focused. Although there were still plenty of jump scares and scary encounters with terrifying monsters, you were more empowered to tackle your problem head-on with an arsenal of weapon sold to you from a mysterious stranger.

There was also a lot more comedy. Resident Evil 4 knew that it wasn’t just a horror-survival game anymore, and so they felt it was okay to throw in a few laughs. What good is a game about saving the President’s daughter from a homicidal Spanish cult if you can’t have a few underwear jokes thrown in?

Twitch streamer 30Daph is obviously a Resident Evil 4 veteran. She knows all the moves, where to go, and to upgrade the Red9 pistol as soon as possible. She also knows about the Easter egg when you use the Hunting Rifle to look up Ashley’s skirt, so when the chat suggested that she take a peek she knew exactly what they were talking about.

For those not familiar with the game, Ashley often has to play follow-the-leader with Leon as they work their way through Resident Evil 4’s maze-like maps. While most of the time Ashley just trudges behind Leon like a lost puppy, sometimes Leon has to catch her as she tumbles off a tall precipice. For whatever reason, Ashley is entirely incapable of using ladders or even getting herself over a 5-foot ledge without Leon’s help, and this means Leon is constantly having to look up at Ashley’s schoolgirl outfit.

If you take out the hunting rifle and use its powerful scope, you can sneak a pervy glance at what Ashley is wearing underneath that short skirt. At least, until she catches on and tries to conceal herself.

There are so many places where you can pull this trick that we’d lose count, but no matter where you do it, it’s always good for a laugh.

Source: Twitch