Natalia Mogollon, better known as “Alinity” on Twitch, has achieved internet stardom through not only her content, but also via a series of unfortunate events. Becoming immortalized through memes isn’t always a good thing, and unfortunately for Alinity, she has mainly been at the tail end of the internet’s sense of humor. Here are 5 of Alinity’s most meme’d moments.

1. When She Insinuated Involvement In Marriage Fraud

Alinity landed herself in hot water when a clip surfaced of her hinting that she only married her ex-husband to gain Canadian citizenship, heavily implying that she willingly committed marriage fraud. This caused the internet to whip up a petition to get her deported from the country. When Alinity began to receive backlash from the remarks, she backtracked and claimed that she never committed marriage fraud, but unfortunately not before it caused her a massive headache – a headache in the form of internet trolls.

2. When She Wanted To Copystrike PewDiePie

Alinity became the posterchild for abusing YouTube’s “copystriking” feature, which allows users to make claims against other users’ videos if they use their content without permission (and if it doesn’t qualify as fair use). Her immediate response to PewDiePie’s use of the phrase “Twitch thots” during his eyetracking video was to copystrike him, famously birthing the phrase “I’m gonna copystrike this guy.” This led many people to believe that Alinity only wanted to copystrike PewDiePie as revenge for portraying her in a negative light, contributing to the ongoing problem YouTube was having with people/companies abusing the feature for profit.

3. When She Sent Her Cat Flying

Alinity’s most famous mishap of this past summer involved a viral clip of her yelling at her cat Milo before promptly tossing him over her shoulder, sparking outrage across the internet. People even rallied together to create a yet another petition to get her banned from Twitch, which currently has just below 50,000 signatures. Some reacted with comedy rather than anger however, and thus memes of Alinity sprang forth yet again.

4. When She Admitted To Selling Underwear To A Fan

Alinity didn’t have much of a defense on this one, accidentally leaking an email about the selling of her undergarments while live-streaming. Upon her chat noticing the slip-up, she was forced to admit her involvement in the pervy transaction, confessing that she was young and simply short on cash. The internet, of course, took the opportunity to gobble up the story and create some fresh memes out of the ordeal.

Alinity appears to have shown awareness towards her critics as well as the jokes that have arisen as a result of some of her more controversial moments, but seems to be taking things in stride for the most part. Ninja took a jab at her cat abuse scandal, for example, and she jabbed back in good spirit. Alinity is one of the chosen few who have managed to reach peak meme-hood – let’s just hope that the jesting continues to stay on the lighthearted side.