A recent article from Insight Media has predicted that approximately 40 million Stereoscopic Displays will be active in households around the world in less than five years. These advanced displays are capable of projecting images in 3D Games, like the recently released Avatar.  This will be a major component in the marketing of these new TVs as companies try to take the next technological step.

So far, not too many games are being developed with the stereoscopic experience in mind. The technology is very new and presents a variety of challenges for game developers. When and if the games that are being developed are as mediocre as Avatar, I start to lose hope for the future of this potential genre or style of video games.

That being said, we’ve see the obvious and intense push in 3D film in theaters in recent years and there’s no slowing down that trend.

The 3D TVs available now are running for more than 6k and there’s not much hope in sight for those prices going down anytime soon. TVs in development are going to cost anywhere between 15 and 25 percent more than a premium Plasma does right now.  I’ve found a lot of sites selling 3D glasses and software to run games in 3D. There’s even a rumor that s PS3 firmware update will allow some exsisting games to run in 3D.

All in all, I’m not buying it just yet (figuratively and literally). Stereoscopic displays are not affordable and viable just yet for the average moviegoer who’s likely just getting into HD television, let alone the third dimension. Not a lot of us are willing to shill out another 4 grand for a TV that MIGHT play some games in 3D but it won’t be happening for some time. This industry has a lot of growing to do.

What do you think? Are you interested in seeing the frontiers of 3D gaming or are you willing to settle for the tried and true 2D format we’ve grown up with?