A casual observer of the new Early Access title on Steam, Temtem, could be forgiven for initially thinking that the game was as easy as the Pokémon series thanks to its similarities in theme and design, but they would be in for a rude awakening when trying to defeat the Tamers at the Arissola Dojo. This marks the first real test of skill and pits players against a series of NPCs, culminating in a difficult fight against Sophia, the Dojo leader.

Defeating Sophia is necessary to move on with the story, and more importantly, to gain access to the Surfboard, which provides access to new places and two new powerful Temtem, Nessla and Oceara.

Here are our top five Temtem to help you take down the Arissola Dojo.

5 Ganki

Ganki is an essential part of the team needed to take down the tamers surrounding Sophia. Ganki has access to both Wind and Electric-type techniques, which means it can do double damage against four of Sophia’s six Temtem.

Thanks to its well-rounded stats that emphasize Speed, Special Defence, and Special Attack, Ganki will have no trouble going the distance in this battle. Later on, Ganki is still a fantastic member of any team after evolving into Gazuma, which requires leveling Ganki up twenty-seven times.

4 Loali

Loali is another Temtem that should be on the team to take down Sophia. Just like Ganki, Loali is also at an advantage against four out of Sophia’s six Temtem. Loali evolves from Swali, which only needs a total of eight levels gained to make the change.

Not only is Loali strong against the first Dojo, but it is an all-around good Temtem for the islands you encounter at the start of the game thanks to its high average stat scores for Stamina, Speed, and Special Defense.

3 Skail or Skunch

This first Dojo reinforces how important type advantages will be throughout the rest of the game. However, you should still find a great Neutral-type Temtem. Though it won’t have an advantage against any specific type, this also means that it isn’t weak to anything outside beside mental-types.

Finding a low level Skail and grinding early is a great idea since, after seventeen levels, it will evolve into Skunch, which results in a big jump in HP, Speed, Attack, and Defense.

2 Kaku or Saku

While the Temtem listed above are great choices to use against the Dojo, they may not be up to the task of doing all of the heavy lifting by themselves. Kaku is a great addition to the roster and, as a Nature-type, it can deal with Sophia’s Kalabyss and Oceara, both of which will take double damage from it.

The only downside to Kaku is that it has relatively low stats and can be taken down relatively quickly. If you have the time, consider putting in the work in to level Kaku up eleven times so that it can evolve it into Saku and receive a big boost to the base stats for HP and Special Defense, making it harder for Sophia’s Temtem to knock it out too quickly.

1 Crystle

Of the three starter Temtem, Crystle is the best-choice when it comes to defeating the first Dojo. By itself, Crystle already has an impressive average range for its Defense stat, allowing it to survive hit after hit as you work your way to Sophia. More importantly, the Crystal type is effective against Electric type, which makes Crystle ideal for taking care of Sophia’s Sparzy.

Tamers need to keep in mind that the level range for the Arissola Dojo is 17-22. Being below or at the lower end of that range is going to make the process far more difficult than it needs to be, even with the Temtem listed above. Because of this, it’s worth it to spend time leveling up your Temtem before you try to defeat Sophia. Beyond that, you should have no trouble with this all-star team of Temtem!

Source: Gamepedia

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