With the coming modern console remake of Final Fantasy VII looking great, it brings to mind several things from Final Fantasy’s past that could be remade to great effect. With 15 mainline games in the Final Fantasy series so far, and even more in sequels and spin-offs, there’s plenty of classic material to go back and see beautiful renditions of.

Many of the best games of Final Fantasy came from its 16-bit era, and even some of the more recent (but functionally classic) titles would be deserving of a remake. So here are 5 Final Fantasy games the should get modern remakes, and 5 that should probably stay right where they left off.

10 Does: Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy VI provided engaging story elements better than any Final Fantasy up to that point. Final Fantasy VI had heavy ambition with its story and massive cast of playable characters, also providing one of the best villains Final Fantasy has had in a series up to date.

It got heavily overshadowed as a classic by the release of Final Fantasy VII, the first 3D release for Final Fantasy, so Final Fantasy VI never really got its chance to truly shine. Final Fantasy VI deserves a remake to show off just what the game makers imagined for it.

9 Doesn’t: Final Fantasy XIII

While Final Fantasy XIII sold well and ran its course, it might have overstayed its welcome with three games. In honesty, it might have done better with the first two, or perhaps even just the first.

The battle system was unrefined and only okay in scope, while all the stories suffered and came up short of being truly meaningful. It’s a Final Fantasy that held up better games, spent too many resources, and always came out subpar, while always finding a way to insult the intelligence of its fans.

8 Does: Final Fantasy IV

This was one of the first Final Fantasy titles that had provided a story with individualized characters and a high concept story. The visuals of the SNES held back the game from really showing off its atmosphere and great cast of playable characters.

There was an attempt to restyle the original with 3D graphics on the DS, but not a complete, modernized overhaul such as what Final Fantasy VII is receiving. Its visuals and story would be enhanced with modern graphics and gameplay elements, reintroducing it to a modern audience.

7 Doesn’t: Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy VIII simply missed its mark, and was a fairly decent game sandwiched in between a lot of great releases. The story and combat system never really deserved a remake, as both are a bit muddled.

There would have to be significant changes and major clarity points added to make it work, as the workings of the world in this game were quite messy. It’s difficult to justify, and probably best if it’s kept in the past to avoid diverting attentions and resources from new releases.

6 Does: Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy IX is majorly underrated because of its cartoonish style, but it’s a classic, and a great Final Fantasy game in disguise. The PS1 graphics did hold it back a bit, but its style should be kept for a remake.

The style of the characters caused some negative feedback from the FinalFantasy community, who were hoping for another Final Fantasy VII. People just preferred some sort of “realism” at the time in terms of style, and after Final Fantasy VII people were more critical of all Final Fantasy games in general. However, this epic tale needs a remake.

5 Doesn’t: Final Fantasy III

It was nothing new from previous Final Fantasy games, just good enough to keep the franchise going with a brand new storyline.

Overall it’s one of the plainer and more unremarkable classic titles in Final Fantasy, and while it would translate as something substantial in modern consoles, it really doesn’t warrant a full remake.

4 Does: Final Fantasy I

Final Fantasy would be an awesome and flexible entry to remake for modern consoles. It can be experimented with so that it has a more diverse class system, like Final Fantasy XIV. It could also bring back the classic controls of Final Fantasy (pre ATB) that a lot of nostalgia-filled fans grew up with.

Much like the recent Dragon Quest, it could even have a pixel art mode to appeal to older fans even more. The first Final Fantasy had little story, making it easily built upon for a remake.

3 Doesn’t: Final Fantasy XI Online

This one may be a little tough to admit. The idea of remaking the entirety of the original Final Fantasy MMORPG seems like a good idea at face value, but it also begs a lot of difficult to answer questions.

Would it compete with their current flagship MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV? Would it include all the existing expansion content? It seems so much simpler, and more likely, that we’ll just see another numbered Final Fantasy title take on the online world after Final Fantasy XIV enters its twilight years.

2 Does: Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics has technically seen a remastered version which was originally released for the PSP, and has since been ported to mobile phones. However, it more or less simply updated the dialogue and added some nifty anime-style cutscenes.

A proper remake of the original Final Fantasy Tactics’ engrossing tactical gameplay and unprecedented storytelling would be nothing short of amazing, and would potentially give an its incredible story the stage it deserves to be presented upon.

1 Doesn’t: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

And the same could be said for its sequel. While it’s nice to have any sort of continuation of the Final Fantasy Tactics legacy, Tactics Advance was always a strange entry into the Ivalice Alliance games.

From its bizarre plot to the relatively underdeveloped characters, Tactics Advance lacked the deep and mystifying plot of its predecessor, which had set a very high bar. It’s an altogether fun little game, but not remake worthy material.

NEXT: The 10 Most Powerful Materia Combinations In Final Fantasy 7, Ranked