Wordle is a fun little word-guessing game that took the world by storm at the start of the year, and has since been bought out by The New York Times. The game tasks players with guessing a random five-letter word within six attempts, and while it sounds simple in concept, it can be pretty tricky when your mind just blanks. To help you out on your Wordle journey, here’s a list of 5 letter words starting with SC.

5 Letter Words Starting with SC

  • ScabsScadsScagsScaldScaleScallScalpScalyScampScamsScansScantScapeScareScarfScarpScarsScartScaryScatsScattScaupScaurScenaScendSceneScentSchavSchmoSchulSchwaScionScoffScoldSconeScoopScootScopeScopsScoreScornScotsScourScoutScowlScowsScragScramScrapScreeScrewScrimScripScrodScrubScrumScubaScudiScudoScudsScuffSculkScullSculpScumsScupsScurfScutaScuteScutsScuzz

As always, it’s highly recommended that you try to get at least one other letter guessed correctly before brute forcing your way through the puzzle and going down this list of answers. Having another letter guessed accurately will massively increase your chances of getting the right answer before your six attempts are up, allowing you to continue your streak.

With that said, however, if you don’t want to risk losing your streak and you’re already down to your last attempt, we’ve got today’s Wordle solution here for your perusal.

That does it for our list of 5 letter words starting with SC. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game.

  • 5 Letter Words With C and O as Second and Third Letters – Wordle Game Help
  • Today’s Wordle #591 Hint & Answer (January 31)
  • 5 Letter Words with O as the Only Vowel – Wordle Game Help
  • 5 Letter Words Ending with RO as the Second and Third Letters – Wordle Game Help
  • 5 Letter Words With RA as the Second and Third Letters – Wordle Game Help