Fighting games are a dime-a-dozen in the gaming landscape, but nothing comes close to the sheer hype that Super Smash Bros. has generated over the course of its existence. Ever since the first title came out way back in 1999, the franchise has consistently seen new highs. The latest entry in the series — Super Smash Bros. Ultimate — is the best-selling fighting game of all time with over 17 million units sold in total.

The series has been lauded for its well-balanced gameplay, intuitive controls, an accessible learning curve, and a host of characters that are beloved gaming icons in their own right.

However, a lot of people who play Smash on a regular basis will attest to the fact that some of the characters in the roster are absolutely useless, while others are so powerful that it can be downright unfair to play with them. So, keeping this in mind, here are 5 of the worst characters in Smash, coupled with 5 powerful ones that need to be nerfed.

10 WORST: Pichu

Pokémon’s representation in Smash is quite immense, with most of the characters faring pretty well in the grand scheme of things. Aside from Pichu, that is.

There’s absolutely no point in taking Pichu if you already have a stronger version in the form of Pikachu. The addition of this admittedly cute Pokémon is completely pointless.

9 OP: Cloud

The reveal of Cloud was one of the biggest moments in Smash history, allowing players to finally utilize the full skillset of Cloud and wreak havoc upon their opponents.

Cloud’s arsenal makes him one of the best characters in Smash by a country mile. His special attacks have the ability to be further augmented with his Limit Break charge that can absolutely decimate players on the battlefield. He’s also quite agile, to boot.

8 WORST: Villager

Let’s face it — does anyone even use Villager in Smash? He is easily one of the weakest fighters in the entire game, with most players experimenting with this character once before realizing just how ineffective he is.

Animal Crossing might be a great game to zen out to, but it’s not known for its strong combatants and Villager personifies that.

7 OP: Samus

Honestly, all the versions of Samus could make this list due to their incredible utility in battle. The suited-up Samus can charge up some excellent shots that can completely lay waste to its foes if they get caught in the blast.

Zero Suit Samus is especially great as a fighter, with her lightning-quick speed and recovery times allowing her to best even the most stubborn fighters.

Out of all the games represented on this list, Metroid has the best fighters. Even a person who knows how to play Ridley can wreak havoc with the greatest of ease!

6 WORST: Pokémon Trainer

Learning one character’s moveset in Smash is hard enough as is, but this difficulty is taken to a whole new level with Pokémon Trainer, where you need to keep track of three freakin’ movesets.

The worst part is that most of these movesets aren’t even all that damaging, making this fighter a complete waste of time. You’re better off playing with reliable Pokémon like Lucario and Incineroar instead.

5 OP: Ganondorf

Heavy characters always end up wreaking havoc in Super Smash Bros., with Ganondorf being no exception to this golden rule. This character can absolutely destroy anything and everything in their path if need be, making him an absolute powerhouse.

His sword swing, while slow, packs a ton of damage. This is further compounded by his special attacks that give opponents little to no breathing room at all, ragdolling opponents until they have no choice but to accept their fate.

4 WORST: Diddy Kong

Diddy Kong is easily one of the worst characters in Super Smash Bros., with most of his attacks being shrugged off by the majority of characters in the roster. He might be faster than most characters, but that’s the only thing really going for him.

There’s absolutely no reason why you should choose this character in your roster, especially given the fact that his best friend is simply way more effective in combat.

Speaking of which…

3 OP: Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong has consistently proven to be one of the best characters in all Smash games. This is in no small part due to the sheer level of power this character generates with his attacks.

His hands are big for a reason, and this heavyweight’s attacks can completely wipe the floor with his opponents before they have any time to get their bearings.

2 WORST: Kirby

Kirby has consistently been on the lower tier of Smash characters, with this ball of cuteness being largely ineffective on the battlefield. His attacks don’t really pack that much of a punch, and most players can easily wipe the floor with Kirby without a second thought.

The only novel thing about Kirby that still compels most fans to use this character is the fact that he can eat his enemies and gain their powers, making him a diverse fighter on the battlefield if the cards play in your favor. After all, there’s a reason why he’s the only fighter you have access to in the World Of Light.

However, this usefulness is way too selective, with Kirby being rather forgettable in the grand scheme of things.

1 OP: King K. Rool

One can’t talk about rampaging heavyweights without mentioning the absolute powerhouse that is King K. Rool. A person who knows how to make the most of this character can use his surprisingly diverse arsenal to juggle enemies to the point where ragequits can become a legit thing.

Using a combination of long and short-range attacks with this character will pretty much ensure victory without you ever getting into too much trouble during a battle.

NEXT: 10 Characters Who Would Be Hilarious In Smash (But Never Will Be)