Throughout the years, the developers behind Pokémon have introduced several strange evolution methods, from turning your console upside down to walking in certain areas. But, the classic level-up evolution method is still as much a staple as it has always been. But, not all level-based evolutions are created equal.

Some Pokémon level up for what seems like forever before you finally get that anticipated evolution cutscene. Others, however, seem to evolve as soon as you catch them. Typically, more powerful Pokémon evolve at later levels, and therefore, weaker ones evolve at lower levels. But, what are the extremes of this spectrum? Here are the Pokémon who evolve at the lowest and highest levels.

10 Highest - Rufflet & Vullaby

These two feathery Flying-type friends are often considered each other’s counterparts. Both are two-stage bird lines that evolve at the same level, and are version exclusives in each generation of the games, appearing originally in Black & White. There is also a gendered aspect to this relationship: Rufflet is only male, while Vullaby is only female.

With that said, it’s of note that both evolve at an extremely high level. You’ll have to train these little birds up to a whopping level 54 before seeing them evolve. Rufflet will evolve into the red, white, and blue eagle Pokémon Braviary, while Vullaby will sprout a bone-club ponytail as it evolves into the large vulture-looking Mandibuzz.

9 Lowest - Lotad & Seedot

Speaking of counterparts — these grass-types are often considered a set of evolutionary lines too. Seedot and Lotad both belong to a three-stage grass line that evolves first at the same level, then with an evolutionary stone. Seedot becomes the dark-type Shiftry, while Lotad will go on to become the water-type Ludicolo.

What makes these two distinctive is that they evolve at an extremely low level. Both will evolve at 14, and then again with an evolutionary stone. This means you can have a final-stage Pokémon at a breathtakingly low level 14, as they can be exposed to a stone right after evolving into their middle stage.

8 Highest - Almost everything in Generation 5

Long-time Pokémon players may have noticed that it seemed like evolution levels were getting higher and higher as time moved along. It is very subtle, but if one studies the highest-level evolutions throughout each generation, they could notice how high many of the ones in Generation V seem to be.

A vast majority of the Pokémon from the Unova region evolve at level 30 or above (sometimes far above). Notable examples include Klang (49), Fraxure (48), Mienfoo (50), Pawniard (52), and others that will be mentioned in this ranking. Two of the highest evolution levels in Pokémon history are also from this generation.

7 Lowest - Early-route Pokémon

Who hasn’t gotten too attached to that Rattata or Pidgey? These early-game Pokémon (often the “regional rodent” or “regional bird”) are staples on any first playthrough of a new Pokémon game. They are readily available and will be a quick second party member after your starter before you can really round out your team as you progress.

To make these Pokémon more useful to starting players, it seems Game Freak has always kept their evolution levels fairly low. Pokémon like Starly and Pikipek (level 14), Sentret, Bidoof, and Shinx (15), and the Nidorans (16) evolve low, and often evolve to their final stage shortly after, making sure you have a decent party member early on.

6 Highest - Larvesta

As mentioned, Generation V has some ridiculously high level requirements for some Pokémon to evolve. There are few better examples of this than the fire/grass-type Larvesta, who evolves at a whopping level 59!

This fiery moth friend is often considered to be worth the wait, however, as Volcarona is a fantastic Pokémon with great stats. Compare this, though, to Dragonair, which evolves into Dragonite at 55. This was the former upper tier of evolution level.

5 Lowest - Starters

Your starter will often be one of the first Pokémon you evolve on a playthrough, mostly because it is with you from day one, used more often than your other Pokémon, and leveled quickly.

However, did you know that the starters have pretty low level requirements for evolving? Most of them clock in the mid-teens. Cyndaquil and Chimchar tie for the lowest of these, evolving at a super-low 14. Totodile and Turtwig tie for highest, at 18. This is still much lower than many Pokémon, though, ensuring your little starter buddy is on its way to glory early on.

4 Highest - Pseudo-legendaries

On the opposite end of the spectrum from the consistently-early starters, you’ll find the consistently high pseudo-legendaries. This group of super-strong ‘mons is full of species that evolve at such high levels, it can seem like an endless grind to maximize their potential.

Not only do the base stages evolve at consistently high levels, the middle stages then evolve much later than that, meaning you’ll be stuck with a base stage for a long time and still not be done by the time you evolve it. The average for base-to-middle stages is around level 34, and for middle-stage-to-final is about 52.

3 Lowest - Alternative Evolution Methods

There are many different ways of evolving Pokémon. While leveling them up is probably the most common, it’s far from the only one. Other methods include using a certain item like evolutionary stones, trading, and even spinning around in a circle in the case of Milcery.

Because of these methods, some Pokémon can evolve at basically any level so long as you have the other requirements. This means you can technically have a Pokémon evolve at level 1.

One perfect example of this is Eevee. This multi-evolution Pokémon can become Flareon, Vaporeon, or Jolteon as soon as it hatches from an egg. Karrablast and Shelmet can also be evolved by trading them for each other, again at level 1.

2 Highest - Deino and Zweilous

These multi-headed dinosaur dragons are infamous for their insanely high level of evolution. It takes some serious dedication to evolve these guys, especially given their mediocre speed stats that can make it seem like it’s taking even longer.

If you have the base-stage Deino, you’ll need to grind it to level 50 to get yourself a Zweilous — higher than most other evolutionary families, and we’re not even finished. From there, you’ll have to raise it to the record-breaking level 64 for Hydreigon. Quite the feat.

1 Lowest - Regional bugs and their evolutions

If you have no time to level up your Pokémon for their evolved forms, you’ll love the early-game bug-types. These little critters evolve at notoriously-low levels and often evolve a second time before most other Pokemon even evolve once.

Caterpie, Weedle, and Wurmple each evolve at level 7, the lowest of any ‘mon. Scatterbug is next, at level 9, followed by Kricketot and Blipbug at level 10. From here, the first set evolve a second time at level 10, with Spewpa (Scatterbug’s evolution) evolving at 12. You can’t beat that for a fully-evolved Pokémon.

NEXT: 10 Things We Could See From Pokémon In 2020 (That Aren’t Diamond And Pearl Remakes)