From the very beginning of Call of Duty: Warzone, players have been encountering many bugs and glitches. Although some are more game breaking than others, they can all be frustrating. Raven Software has rolled out patches to address some major bugs, but there always seems to be something new popping up. The latest bug to appear in Call of Duty: Warzone involves the RC-XD cars.

RC-XD cars can be useful in getting easy kills on nearby enemies. This kill streak can also be useful for scouting areas. However, the RC-XD car bug is making the kill streak unusable in the battle royale.


A clip of the bug in action was posted to the Call of Duty: Warzone Reddit page. As you can see, the player was in a duo match on Rebirth Island. They hide away in a corner to keep out of sight as they deploy the RC-XD car. After successfully locating an opponent with the RC-XD car, they successfully detonate it. However, they quickly realize that they are stuck on the RC-XD deployment screen. Also, it appears that they are unable to move or get out of the animation.

The RC-XD bug can be costly in Warzone

The frustrating RC-XD bug in Warzone simply guarantees that you will be eliminated from the match. If the animation continues for an extended period of time, you may have to leave the game. So far, it appears that the bug is appearing at random when using this killstreak. Therefore, you can continue to use the RC-XD, but it may be beneficial to avoid it for now in Rebirth Island.

Hopefully this is an issue that Raven Software will fix in a near-future patch. For now, you can keep an eye on the bugs and glitches that the developers are working on using the Warzone Trello Board.