“To B or not to B?” That is the question Nintendo appears to have been asking when making one Switch Lite model, as a Reddit user has discovered their newly purchased portable gaming device is missing the vital B button on its controls. Guess Nintendo opted “not to B…”

On October 16, Reddit user u/leviatanCL posted of his unique model asking “How common is this?” referring to his Switch Lite. In the photo, it appears this Switch is not only missing a B button but also has two Y buttons with one in the place where a B button should be. While this harmless defect is likely just an honest mistake that won’t disrupt or prevent gameplay, it certainly makes for an interesting and rare design. It also begs the important question: Now, Y would that B there?

The image has sparked a lengthy discussion thread, with many subreddit comments speculating if there’s a fellow Switch Lite out there missing a Y button and instead has two B buttons. So far, there’s been no reported case.

Some comments have also wondered if the manufacturing mistaken model might result in a high price if sold online. After all, previous defective Nintendo products, like an erroneously constructed 2014 Metroid Amiibo, have been sold on eBay for $2,500.

Though u/leviatanCL has not reported any issues when it comes to using his abnormal device, subreddit comments have hypothesized that the error may cause the accuracy and sensitivity of the “B” button controls to decrease over time, as each button has design differences that lock inside the shell. In fact, there are a good number of comments expressing their confusion over how something like this could have happened, given the unique fit each button has within the Switch’s shell.

When Nintendo announced the creation of the Nintendo Switch Lite back in July, early photos of the model promised that the only difference in controls would be the removal of joy-cons and the addition of a real D-pad on the left side of the console. Of course, they never mentioned that some select models might be integral missing buttons completely.