Turns out Eurocom was developing Spider-Man 4 for Nintendo Wii, and a prototype of the game has recently come to light.

Marvel’s Spider-Man took the video game world by storm in 2018. The lauded PS4 exclusive received all sorts of awards and went on to become the best-selling superhero game of all time, surpassing Batman: Arkham City. What younger fans might not know is Spidey has a rich history when it comes to addictive and ground-breaking video games dating back to the Tobey Maguire era.

A trilogy of Spider-Man games were created during the early 2000s to accompany the three movies. However, when the Maguire era came to an end, so did the critically-acclaimed games that had been released alongside it. It was confirmed long ago that there was a Spider-Man 4 movie in the works before the franchise was rebooted. Now Gaming Alexandria has discovered that there was also going to be a fourth game.

The site is dedicated to preserving gaming history, and this is a piece that might have never been seen by the masses otherwise. The prototype for Spider-Man 4 was being developed for Nintendo Wii and as you can see in the video below, although development was very much underway, it hadn’t gotten very far. A lot of the areas Spidey can swing through are unfinished and untextured.

Perhaps the most interesting thing of all about what the game reveals is the insight it gives fans into what a fourth movie would have included. The previous three games were very much tied into the movies so it’s probably safe to assume the fourth would have done the same. The prototype confirms that the Vulture would have been the game’s featured villain, which was also the plan for the movie according to director Sam Raimi.

It’s a real shame that the gaming side of things came to an end at Spider-Man 3 all those years ago. Although the third movie was a disappointment, all three games held up and we’re sure a fourth would have been great, too. For players who want to give the prototype a try, Gaming Alexandria has it available to download for free on their site right now.

Source: Gaming Alexandria